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Ah. That's a bit different.

Does your father like this aide?

You have already stated that she does a decent job when working with him. That is "damning with faint praise," a little bit... Is she a good, capable, conscientious aide?

I assume she doesn't complain disrespectfully about you or her co-worker to your face. You've been hearing reports through other people and it's annoyed you. To my mind, that is a poor reason to lose a reliable aide - it's gossip, and you might be being very unfair.

Write a list of the grievances or dissatisfactions that you have been told she has mentioned. Ask her about them, get to the bottom of them; and then when you've addressed her issues say something like "I do need to say this to you. If there's anything that bothers you at work, please discuss it me and please never discuss what goes on in our home with outsiders - even outsiders who are family members. It's a question of confidentiality and I need to know you appreciate that."

Anyway, good luck and let us know how it goes!
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Come back and tell us how it goes.

U may want to explain that ur family member is just your representative but ur her employer. If she has any complaints, she is to come to you.
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Also, yes I have replacements on call, the individual is talking about me & other aide to another family member (who is a representative for me when I am not in town). Private hire, no agency.
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Thank you all. I realized I missed some key information (posted after 2am). I am POA & pay all aides. The aide does a decent job with father but is talking about the other aide and me and it can cause a disruption with the work to be done. There seems to be some jealousy and deception. In an effort to not be spiteful, I did not want to let the aide go unless it was under probable cause, but I feel like if the individual is unhappy or continues to be disrespectful and I'm paying, I would rather have a more pleasant aide so that it will not disturb the job the individual was paid to do. I do plan to speak with the individual one-on-one to attempt to settle all discrepancies. I just want to know if anyone has had any similar situations in eliminating pettiness.
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Yes, need more info.

Your profile says ur caring for ur father. Is the aide for him? Is the aide talking to someone else about you or your father. Do you have the responsibility to pay this aide? Out of Dads money or yours.

Since ur profile says Dad has ALZ/Dementia, I will assume you hired the the aide. Really doesn't matter how she is getting paid, ur the employer. No healthcare provider should talk about any of her clients. It's unprofessional. If your the one she answers to, she should be doing what u request within her job description.

I worked as a secretary for a Visiting Nurse Assoc. My nurses were told that they needed to remember that they were going into peoples homes. As such, they just go in and do the job they had orders for. You don't tell them what to do.
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Ditto to what Countrymouse asked, please provide the info requested.
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Talk about you to whom?

Are you the health care recipient, or a family member?

If this health aide looks after you, and talks about you in breach of confidentiality rules, then that's instant dismissal. Do you have a replacement lined up? Does the aide work directly for you, or for an agency?
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