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(((((hugs))))) all around - cm, I get it, and I am having to shut my female sib out now for my survival She say mothers has a few little emotional problems - coming from someone who has a few little emotional problems herself, I suppose BPD, narcissism and paranoid don't seem so bad!!!

kazzaa LOL - that gave me a much needed laugh. I like your imagination. These days are a bit rough and a good laugh helps. Part of what keeps us going,
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Me too, LOL. I was thinking while reading your spastic rant that we all must be the nutty ones. I'm sure that you are right about them colluding with each other to get what they want and act any way they damn please all for the purpose of making us work harder and trying to make us miserable. LOL!
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OMW... your family does not deserve you!
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Kazzaa you crack me up - dementia as a strategy. I've had fleeting suspicions too… Clever! xxx
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hmmm...I don't suppose I should really suggest this, but Kazaa, you COULD actually clean out a cat food tin, put regular tuna in it for Mom and see what she thinks of that! And who would believe her that you actually did it. Revenge...if only in our fantasies. Right next to the alternative EMS calls...for Emergency Margarita Service.
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My father kept a sign on his desk that said "Live long enough to become a problem to your children". Gotta love his Irish sense of humor.
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Tina Turner couldn't just walk away from all that abuse. It wasn't that easy. And for now, neither can you.

Pretend your sibs don't exist, and start scouring the recesses of your neighborhood for free or low-cost helping hands. Like I say sometimes in Spanish, "El que no llora no mama". Put simply, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

As a parent, I owed my sons the moment they were born. They didn't ask me to bring them into my world, so I've never expected them to drop what they're doing and come to the rescue. Whatever they do for me comes from their heart and moral compass, and never has a price tag attached to it.
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kazzaa! so funny!! mine is addicted to hoarders! and biggest loser cause she makes fun of fat people. oh hee hee hee. oh and that storage wars so she can make fun of people!!!!! Ya, part of me things they know alot more about what they are doing than they let on. I would have been beaten as a toddler if I did ANY of that. My sibling and I are just on pins and needles right now waiting for something to blow up.
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MVB yep mum loves storage wars too! oh and this will make her happy theres a new programme now called "food hoarders"! What next? Maybe ill become a "husband hoarder?"
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Sister paid for my hair and is bringing me out to dinner tomorrow night she bought the shopping and also paid for mums hair? I just take what i can get she owes me big! id rather she took even one of her 10 week holidays and spent even a week here but shes clever enough the odd weekend home now just to do her bit? Anywhoo im going to suggest she takes mum over to paris for a week? see how she like them apples!
If I had the money i would buy mum a ticket to paris and just text my sister to pick her up at the airport?
Ive decided to stuff them why bother wasting your breath,time and energy on them there will be plenty to say when mum dies.
Mum feels guilty that my sis paid for my hair? she expects me to be eternally grateful? what she spent on me is nothing compared to the work i do of looking after mum 24/7 over 5yrs?
She will fly back now and here we go again!!!!!!
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I have the same group of siblings... They are occasionally forced to do something magnanimous like show up, yet I am the one who is expected to get her dressed for the occasion, to get the house ready for the entourage of family, usually cook them a meal, wait on them, and clean up their filth afterward also. If I express any feelings to my other elderly parent that it is too much on me I am told I do not want to be part of the family and I am keeping them from their grandchildren. They tried planning one of these fiascos recently and I suggested they take mom out somewhere. I was told they would rather do it at the house. And why wouldn't they? They show up for a free meal then leave and in their twisted minds they've done something for her. I am starting not to care whether they think I am antisocial, I hate their laziness that much that their behavior in acting like their mere appearance is akin to an audience with the queen. I really think God is going to show them someday where they went wrong.
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