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My mother had hip surgery & was up & walking after a couple days...but she was about 66 yo then . On the other hand, when my Grandma fell & broke her hip, & had surgery, she really didn’t get to walking good after that..she was about 89 or 90 yo . Take her to hip surgeon again for follow up & demand an X Ray. Hugs 🤗
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Ummmm yeah!!! My 67yo friend just had hip surgery in august and she’s still in terrible pain and can barely walk!
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Was it a complete hip replacement? My mother broke her hip at age 80. She opted to have pins put in to try to stabilize the break instead of a complete replacement. After a few months she was still having pain so the surgeon went back in and "backed out" the screws thinking that would help. Pain kept up, turns out the head of the femur had died and she ended up with a complete hip replacement after all.
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Sedentary life styles can hinder wellness. On top of breaking her hip it may take longer to get better. Prayers sent.💞
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My dad "severely bruised" (Dr. diagnosis) a hip at age 82; went to the E.R. he preferred. Back at home he continued to complain about severe pain. The same night I called the E.R. and spoke to a nurse who said she didn't tell me this, but "Take him to another hospital E.R.". I did. He had fractured that hip and the first E.R. Dr. missed it. Off to re-hab, where he greatly improved, but could not live in independent living again. The gist of this: seek another opinion. Personally I have learned not to discount another person's pain. We simply don't know how much pain another may be in and how their pain tolerance differs from our own. Good luck.
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Girlsaylor Oct 2019
So glad you persisted in getting Dad properly diagnosed and the care he should have had first time around. It infuriates me when somebody discounts another person’s pain. If it’s a medically trained person, it is unconscionable.
My Mom is still experiencing pain and is still afraid to put weight on it. She had a follow up with her surgeon today and another xray and he says everything is healing fine and that she can put weight on it whenever she is ready. He said because of her age this isn't unusual so we will keep pushing her and we hope as her pain subsides she will push herself harder.🤞🙏
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PK1111~I cannot even fathom what that would be like at that age, but I am 61 and found out recently that there is such a thing as HSP: Highly Sensitive Person. My husband and I had the EXACT same surgery on our neck(s) fusing the SAME 3 bones by the SAME surgeon and he was up and running a week, I was in horrible pain for 6 months, and it was almost a year before I 'recovered'. The healing time difference was SO different! My diet is exemplary compared to his, and yet his recovery was fast. Point being that different people recover at different rates and yes, even to extremes. Just sharing for context.
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My mom is also 89, fell and had to have a hip replacement surgery on 10/31/19. After surgery they had her up and walking with assistance, everything seemed good. She was discharged from the hospital and placed in a short term rehab facility. Progress has been slow due to extreme pain in her groin area. They have done two x-rays and both have come back clear. Her complaints of pain are falling on deaf ears. The doctor at her facility gives me the impression that he thinks she is just being defiant. She is now refusing PT that requires standing. I am at a loss for how to help. She is taking a mild pain medication. I think she may need something stronger before heading to PT. I wanted to thank you for posting. Prayers that your mom have pain relief soon.
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Beatty Nov 2019
Wishing the best for your mum's recovery too.
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"they think that she is afraid of the pain and that she anticipates before the pain even starts".

Have definately seen this. Physio calls these pts *head screamers* as in the head thinks of screaming regardless of actual pain - mostly nervous worrying types. No shame in it - we all have our own personality type... Is she like that?

If not, I'd be wondering about fractures elsewhere? Pelvis? Femur? Even stress fracture on good leg? (If putting all weight onto it).

**Edit just saw post was Oct - hope she is doing much better now! **
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I think it has something to do with the fact that she is 89
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I had hip repair surgery (not replacement) and was not permitted to put full weight on that hip/leg for at least six weeks. I could put partial weight on that leg while using a walker. I was in a lot of pain for several weeks even after weight bearing, but eventually the pain calms down as tissues recover from the surgery.
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