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You deserve it Boni!
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A blessing: Dad's strength and depression seem to be improving—and he's playing more pool, his favorite hobby. He truly is Superman.
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Fantastic, BoniChak - I feel better just for thinking of you going! Not long to wait x
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It is very nice to read about your happiness; I'm glad for everyone who is able to squeeze a lot or even a little joy in during rough times.

Despite the aggravating things, my joy comes from seeing my mom and her sister together discussing their lives as little girls, teens and young women. They are ten years apart and mom turns 93 this Sunday! The stories of their schooling, dating and my grandparents (whom I didn't know) are charming and often hilarious since I cannot relate to life in the 1930s, 40s and 50s living on a farm. They laugh like teenagers pretty often and it makes me happy. I have never spent time with my mom and aunt together like this and I'm very happy for them both.

Have a blessed day, everyone!
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Well, she was cute this morning on the way to the hairdresser. We passed a UPS store in the plaza. She said, "What's the upside down store??" I said huh? I said oh you are silly it's the UPS store. She replied, "You piss first, I piss second! HAH!"
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Having a good hair day.
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Was contacted on face book by a gal I used to know over 50 years ago. Having lost a friend of 45 years just before Christmas this was particularly special. She met both my parents - not many other than relatives left now who had met my father. We have started corresponding, and I think we will revive our relationship.

My other good news is I think, because you never know with Gary till the last minute, that we are going to the Bahamas in March - a short cruise, a couple of nights in a to hotel, then to Florida for a bit. Any place warm and away from here is good for me.

Boni - I love/need solitude too!!!! You will have a great time.
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