
They put her in a nursing home and I am devastated. The hospital agreed mum should return home, and put a care plan in action, but my 2 sisters and brother went mad and contacted social services,they have now taken mum to a nursing home against her wishes....we are devestated and have tried to get her home ,,its breaking our hearts to see mum go through this, they havent bothered with mum for over 10 yrs..they are just being spitfull,they have also said its revenge for long ago family dissagrements...i am mums next of kin,and my daughter is mums primary carer,we have contacted every legal profesion we can think of ,but still no joy,.my sisters and brother only visited mum 5 times whilst she was in hospital, me and my daughter were there every day from 11am till 7pm for 29 days...since she was put in the nursing home they have not even been to see her, they dont really care about mum,why cant social services see that, it has recked mums life and ours, we are now very depressed and feel ill because of it all, please help, tell us what we can do to get our poor mum home,....mums condition has got worse, she cant even remember her address now:::!!!!!

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You've gotten good advice about talking with SS to find out more information. It is possible to have conflicting discharge opinions. When my mom went into the hospital last fall, the doctor signed her release back to assisted living without even talking with me. The discharge planner assured me the AL said they could handle her care. We argued that she was an unsafe discharge but the hospital said she was ok to go. She ended up back in the hospital two days later and was discharged to a NH. Had there been someone like a social worker looking at the whole picture the first time, she'd have gone directly to a NH. Point is that there is often more info than at first seen, and right now your emotions are all churned up.
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Garden Artist could be right, usually going right home after a stroke or a fracture rather than spending some time in rehab can be a bad idea and lead to chornic invalidism instead of optimizing recovery, unless the stroke is very mild and you can rehab as an outpatient. But why on earth would social services (just to make sure, you don't mean the abuse and neglect agency, you mean the hospital social work department, right?) disrupt a good home care plan set up by the rehab or dishcarge planning team? Social workers are rarely dim witted enough to be suckered in by unfounded family accusations and scheming. And someone must have deemed Mom to be incompetent to have her placed against her will too.
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I assume you're either in the UK or Australia by your use of the word "mum", so it might be hard for us in the US to determine what happened and what recourses you have.

But do you know if anyone has a Medical Power of Attorney for your mother? Have you spoken directly with the Social Services worker as well as the hospital discharging physician to determine exactly WHY your mother's care was redirected? Were allegations made about conditions at the residence (yours?) where your mother would go?

Focus on the issues and fact and set aside the dysfunctional family dynamics to find out why SS agreed to take jurisdiction. If you have to, find an elder care attorney to represent your interests and find out exactly why your mother was placed in a nursing home.

Here, it's not unusual to go to a rehab facility post-stroke for assistance in recovering mobility and strength.
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Could you tell us a bit more about why they thought it was the thing to do?
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