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Jessiebelle - there are many ways to release. Strenuous exercise, yelling/singing/crying in a private place, talking to God. Everyone needs a non-judgemental friend they can talk to. But you are correct - it's the long haul that takes it's toll. Everyone needs respite to keep going. And it's important to keep some control over your life.
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Control -- heavy sigh. I got the new liner in today for the flower bed I'm planning. She told me she didn't think it would be high enough to keep the water from flowing over it. She thought it was bought as a retaining wall between the neighbors and us. I tried to explain that it was for my Figure-8 plot, that it was a project I planned. She said that no, it was her project and I was going to put it between us and the neighbors.

Needless to say, Figure-8 project has been put on hold until she shakes the idea from her head. This is so bizarre that she couldn't allow me to have my own thing without giving battle. I really don't care about the project, but the mix of mental illness and dementia can be hard to figure out. I think it's mainly possessiveness (her house, her yard) and control.
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You are an amazing caring loving wonderful daughter!
However you need some help. Please try to get someone to come in and give you a break. Take care of you so that you can care for her. If she has some money it should be spent on things that would make both of your lives easier. Housekeeping, delivery of meals now and then. Companion care that comes in and plays cards, crochets together or what ever her interests are. When she has something to look forward to she may be a little less depressed and less critical of you.
Bless you and take care!
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JessieBell, just my two cents but I think it's lovely that you were planning a flower bed project and ridiculous of her to try to take over it. I would defy her and buy some containers and stick the flowers in there!
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I wish it were so easy. She is a very dominant woman. I wouldn't put it past her to destroy what I did and give me total h3ll for a long time. I have to consider what something is worth to me before I do it. I choose battles carefully because I am teetering on walking away. I don't want to give her any more opportunity to be evil than I have to. If she tore up my work I would have to respond.
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Just three days ago my two brothers and I met to discuss my mom, her financial situation, health situation and what my middle brother needed to know regarding taking over my role as DPOA and head personal slave should something happen to me - I'll be having major surgery in about two months. My oldest brother does not have a good relationship with our mother and isn't really looking to fix that. Towards the end of our meeting the subject of visiting came up as I won't be able to visit for at least two weeks post surgery and it will leave a hole in my mothers care and social interaction. Although the fact of the matter is lately I have a hard time catching mom awake - still I visit 2 - 3 times a week and stay for at least a hour. Even though my oldest brother lives locally he only visits mom a few times a year. Middle brother and I had hoped oldest brother would step up and visit more while I'm out of the picture. Oldest brother said "no". This lead to talking about forgiveness. I stated that I am working to let go of all the anger I feel towards our mom. Middle brother had trouble understanding how I could be mad/hurt over things said in the past few years due to moms dementia. So yes, just let it roll off my back!?! The thing is - at least for me - it still hurts. It still hurts even though I KNOW it's mainly the illness talking. A few months ago my mom said to me that she wished I had never been born. For five years now I have lived my life around my mothers. My heslth has suffered, my relationship with my son and husband has suffered - and she wishes I had never been born!?! It's hurts. It will probably hurt until the day I die. I just don't know how to let a statement like that roll off my back - and truthfully, I hope I never become so unfeeling and callous that I become able to.
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Oh Rainmom you have so much to handle on a daily basis between your own family and Mom I feel so bad..

I wish I could help.. I hope your brothers step up and support you while you're recovering..

Giant hug to you....
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Rachel i think we have the some mother! I have thought for years that if she was told one of us six kids died (heaven forbid!) her response would be "oh God, this will kill me for sure" EVERYTHING is about her. Good luck sis!
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Boy, I took off 1 week to get away after not getting away for such a long time and I come back to my same life. Mom.... in facility for dementia/Alzheimer's.....clothes, meds, hospice, etc. Dad......finances, drs. appts. him worrying and not remembering what we had just talked about. Grand kids 3 times a week. I didn't sleep well for 7 nights, come back and start in. Oh well, such is life and I'll try to get good sleep tonight for tomorrow. Good luck and God Bless everyone.....
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So much pain...the person who sacrifices the most..out of a sense of kindness and the least appreciated and seldom supported. Then there's the emotional abuse..of the one you're trying to help. And now here comes the guilt and anger. Forget venting to sibling who rarely if ever.."show up". Don't even go there.....I really think we need a support system..therapy ...something. My husband says my mom is ruining the harmony of our home...and he's right....even when she gets into her senior apartment...I know she's going to need help...lots of it. I plan on seeing what outside sources are available ....I feel myself slipping in a hole...I struggle not to slide is coming coming back from my brothers tomorrow after being gone for 3 weeks..I'm getting anxious...
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All of our situations might be different but we all have your back. Thank goodness for this site. Hugs....
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My heart goes out to you. My brother and I take care of Mom and Dad in our home both are 94. Although we have lots of struggles both my Mom and Dad realize how much we have given up to help them live in a house for final years instead of a nursing home. Both are grateful. It is sad but when they are gone I think we will grieve terribly. However, I may look back and realize the best years were the ones we shared with them.

So my heart goes out to all but know you are doing "Gods work" and the right thing.

Take care
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I feel like I am reading my own story as well. My mother resisted assisted living - until she wound up in the hospital. From there things went downhill quickly. They wanted to do brain surgery! She had fallen and wound up with a subdural hematoma (I hope I spelled that correctly). After being advised by one surgeon, when I asked what he would do if this were his mother, and from the size of the hematoma among other things, he said he wouldn't do anything. That is the course we chose. Very long story short...she wound up having to live in a skilled nursing facility (read: nursing home) for physical therapy. She improved so much that I was able to get her into an assisted living place. A beautiful place! Everyone is happy there and always treats me like I'm an old friend. Even the residents all knew my mom's name! Well, my mom did have a fit and was so angry, I thought the stress would kill me, but she could not live on her own any more (dementia and wasn't very stable). She refused to go downstairs for meals and would not associate with anyone. One particularly rough day I went to the administrators office crying, not knowing what to do. I work full time and can't afford to quit...or I would! She got the nurse who assured me that what my mother was doing was "normal" She said she was grieving for what could never be again. That helped me understand a little better so I could be a little more compassionate. She would come around. I didn't believe it but she actually did! When mom told me she wanted to go home the last time, I got a little strong with her (because I was at my wits end and didn't know how else to handle the situation - I'm an only child so I had no help) and I told her that she would never be able to live in her home any more because she was no longer physically able to. She lived in a beautiful place with so many nice people and she needed to appreciate that because the hospital she had been diagnosed with a subdural hematoma in told me this would never be possible. We were blessed that she was able to still be semi-independent! Slowly she came around and now actually has meals and conversation with the other residents. She's even participated in some of their activities. I almost fell off my work chair when I heard that news! So, never say never! Because of my mother's fall and the following medical problem that developed, it made it easier (the only solution) to get her to an assisted living place and out of that nursing home (she loved the people that worked there and her roommate, that part was difficult for her when she left). Good luck to you giving sucks the very life from us and everyone tells us to take care of ourselves but our loved ones seem to take every "spare" minute that we may have by having us have to do something for them. They are scared and we are overwhelmed. I keep trying to remember to enjoy my time with my mother (I still see her 5 or 6 times a week...I am hoping to make it 4 or 5 times and to only have dinner with her there once a week. That was what was suggested to me by staff so I allow her to develop relationships with the other residents. Plus, she uses me as a crutch which isn't good. I love my mother and I do miss her. I call her every day, whether I'm going there after work or not. If we have a family function, I make sure I pick her up that day so she is with all of us. She is still the matriarch of our family, even though she doesn't remember much. It's more like having a child with me than my mother. She does remember all of us and how much she loves us and we all know how much we love her so I do the best I can to make sure she has what she needs and the best I can at what she wants and make sure she knows how much I love her and always will. God bless everyone on their journey's!
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The one thing I would have changed while caregiving to my mother is that I would actually sit down to eat. I never did when I lived out of state with her. I just grabbed a bite while I was running past to do another task.
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Wow....what a question. I'm not sure you are able to stop being exhausted. I take care of mom, dad, and grandsons when they are sick and parents have to work. I have friends, a great husband, church community and my faith is very strong. Your body is under attack. We are not meant to do so much fighting and multi tasking but we push on and keep on doing for others. I DO try to put my feet up as often as I can. I might be making lists or my mind might be racing with things to do but at least I'm resting with my feet up. I watch a little mush tv (something with no substance or drama) to take my mind off of everything. And every once in a while.....ONCE....I might get a night out for dinner. This all sounds so dire but I believe (and I said this in another post) that we are like the military. Everyday our minds and bodies are under attack and some of us come out better than the others. Try, if you can, to get away during the day just for yourself. I use to go to Walgreens of all places and just go up and down the aisles just to look at stuff to get my mind off of things before I would have to go back to the house. Walgreens....when I would make my escape (when living with both parents) it was like I was going to Neiman Marcus or something. :)) They are both in different facilities now so 2 trips to different places. My dad calls me......ok, all the time for different things. My mom is in end stage and not doing well so daily trips to be with her and talk with hospice. It's draining and emotional to see someone you love like that. It draining and emotional to get the phone calls to see if he has 24.95 in his checking acct. However, I have to say that after everything I've been through in the last 7 years, there will be a void in my life when it's over. I will have to find something to do with my time just like people who retire do. Reinvent myself. Heck, I might even run for President. I can't be any worse than what is going on right now can I?? :))) Anyway, as always, good luck finding your relaxation point and may God Bless and keep you strong.
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