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So many good suggestions. The only thing I didn't see was dehydration. It can cause all sorts of weird manifestations, including disorientation and forgetfulness. Good luck and prayers.
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hallah Jul 2021
As you said, so many good suggestions. I’m taking all in consideration.

As for hydrating, she drinks 8 to 10 16oz glasses of water a day. I tease her and tell her she’s like a sponge.

Thank you for the prayers!
I was also thinking about a UTI. Rather common in older folks, and TMI, but if you don't hear much of a stream, think UTI or dehydration...

As for medications, read the prescribing info and decide. If she literally is doing this for a half hour out of a 24-hour day, that doesn't sound like GAD.
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I am thinking that she might be experiencing the early discomfort of a UTI where no position may feel comfortable or she has a constipation problem developing. Please check with her usual doctor for an evaluation.
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Thanks to BevtheGreat for the pacing lion comparison.   I think she's "onto something" and thought of her explanation in terms of my own behavior.    When I get restless (inside), I find that gentle exercise and concentrating on the movements redirects my attention, and wakes up my brain.  

My father used to play his favorite CDs while working out on one of the bicycle/armcycle devices that have recently been the subject of boring, repetitive and definitely not inspiring ads.   The devices themselves are great though. 

One of the more pricey units, at WalMart:

A cheaper unit, like Dad had and worked fine for him:

This one probably would require something heavy on the feet to keep the device from moving around.   I would probably just pile  up some paperback books on the feet.

I'm guessing that DME stores would sell them as well.  My father's unit is now mine.
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Thanks again to all. I’ll be keeping watch on what may be going on with my wife and restlessness.
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It sounds like she could be trying to get comfortable, but it just isn’t working.

UTI? Constipation? Ill fitting or pinching garments? Upset stomach? Indigestion/Gas/Bloating?
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Anxiety comes in many weird forms of behavior. My mom would rummage through her purse for an hour looking for nothing. Her finger nails digging and scraping the bottom of an almost empty purse drove us crazy. We even offered to help her find what she was looking for. But she only wanted to continue her search for nothing. It was the beginning of many anxiety episodes. There’s many anxiety medications that can be prescribed to help relax her behavior.
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My mom walks from her bedroom to the carport at least 60 times a day. I get frustrated by this for many reasons but understand it is what it is, as they say. She still smokes at 85, in fact she obsessively smokes now because she can’t remember she just smoked. I’ve tried but this is her loop.
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Imho, perhaps a visit to her physician is in order just to rule out a U.T.I.
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I don't have anything new to add, there are so many helpful answers here already. I wish you well working through this issue, sending prayers for you and your wife.
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