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"Kook"...haven't heard that word in a while!

My mother seems very similar to yours--the abuse of drugs, the suicide threats, the "look at me, give me, do for me" thing---daddy DID keep a big old bandaid on this for a long time.

Since he has passed, she is ours to deal with. Lives with younger brother, but begs me relentlessly to have her move in with me. NO WAY.

Add in that Narcissitic personality--ugh, you have someone you can barely stand to be with. Mother is kind of obsessed with all the men at the Sr Center "wanting her". It's kind of icky.

You can't change her, you can only set tight boundaries and stick with them. And roll your eyes a LOT.

And learn that "no" is a complete sentence.
Helpful Answer (17)
Upstream Jan 2019
Haha, "Kook". After I posted that I realized this seems to be an international forum and I'm not sure if that is a world-wide recognized term!!

How did our lives march up to this point? I have worked diligently all my life and kept my nose clean and my business to myself. I never ever brought drama to my parents since I've reached adulthood. I had life plans, but they are on hold. I am sure that is the case for many of us on this forum!
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My 91 yo mom qualifies. She's got narcissistic personality disorder and possibly also bipolar, overlain with dementia. She lies, is amoral, delusional and ignorant but thinks she's brilliant.

I was running myself ragged driving her and my head-injured brother to stores and doctors after she lost her license. They do say thank you but my mother has manipulated the whole family into her personal cult. My mother hides within this circle of yes-people who use and flatter her at their convenience but don't help.

After a couple of months of running them around I realized that I had given up myself--I had no medical or dental insurance, wasn't exercising or socializing and had no life plan. So I backed off before I ruin myself.

My deceased father was also a piece of work. Both have personality disorders and were terrible parents. Everything was about them and their dramas.

You could do some things for your mom but not answer every call. If she wants something she'll find a way to get it. If she wants to kill herself rather than go into assisted living, it wouldn't be the end of the world. It might be the beginning for you.

Self help books and you tube videos by Jerry Wise, Scott Bassett and Abdul Saad have helped me more than counseling, and they're free and can be done 24/7.

Many psychiatrists and counselors say that mean, crazy people often live long, long lives. Your mom could live well past 90. Mine is frail but will likely exceed 100.
Helpful Answer (17)
bettina Jan 2019
"Many psychiatrists and counselors say that mean, crazy people often live long, long lives."

Good point! I think they can do this because they are literally sucking out their enablers life force. Their primary scapegoats/servants *ahem* care givers are the ones that are losing their lives.

What so many dont' understand, and I too was like this for many years. is that your demanding, chaos loving, selfish, childish parents can likely live a very very long time off your efforts. They actually enjoy crisis as they are the center of attention. We adult children rush in to help thinking only of the crisis at hand and don't realize until it's too late that there will be a crisis every week, sometimes every day or few days for years on end.

And that a great deal of the crisis are easily avoidable or just plain spoiled
demands. But when these types of demands come on the heels of a real health crisis or even during, it's easy to lose sight of the distinction and you start trying to do it all.

Toxic people thrive on crisis, actually need crisis to feel alive, to feel excitement and to be the center of attention. Normal life is boring to them
too drab, too normal and not dramatic enough. Since they're too damned lazy to make this happen for themselves in a healthy way such as an interesting hobby, getting involved with some kind of volunteer work, creating a dynamic social circle, they settle for toxic drama instead.

If they can they will cut your life short with their demands to "enjoy" a long life filled with toxic drama.
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grocery stores deliver- I hope you didn't take her the cigarettes -
Helpful Answer (8)

Thank you all. I am the original poster. UPDATE: So, yesterday my husband had a colonoscopy at a hospital in a different city, which of course was pre-planned many months ago and I had to accompany him for the day. Well, the hospital discharged mom and she took a cab home. This morning she has called me twice (before sunrise) demanding I bring her cigarettes immediately.

This is not the way I grew up. I think my mom was probably always a mess but my dad kept it under wraps enough. I didn't detect trouble until I was about 20 when mom started being hospitalized for "panic attacks". That eventually led to an inability to basically deal with much of anything. That was in 1987. - I guess the year the "kook" was born, LOL. I probably sound heartless but my parents moved down the street from me in 2004 and have brought nothing but drama and misery to my life for the past 10 years. I can't continue to grind-down my life indefinitely for these two. They are NOT the people who raised my in the 60s and 70s. They are two kooks from outer space.
Helpful Answer (15)
Daughterof1930 Jan 2019
Thanks for the update. Really hoping you didn’t deliver the cigarettes! And start putting the phone on silent overnight and anytime you don’t want to be disturbed. In a real emergency you will be contacted, so feel no guilt. Train mom to treat you differently! Good luck!
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I feel for you - sounds similar to my story. My mom is not on benzos nor drinks a drop (probably would help her to have a glass of wine now and then!) but is OCD/High Anxiety and now depressed as my dad passed from ALZ last year.

She wont TAKE anti anxiety meds her MD wants her to take as she is too vain to think she needs them. Some people here have suggested she is narcissist, but I always associated that with very "look at me", loud, aggressive people but she is very shy almost, etc. but people say there are overt narcissists and covert ones. She saves her aggressive said for being demanding and unappreciative of me.

Not much advice to add. You are right to not take her in, as I refused to do. With my mom I have also set up boundaries, in my case I will give her one day a week for me to do for her what she wants, and up to one more day a week for special situations. (she doesn't drive, so Dr. appts., social events she wants to attend). Sounds bad to have to put boundaries on a parent who did a lot for you growing up, but if you don't, they take full advantage of you. Some of her friends think I am mean for doing this, as they don't know the whole story, but others of her friends know how difficult she is and have expressed their sympathy for me in having to deal with her. She still calls me multiple times a day to dump all her anxieties out on me.
In addition to the boundaries, I just flat leave town for a week every couple of months (I do travel for work too, so get out now and then) but just need to be away so that she is forced to ask my brother who lives in town for help.

My longer term goal is to get her in senior living so the burden is off me, to a larger degree.

Anyway, we can only try to mitigate the hassle, there is no avoiding it so I very much feel for you.
Helpful Answer (17)
Upstream Jan 2019
I am also beginning to think my mom is a narcissist. Like your mom, she does not fit the "look at me" profile, but now that my dad is no longer around to kiss her a**, I realize that she expects that from SOMEONE else, and that's me. Maybe your parents were like my suspicions about my own: mom spent most of her life on the edge of coming unglued, and my dad was the band-aid that kept things in check. Without dad, mom is a dysfunctional mess.
You are not going to change Mom at this point. And I doubt if she is going to live a ripe old age. She probably has already ruined her liver by drinking and drugging. Unless she is ready, sending her to detox won't happen. Also her habits will probably attribute to eventually having Dementia. When she comes to the point she can no longer care for herself and ends up in the hospital don't allow them to drag you in. Tell them you cannot care for her so the state will need to take over her care. I would not get involved with her drama. She has done this to herself. You are not responsible for her bad choices.

Live your life.
Helpful Answer (26)
Upstream Jan 2019
Thank you!! Sadly I sure hope she does not live to a ripe old age. I have reached the point where I know it's more or less "her or me" and I am not willing to go down for her. She seems to have the opinion that her & dad's lives are over, and how can I just go on? She actually said something like that to me at one time. I was like, I am 50 years old...what do you expect me to do?????????
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I’ve recently been going through the book Boundaries and have become convinced that we all need it. It’s a great help in knowing what to let in and what to keep out of your life. Your mom is sadly a long term addict and there’s simply nothing you can do to change her. But you can change yourself and how you respond to her. I hope you’ll consider boundaries to help your life be better
Helpful Answer (24)

It sounds like she was abusive toward you as a child. Threatening suicide to control a child is abuse. Most mental health professionals advise children of abusive parents to not be their caregivers. There is nothing you can do without durable power of attorney. You cannot force her to do anything. She is making bad choices and, until a court determines that she is incompetent, she can make as many bad choices as she chooses. You have enough on your plate with your father. You have to take care of yourself first, earn money, plan for your retirement, save for a rainy day because you do not know what the future holds for you. Please don't put yourself in a situation where you try to save your mother and end up losing your health and wellbeing because of her. She is an addict. She is an alcoholic. Learn to accept that and let the hospital social workers arrange a plan for her treatment.
Helpful Answer (27)

Without a Power of Attorney (POA) your options are extremely limited. I second the recommendation to attend Al Anon meetings. While she's in the hospital, can you get the doctors to do a mental health evaluation? Maybe she can be transferred to a rehab unit to detox. This is more than "kook" behavior. You have described an addict. If you have the resources -- either through work or on your own -- working with a counselor/therapist/social worker could really help you. If she makes no changes, you will need to set boundaries and develop strategies to deal with guilt. So sorry for your situation.
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You are going to need to draw boundaries with the help of a therapist. I'm also wondering if you can get a social worker involved who can take care of the roller coaster ride of hospitalizations, etc.

She will only ruin your life if you let her. There are others (paid, through govt services, etc) that can take on some of this burden. Look for them. If your mom has money -she can pay for them.

Otherwise - you are right. You will be sucked in deeper and deeper.
Helpful Answer (20)

I think the way you interact with your mother would have to be the same no matter what her age - how have you handled it in the past? Have you ever attended an al-anon support group for families of alcoholics?
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