
My husband went and got my mother and step dad to bring them to get showers and do laundry plus eat. . He had already took and got them some bottled water, We were in the process of moving them as we had them a home to move them into. My mother had received a eviction notice so being that this was family that was working with me to move her that had evicted her and though it had gotten bad with the other family member suppose to be get care giver as far as a paid Willy check to tend to her but instead was calling in and leaving her 2 yr old son there and was NEVER doing her job. . I'm her youngest and was pushed out due to the do called caregiver, I finally was able to drop all this than my family care giver turned her against all of us now remember this so called care giver I calledher work and got her fired so with money and all that was happening my mom is now homeless other than the home we got her and all get MONEY distros is going on this person. The one that did give the eviction notice was also passing mom's bills and the so called care giver fit to the fact that care giver was and is taking moms MONEY. . The owner of the home that wrote the eviction notice was paying all bills for numerous ppl in the FAMILY other than my Husband and I. .. I NEED advice NOW plzzzzzz

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As a fellow Arkansan, I am guessing that what happened is that you were retaliated against for taking your mom into your own care and away from the situation where the so-called caregiver was taking advantage of her and she was beign evicted anyway. Anybody can call in a report, and then APS is obliged to investigate. But if your place for Mom is OK they will almost certainly see through the report being inappropriately called in and "unfound" it. Police involvement is not that unusual, depending on the allegations. They wil actually have to come check any and every time an allegation is made, but again, don't let it frighten you, be respectful and pleasant to the APS workers and the police staff, and they may become your best allies in terms of providing and connecting you with any resrouces or help you can get to take care of Mom - including elder legal help if you need it to prevent someone from inappropriately taking over care again.

So sorry you all have been victimized in this way, and hope it all goes well for you now!!
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Yes, the police are required by law to respond with a welfare check, to find the elder wherever they are WHEN Adult Protective Services (APS) is called out. The agencies try to work together to protect seniors from abuse. Does this answer your question?
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Ditto I know I am not typist but I am so sorry I cant get to grips with this - let's try to unravel it

My husband went and got my mother and step dad to bring them to get showers and do laundry plus eat.

OK understand this bit - I assume this was for a visit? not to stay at your place permanently

He had already took and got them some bottled water - I'm sure this has relevance but not sure what

We were in the process of moving them as we had them a home to move them into. My mother had received a eviction notice so being that this was family that was working with me to move her that had evicted her and though it had gotten bad with the other family member suppose to be get care giver as far as a paid Willy check to tend to her but instead was calling in and leaving her 2 yr old son there and was NEVER doing her job.

Now this bit I am stuck on.

Your mum and step dad are being evicted and the people who were evicting her had a good relationship with you and you were working together to facilitate the move? Yes?

So do I take it from the next bit that house she was being evicted from had a family member who was acting as caregiver to mum and step-dad?
OR are you saying that an elder sibling of yours was supposed to be doing the care-giving - which seems more likely

Issue over a willy check but that's minor. I assume that you were paying her and that she was not doing her job but using your mum and step-dad as childminders (for which SHE should having be paying THEM I might add)

Now at a complete loss because all previous thoughts seem wrong

I'm her youngest and was pushed out due to the so called caregiver, I finally was able to drop all this then my family care giver turned her against all of us now remember this so called care giver I called her work and got her fired so with money and all that was happening my mom is now homeless other than the home we got her and all get MONEY distros is going on this person.

So this care-giver is hired? from an agency? and you got her fired?
I dont understand this next bit?
and all get MONEY distros is going on this person.? You distrust this person or your mum is distressed? Something else?

The one that did give the eviction notice was also passing mom's bills and the so called care giver fit to the fact that care giver was and is taking moms MONEY. .

Passing mum's bills to the caregiver? and she was paying them with your Mum's money? (fit to the fact that care giver was and is taking moms MONEY. .)

The owner of the home that wrote the eviction notice was paying all bills for numerous ppl in the FAMILY other than my Husband and I. .. I NEED advice NOW plzzzzzz

And this bit makes no sense if the home owner was paying the bills then the money wouldn't go to your family it would go to the people who sent the bills. And why would they be paying family bills?
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I couldn't figure it out either.
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Pam, I had a difficult time trying to figure it out, too. Mom is homeless except for the house the daughter has for her???
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you are ahead of me.. I could not make heads or tails of this post. Maybe it;s me?
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Never heard of getting POA paperwork from a library and having it notarized. I personally would not except one done this way. With problems some people have had with banks and POAs I would make surevit was done by a lawyer who has you and your mother and father present. Then do what Pamstegma suggests.
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You would probably be better off to step back and let the County Social Services pursue an order of protection. They have the power to initiate a full investigation of where all the money went for the past 5 years, as well as see that the parents are moved to a safe place. When it gets this complicated, you avoid a lot of headaches by letting APS (adult protective services) take over.
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1. If there was theft involved, then yes, it is a matter for the police. Try to get someone to help you communicate clearly what the infraction was.
2. If someone is "taking mom's money" because they feel they provided Mom with rent or services, then that is a problem to work out among yourselves or with the help of someone outside the family or situation. Ask at the senior center if there is an eldercare expert or social worker who would meet with you to hear the problem and look for people who could help you.
3. Get POA, Power Of Attorney - go to the library for the paperwork, fill it out and get it stamped by a Notary (banks have Notaries).
4. Stop it from happening into the future. Go to the bank and get yourself put on Mom's accounts as POA. The bank can mark previous check numbers as stolen. Then you can start a new pad of checks with new numbers that would still be good. The others that were stolen will be refused if they try to use them. Get new cards. Change all passwords.
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What's is a Willy check? And just what information are you looking to find here, does your mother have Alzheimer's?
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