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Is she not using the bedside commode because:
a) she forgets it's there
b) she finds it uncomfortable
c) she finds the idea of it distasteful
d) she doesn't like to use it with your father in the room?

Finding out exactly what her objection(s) is/are is helpful, because there is usually a solution to each one.

a) Suppose it simply doesn't cross her mind to use the commode, which would be completely understandable: she wakes up in the night, she wanders off to the bathroom as she has been doing most of her adult life. He could put a pressure pad alarm by the bed so that he wakes when she gets up, and encourage your mother to use the commode instead of going to the bathroom during the night.
b) Sit on it yourself. How comfortable would you find it with a bare bottom? There are many styles and sizes on the market, if the one she has is not great consider getting a better one. Also consider whether it is easy enough to get up from, and find out if you can whether she's ever got stuck on it. Experiences like that can put a person right off!
c) Think through how the commode is to be covered, then emptied and cleaned in the morning. Your mother would not be the first to be absolutely revolted by the thought of having a bucket of wee (or worse!) next to her bed all night. A well-fitting lid, a judicious base layer of dilute disinfectant in the bucket (not so much or so strong that the bedroom smells of it) and a demonstration of the seal when the lid is on might help with this. As for emptying and cleaning, this must be done without comment (unless the contents of the bucket are seriously alarming), and not in her line of sight while she's having breakfast.
d) More difficult. Even long married couples can be inhibited about using the bathroom in front of one another; and placing the commode so that she can't be seen from the bed would at least partly defeat the object of having it... So I hope this isn't the reason!
Helpful Answer (6)
MrPeanutbutter May 2021
I think it's a combination of everything except the comfort aspect, plus this change requires that dad has to really stick with the plan, and he's not really committed to it. I don't think he has the discipline to consistently steer my mom toward the commode. Also, to date, mom hasn't used it at all, not even once, day or night - it took A LOT of cajoling to get her to even sit on it at all to check the height (which was perfect). I think mom just doesn't want to use it, and she's used to getting her way. Especially with dad.

It may not seem like it, but I'm really trying to be fair to both of them and not blame them too much. But this is the accumulation of many, many years of certain tendencies. I mentioned in another thread here today that dad moved the commode out of the room, so he's kind of given up on the idea altogether. He needs to be 100% bought in for there to be any chance it'll work. It's hard not to be frustrated.

The most promising route, I think, is probably with the HHA, whom mom resists but ultimately manages to convince mom to take a bath and have lunch each day. But during the day mom can go many hours without deciding to go, and she's never used the bathroom while the HHA is home.

With all of that said, I do think planning ahead for the smell aspect is very important - dad says that her urine has been particularly smelly lately, and I can only imagine what an accumulation of that would smell like in the bedroom if it's not covered properly overnight.

Anyway, I did want to respond to these suggestions in particular, because they're really good ones - we just have additional obstacles in the way.
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It's your dad who gets my attention. I am 81 caring for my 87 years old husband. He is incontinent (bladder & bowel) and I set my alarm to change him every 6 hours - more frequently if bowel issues. I worry about tripping on nothing but my own stumble.
I know how your dad worries about neglect in NH, even the very best of them. If you can afford private duty nursing for the night (I cannot), that would be great. Hiring through an agency would vet the person for you. Please think about how to make caregiving easier for your dad.
Helpful Answer (1)

Thanks to everyone for so many thoughtful suggestions and support. I want to respond to each one in detail, but there just aren't enough hours in the day! So I'll just give an overall update here.

On sundowning: We stumbled on something important the other day. I was looking for other channels she (and my dad) can watch that are a little more mentally stimulating, and we found some music channels that play music from the 70s and 80s. My mom's memory for that music is flawless. She remembers all the songs and sings along to them. So her mind is more stimulated, and paradoxically because there is less to pay attention to on the TV, it encourages more conversation. And the effects of the dementia are diminished in that state. Today I'm going to try introducing the jigsaw puzzles, it's just logistically more challenging because you need a surface on which to do it that is also near her, which is hard. But she seemed interested in the jigsaw puzzles, so that's a good sign (she's not interested in many things anymore). But I think the prime objective at the moment is to increase her mental stimulation during the day so she's more tired at night and less prone to sundowning.

On incontinence: We're holding back the Oxybutinin for now. It does seem to increase how much urine she's producing somewhat, but it's not really leading to her getting up more at night, which is the core of what we're trying to address. It was so bad even on the medication, it's hard to see what the benefit of staying on it is. It's too early to say whether it's having an effect on her cognition, but I do agree overall in trying to minimize medications. I would say the situation is stable - dad is getting a bit more sleep at night, but now he's got issues with sciatica, and that's been bothering him more than anything else lately.

The PJs are still a promising solution, but I think it's a change for which I need to be there for a night or two to make sure there aren't unintended dangerous effects overnight.

The milk late at night is still happening, even though dad knows better. Also on my visit today, I noticed he's also not given her her meds a couple more times - in the morning he may forget, and at night he might be running his own "experiment" on withholding meds to see if it improves her sleep. This leads to a major point: dad is a big part of the problem - I can't control what he does when left to his own devices.

I guess to describe things at a higher level, if mom and dad are living together alone at home, there is a ceiling to their quality of life. If they were living separately, that ceiling would be much higher. If either of them were open to overnight care, that ceiling would be much higher. But these are things that won't budge, so I'm focused on introducing small, incremental changes that don't require much from dad to try to approach that ceiling where it is now.

Thanks again for all your support! I'll try to respond to a couple of the answers below.
Helpful Answer (4)
Llamalover47 May 2021
MrPeanutbutter: Thank you for your update. I am glad to hear of the music, which made your mother happy.
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