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I believe we are here to both learn and teach, until we learn God's lessons well enough to stop suffering. We are here to interact for the highest Good we can manage--which does not always work out optimally--there are plenty folks at all levels of striving, and plenty who are clueless and stirring the mix making things worse.
As we can see from the various lists on this site, it is really tough--none of us are Saints, but perhaps, saints-in-progress?
God made everything in Creation, and most of it is a Great Mystery to us-
--any who think they know it all, surely have not looked far or deep!
Perhaps it is up to us, in the times of greatest despair,
to find little bits of good to hang onto,
to help pull ourselves back up, so we can carry on,
knowing we are blessed to be breathing, to wake and feel or see the sun, for instance, when many cannot.
It counts, to feel Thankful for what we have, even tiny things, to help find Joy in the midst of whatever we despair about in a particular moment.
There have been times when I felt ready to stop breathing, until I realized there were "threads" all over the place to start grabbing onto, to weave into stronger ropes to hold onto and climb up.
Over and over.
There MUST be a reason for that, even if I do not understand it.
I trust that God is Love that created everything.
For whatever reason, there is the opposite, since we live in an existence of opposites [dichotomy]--there is nothing on the planet or in the known Universe, with only one side, no matter how thin anything is sliced.
There are opposites everywhere.
What matters is what we choose to do with that, how we choose to behave in our world.
We can choose Love, or we can choose fear/anger--those opposites cannot exist at the same time within us, pretty much a Law of Physics--opposites cannot exist in the same time and space.
If we allow fear to drive us, we lose out on truly feeling Love.
If we truly let Love fill our hearts, fear has no power over us.
God gave us free will to choose, then admonished everyone to avoid judging, since that is God's domain.
Yet that happens.
It is still up to each of us, to learn to choose Love, to let Love fill our hearts.
We have had many examples given over time; that is why more teachers keep presenting themselves over the ages--because we have not gotten it quite right yet...we are works in progress, and we are Loved, no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in.
Find that Love, find the Thankfulness and the Joy,
even if it is only for a drink of clean water each day
--that one drink of clean water each day is a really big deal for so many!
So when any of us find ourselves overwhelmed, keep one thought you can grab onto, to hold on, to help you feel lifted up even that little bit.
From that tiny bit, other tiny threads of Hope start coming, and help to hold on.
We suffer as much and until we managed to hold SO tightly to Love, to allow Love to fill us SO thoroughly, that no fear or disaster is able to weasel it's way back in to disturb our equilibrium.
When we have mastered that ability, we will no longer suffer.
Until then, we must do our best to be weavers of Faith, Hope and Patience, to keep enduring until we get there!
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saints in progress, i like that. there are oposites because there must be balance, if there wasnt death, life wouldnt be precious. without evil, how do you know good? everything must be balanced no matter what your looking at. i dont know why we get picked, but i dont ask why. i know one thing, God wont call me home until he wants me there. you wont die until your numbers up, when your numbers up, your gone. its not scary, its different. whats scary is our bodies getting old and falling apart. now you can function in almost any body if youve got a good strong mind, , so when that falters on you, its terrifying. i kind of know, im going through surgical menapause at 44 and with that come adjusting, i know that, but for two days, my mind was 'shut down for repairs' and i knew my name, i knew i was dressed, and thats about it. i was so scared that my mind went into alzheimers mode and all i could think was i need a babysitter till this passes. who can i hire? but i couldnt dial a phone to order a pizza! my mind usually has a millions things flowing, but it shut down. i wanted to find someone to just let me follow them and watch me. like if you were in a car accident and had to relearn stuff,i had to laugh at myself for going from 1,00000 to 5 overnight, i knew mine would pass. i think thats part of our strength, we can 'fix' ourselfs real fast because our 'charge; comes first.
these i belive people have angels, that watch over us and keep us out of trouble, im sure im not the only ones thats seen them. usually its people from our past that save us from that near miss car wreck that should have killed us, thats angels. what do you want to bet they were caregivers just like us when they were here? God picked us, we will know why later, just have to know that we wont be given more than we can handle. if your slipping, pray for strength. thats the one thing you can always ask for and its always granted.
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Just got back from visiting my mom for mother's day, she was yelling at one of the roommates where she sits during the day saying that she is trying to frame her. All of the aides started laughing. The head nurse said it is okay that they yell, the next minute they will be friends. I just can't deal with this. The aide told me to go home and not to go back the rest of the day. So sad, not a good mother's day.
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bilmo, easy, you sound fed up and stressed like we all get, yeah, a lot of things suck, but theres still some good. if you belive the world sucks with no hope, then unfortunatly thats what your gonna see, and no im not a 'think positive all is happy and unicorns,' no i been kicked in the teeth more than most i know, but im not gonna trip on it. being adopted i did kinda come into this world alone, i firmly belive in doing good because its the only way any kind of karmas gonna smile on you, if you give into thinking dark, then your gonna live with a cloud over you.
if your in a place you cant tolerate anymore, then get out! safe yourself because nobody else will . im saying, i get dark too, belive me, but you feel tons better within yourself for yourself, if you dont let yourself think dark.
the beach works for me. sounds simple, but ive run the gammot of ways to feel better and it all comes back to you must feel good in your skin for you.. dont even let the world get you, because guess what it will. dark gets real heavy. you have to get it away from you. get away from what is stressing you, if its the world getting you down, then go camping. you are on this earth until your not. you can carry the evils of the world but that will crush you. like they say, 'do you boo. do you' in other words, clear your head because it really hurts when you dont. hang in there, theres a reason your here.
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Some might call me delusional, but I DO believe in "Angels"!
I have seen them, received good guidance from them, and know that "Angels" come in both the ephemeral kinds, as well as the flesh-and-blood kinds that simply intervene just at the right moment, with the right words or actions to help us wake up from a particular "nightmare" event of the moment.
Having also experienced near death a few times, "death" of the current body does not exactly cause fear; I know what's there, where we all come from really and where we are going after this.
It is always a surprise why I am still here: in other words, there MUST be really good reasons for me to be here, good, bad or indifferent, or I simply wouldn't be!
And nope, knowing all that, does not make the hard bits easier, to speak of, they are still tough go's, and it is still too easy to get sucked into the depths of incapacity. One might think that having a sense of knowing, would exempt one from the deepest hardships, but it doesn’t.
Love is really all there is. It is the only thing in the Universe with true strength.
Of course, fear has appearance of that, but it is counterfeit in its supposed "strength".
The very second one remembers the slightest glimmer of Love's strength, is when we again become our genuine best selves and emerge from the wreckage of whatever catastrophe we the very measure we let Love in to direct our lives.
Yet I still struggle sometimes, get overwhelmed sometimes; sometimes catastrophically so...then I need friends to remind me of the right track to get back on, same as I do for them when they need it, too! We are in this together. It simply works better that way!
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Bilmo, your post was not offensive to me at all. I think the same things!!! We are all in this together. Hope we all have a good day today!!
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MaryAnn57! I have no children but I did get a mother's day gift from my dog! I bought it for myself and told her it was from her. She loves me so much that she would have bought it if she could have. Sometimes you just gotta take care of yourself! Love to all who post!
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My friends tell me I am going for sainthood, that hurts when they say it, because I don't want to go for sainthood, I just want a nice normal life with no more sickness in it like I used to have and they all have.
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Remember "this too shall pass" and forget about going for sainthood - you're already there! God is going to send a hot air balloon down from heaven for me. I don't think I'm even going to have to die first! I believe one day the heavens will open and a balloon will drop in my backyard and I'll just jump in! There you go and the rest is history! He'll probably send one for you too!

Seriously Maryann! I know it seems like you're the only one going through this but your friends will get a turn if they haven't already! My only advice to you is not to talk to too many of the "earth people" about what's going on in your life at the moment. Few people know how to react and offer support if they have not been through this kind of thing. Find a support group or get some personal counseling. Believe me it helps. We all want a normal life with no sickness! One day you will have it! Take one day at a time - if you take any more - it's overwhelming! Love to you!
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Thanks golfgirl,
Don't have any friends that are going through this now, the ones I do have are too busy to talk about it. I guess I am just too sensitive right now, thank god for this group I can vent to!! Love to you too!!!
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Yes, we hear you and can identify with your feelings. There is a great deal of compassion on this website and some good advice as well. We feel your pain! Most of us have been where you are now or are in your same spot at the moment. This is a tough, tough situation to go through. Please find some support for yourself. It will help you so much!
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