
Yes, I said $90,000.00, more than half of his life savings. My sister was supposed to be taking care of paying my father's bills and other expenses and picking up his mail for him after he had two mild strokes two years ago, that left him partially blind. This past November, he asked me if I could go to the bank with him and have them tell him what was in his account. I asked about the bank statement he should be getting every month. He said my sister told him they didn't send him one anymore. I called BS to this, stating that even though I hardly ever do any activity on my one account, I still get a statement every month. So, I took him to the bank and he got a print out. Well, to find out, she had them him get a debit card, which she took possession of instantly. He never even physically touched the card. To find out, as soon as she activated it, she was draining money out EVERY DAY! Not only would she get out the max cash that was allowed, she shopped with it all over the place. (In one day, she used it at three different Wal- Marts!) In one day, she spent more than what his Social Security check is for one month. She wasn't even paying his utilities on time, so he was paying unnecessary late charges. On top of that, she has his Medicaid so screwed up I don't know where to begin with that. The real kicker was the lettesr I got today in his bundle of mail. She never paid his taxes last year, so now they are threatening to take his house. And a doctor is threatening to have a lien put on his house, because she never paid those bills either. (She was asked multiple times by myself and my father if she did, which she said she did.) When I found all of this out, my brother and I confronted her. She had a choice, either counseling or jail. Plus, she still had to help take care of him and start paying the money back. If she didn't agree, or failed to hold up her end, we would press charges. She claims she went to one counseling appointment so far, but has yet to pay him even a dime of his money back. And now, she barely even helps take care of him anymore. I reminded her that there is still time for my brother and I to press charges against her, also reminding her that she would be charged with Class A felonies and a federal charge for mail fraud. (My father asked her repeatedly to bring his mail to him, which she did not.) I made an appointment with a lawyer to become his Power of Attorney, went to the bank and made sure she couldn't get any information about his accounts, and went to the Post Office and put a stop to her picking up his mail. Is there anything else I can do? Thank you for letting me vent. I am so upset and depressed over this, I ended up getting shingles on my face. Any advice would be deeply appreciated.

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APS might be able to give you some helpful answers. They run across this type of thing for people who have no advocates. I'm so sorry for you having to go through this. Don't let it eat you up. Sounds to me like she needs full time care in a facility herself for destructive behavior called Co-Pendecy. Maybe she's on drugs? Whatever it is, she is needing help. One counseling session is not going to cut it. Get POA on your dad and kick her to the curb. Tough Love Sister. Prayers for you and your dad. 🙏Good Luck
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If you file fraud charges, the bank will probably give him back his money. You may want to prosecute the nephew too as an accomplice.
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Thank you, pamstegma. I will do that right now. Thank you to everyone for the advice and I welcome any more that can be given.
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Freqflier- I said the same thing! And considering that my father never spends more than a third of what he puts in the bank each month, you think that would have been a big red flag to them. They might have been sending him notices through the mail, but she was picking his mail up but not giving it to him, even when he asked for it.
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Go to the PA Attorney General office website and click on the link for Senior Abuse right in the middle of the home page.
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My brother and I would have pressed charges instantly, but my father said at the time he didn't want to see her go to jail and the lady at the bank told me it would have to be my father to press charges. (A few days later, I did find out different for that though, since he is considered elderly, even if he is of sound mind.) I think he changed his mind now though since we got that tax paper today. I know if the roles would have been reversed, she would have had me thrown in jail within the hour. Does anyone know who I should call? We don't have local police, so should it be the state police? Or is there a place that deals with aging and elderly that would be better to call? Like I said, I am a newbie at this and starting from nothing.
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Lawyer up, now, as well as calling police with what you have found out. Keep your own copies of anything you hand over. Sorry this has happened to you and your dad. You probably will not get much restitution, but at least you can stop it.
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I am surprised that the bank didn't tag this account noticing how quickly the money was being drained.
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I did not know about it until he asked me to take him to the bank in November, as I lived out of the area until then and thought I could trust my sister. I wish he would of mentioned it sooner when we talked on the phone. Since I found out, I have been on the phone almost everyday, trying to save his house, keep his electric and cable from getting shut off, talking to a lawyer, etc. On top of all of that, I go to his house everyday to clean up, do his laundry, walk the dogs and make sure he has decent food to eat. (She was buying his food from a Dollar Tree). So, no, I don't think they would see me as an accomplice. That would be her nineteen year old son who was with her every step of the way while on their spending spree.
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File charges against her immediately! Have you contact necessary people about taxes and the doctor involved? You know she is not going to do anything unless it is legally forced...get busy!
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She committed a crime, and if you know about it and did not report it, you can be charged as an accomplice.
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