
My two brothers who are power of attorney have chosen to turn a blind eye.and we are afraid if we go to the police my mother will be put in care so we are stuck can you help. My sister is still stealing and nothing is said to her.although we could get photograghic evidence from a particular cash machine if we went to the other sister and I have been threatened by the poa to keep our mouths shut

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Eddie, if you think your were rude, just wait till you hear what I have to say.

It frustrates and disturbs me when I see these frequent posts that someone is abusing an elder but for whatever reasons the family is allegedly afraid or unwilling to step up. These older people are vulnerable, especially to their families.

What's more important to you - protecting your mother or being afraid of what your brothers may or may not do? If they're making threats, they also need to be reported to the police.

Why would you be afraid that your mother would be removed and placed in a facility if you report the theft to the police? What do you think is going to happen if the theft isn't stopped?

If this theft is really occurring, then your mother is being exploited by the thieves and abused by those who are afraid to take any action.

You need to get all the documentation you have because that's what's needed to institute law enforcement involvement and action. Then go to the police.

If you're afraid of the brothers, tell that to the police and ask how to get a PPO.

You might also do some research to see what an "accessory" to a crime is. The fact that you have knowledge of a crime and aren't taking action might be considered as a crime in itself. Even if it's not legally, you have a moral obligation to stand up for your mother.
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Deepest apologies for my rudeness. I just have no patience for vultures who can't even wait until a helpless individual has crossed over. Absolutely none.
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Does Stealing Sister have a mental illness? An addiction? Is there some reason brother is trying to protect her? Is it possible the money is being used for outings with mother, etc?

It is just so hard to understand why a POA would stand by and let this happen. If Stealing Sis has an ATM card on mother's account, at the very least he should change accounts for Mom. Even if he doesn't want to see SS in trouble, he should be willing to put a stop to this. Can you raise this option with him? "OK, we won't get SS in trouble, but it has to stop right now. Change Mother's account, or report her card missing and get a new one." If he won't agree to stopping this, I think you need to report it -- IF you have evidence.
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myself and my other sister don't know what to do now as poa threatened us that if we went to the police he would deny any money missing and say it was used for my mothers outings and home improvements but my sister is still drawing money and now trying to say it is other family members including myself. help
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my sister also claims darers allowance and is supposed to spend 35 hours with mum ,however she spends no more than 4 hours a week at mums.she denies claiming carers allowance but we are certain she does.she also got the sack from her job last year for stealing so she is stealing money any way she can
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If they keep whittling away the little she has, the poor woman is going to end up in care anyway. That is, if you don't take her in. And by then there won't be much.

By keeping mum you're also turning a blind eye, and are just as guilty.

The least you can do is speak for someone who can't.
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Why have you been told to keep your mouth shut? 2 of you are aware of this, does POA have an interest in this theft? Are they getting something from this or just protecting sister?
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