
when mom complained about the sink in the bathroom being messy, I told her “oh I haven’t gotten to that yet- I’ll be there in a minute to wipe up..”
Mom went into a big angry retort…”Well, you have to just keep off my back!! No wonder your husband was never around! You were probably always on him for something!”
So I said once more, “l just didn’t have the time to get in there but I’m going in there (the bathroom) now to wipe up..”
Then she continued on…

So then I thought of checking the time, and it was 5:25pm- I’m thinking it could be the start of sundowning??

Throw the book at her..
apnea test
and whatever else ..
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to MAYDAY

Hi and Thank you so much she does get nasty with the starting of a uti that’s why I’m having her checked- but she was diagnosed back in 2011 with dementia of the Alzheimer’s. Type but doc didn’t know back then how the disease would progressed as she was working as a hairdresser at that time.. She is still fully functioning and has always been narcissistic to me (not my sis, though) so I wonder if she’s been mis-diagnosed.. her psychologist mentioned she has borderline personality disorder as she was always looking for a fight.. not so much anymore.. I will get her re-tested for dementia though..
we’re trying a new doc in two days. Thanks again.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to dressage49

You need to get Mom to her doctor and have her tested. Make up a note with everything you have been noticing and give it to the nurse and ask that the doctor reads it before he sees Mom. I hope she allows u in the room.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

Has your Mom ever had a cognitive/memory test? Dementia is diagnosed by discounting other causes for cognitive problems, like a UTI, thyroid problem, dehydration, vitamin deficiency, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, etc. UTIs being the most common culprits of odd behavioral changes. If not treated, UTIs can turn septic. She may not ever have any other physical symptoms other than behavior, agitation, confusion, hallucinations, etc. -- this is very common so please get her checked first if this behavior is "sudden" or she shows any other symptoms (definitely to the the ER if she has a fever).
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Geaton777

Could be? Also might want to get her tested for a UTI unless this is a daily pattern. Is this new/unusual behavior?
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to againx100

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