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Are you still in therapy? If you are not, please run, do not walk, to a therapist. Work on you. Work on making a friend at work. Join a book club at a local book store; join a church, go take a ceramics class. Do SOMETHING that will fill your time and get you out around other people.

You are in a toxic relationship. Nobody should be "making" your cat lose weight unless your vet advises that. I would be as cautious about this young man as you are about his mother.
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After the doctor helped them won the car against the bus accident, she turned around and sued the doctor. Of course he couldn't admit to hurting a patient and she won that too
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He came out of the accident unhurt****** now he has scars on his back. Burn scars from where the doctor hurt him.
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Also i am extremely causious of having her around my child. My bf told me a story of how they where in a bus accident. That's how she hurt her hip and leg and began a life on disability. He can out of the accident unhurt. But she took him to a doctor who HURT HIM ON PURPOSE so that the mother could say he was hurt in the accident and sue for more money. ... if she is willing to hurt her own child. I can only imagine what she will try to do with mine.
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It might have been the wrong word "limitation" i probably don't know the right word to use. I just ment top say he is very stern with me worth something her is very leanient with his mother. He is the one to decide my cat needed to lose weight not the vet. And like hell I'm bringing a baby into this, right now i just want to work on ourselves. ... as for why i love him. I guess I've always had. We met on the first day of 9th grade. And just fell in love. I can be myself around him. Completely myself. Which is very hard for me to do with anyone. I was diagnosed with dipression and bipolar. So early in life i have been to therapy and take medication. He excepts me for who i am. I don't have any friends, i just can't manage to keep them, i have a very hard time emotionally attaching myself to anyone. So he's my everything.
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How is that putting limitations on you? Is he the one limiting your cat's caloric intake? Is this being done under the supervision of your cat's vet?

What is it about him that you love?

You could certainly TRY couples therapy. It might be eye opening for you. Please, don't assume that it's going to change him significantly. And please don't assume that bringing a baby into the picture is going to make things any different.
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Is it right for you to ask him?

Nothing wrong with asking him. Good luck with that.

You are kind of missing one major point, though, which is that your boyfriend cannot "put" your mother in a home. Where she lives is her decision, not his. So what you're talking about, when you dig down a little, is not his putting her in a home but his refusing to help her to the extent that she is forced to make her own decision to move into long term care. So the developments you are hoping to see unfold are: a) that your boyfriend starts treating his mother with tough love and b) that his mother becomes a rational, practical person who sees sense. How optimistic are you feeling now?

One very important thing to keep in mind: your boyfriend loves his mother, you don't. You really don't, and who can blame you? - she's a pest, and she's in your way. If you want to stick with this relationship, then, what you need to do is shift your focus from caring for his mother (face it, you don't) to caring for him. Thinking about how he feels about every interaction with her, and very carefully working on that.

I'm afraid, being old and cynical, that I go along with the general consensus here that you are on a hiding to nothing. But you are young and strong and you want to make it work, and you have your whole future as a couple to play for… so who knows? Be careful, don't get in so deep you can't get out if you need to, and best of luck to you.
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I understand now that putting her in a home is out of the question. I'm really wanting to get couples therapy. And possibly pay someone to spend time with her, feed her and clean after her. since she absolutely needs someone there everyday. Me and my bf definatly need help
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Putting her in a home wouldn't really help. He'd just be there every night tending to her wants and listening to her complaints, instead of doing that at her home.

Your boyfriend needs counseling. So do you, IMO. No, you shouldn't ask him to put his mother in a home. You are within your rights to ask him to come home after work unless there's some emergency requiring his presence somewhere else.

He is a mama's boy. Her feelings are more important to him than yours are. Since she plays on that, you won't have a successful relationship with him until he changes that, if he can.
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An example is he puts limitations on me. Such as my cat is to "fat" so we put him on a diet of half a cup of food in the morning and half at night. But with his mother her dogs are obese, MORBIDLY obese. To the point of the poor animals cant even walk a couple feet without having to sit down and be out of breath. Yet he buys her 3 different types of food for the dogs. Dry food , cans of wet food, treats. And she feeds them cheese and other people food. .... when i asked him about this. His excuse was that his mother is stubborn and is easier to get her what she wants rather than listen to her complain or let her leave the house on her own. (She spends every day doped up smoking cigarette s and drinking coke on the couch)
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Do you think that getting couples therapy will help him see his unhealthy relationship with his mother?

He is really so blind to her faults and sees her like an angel who can do no wrong. When in reality she is the most selfish person i have ever met in my life.

I don't want to leave him i love him so much. I just wish he would see things differently.
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Neetty, when you are in a good relationship, you find that there is hardly ever a need to ask "is it right that I think...". In a good relationship, no one is telling you that it is wrong to think or feel the way you do.
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Your boyfriend cannot "put" his mother anywhere, unless he's her guardian. She is not his responsibility.

BF' S mother is mentally ill. She needs treatment and a caseworker.
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NEETTY, would he consider counseling? The relationship he has with his mother is not healthy. It is going to be very hard for him to detach himself from the role he has played since childhood.

Frankly I don't think you are going to be able to convince him. Sorry.

You don't mention his mother's age, but guessing from his and his position as the 6th child I'd guess she is in her 60's. You could be dealing with this mama's boy for another 3 decades. Even if she is in a nursing home, can you really see yourself settling for whatever scraps of energy he has left for you after tending to his mother first and foremost?

Better to face this now, while you have plenty of time to make a life for yourself not dependent on him.
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My dear, run, do not walk, away from this situation. Your boyfriend is an emotional slave to his mother. This codependent relationship between them will NOT change.

Find a therapist who can help you through the breakup and who will also help you understand why you allowed yourself to get sucked into putting up with this for so long. Do not look back.
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I have already told him that if he moves in with his mom that i would end the relationship. I love him dearly and i do want to spend the rest of my life with him, i just can't stand his mother.

How do i convince him to put her in a home, or at the very least pay someone to take care of her so she doesn't consume his life.
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BTW, I do feel sorry for his mom, who has been disabled so long, and who is alienated from her other children. Sad situation. No reason to ruin your life, though.
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I kinda lost it back at the third paragraph. He made you apologize!? Whoa. What kind of relationship is that, that one person can "make" the other do something?

You are lucky to see the real situation before you make it permanent or start a family with the not-quite-a-man. By all means, encourage him to move back in with his mother. End your relationship with him. Meet people who are worthy of you and are ready to start their own adult lives.
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Forgot to mention that my bf is the youngest of 6 siblings. His brothers and sisters have distanced themselves from thier mother. To the point where there is almost no contact. So soul responsiblity of the mother falls on my bf shoulders.
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