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I would not introduce the Depends unless absolutely needed.

And - here’s a little story why. I don’t think I’ve ever told this one...

My mom had her hip replaced. During her two week stay in rehab mom was introduced to adult diapers. Once home, mom switched to Depends. Seems she really liked not having to get up at night to go to the bathroom.

So, long past when moms mobility might have mandated Depends - she choose to wear them as she zipped around town doing her typical bazillion things in one day. Oh yes - so great to not have to figure out potty stops while out and about. No matter what I said or did - I could not get her out of the Depends and her using the bathroom as she was physically able to.

Soooo - one day mom is at her acupuncturist appointment. And, mom is laying on the table in her Depends and a sheet drape - and a back full of pins - her acupuncturist had left the room to let the needles do whatever it is they do... and mom realizes she has to pee.

Instead of sitting up and walking to the bathroom that is adjoined to the room - instead of calling out to the acupuncturist for assistance - mom says to herself “Ill just pee. No need to get up. I have the Depends on. I’ll just pee while I lay here”. And she did.

Now, as anyone familiar with Depends will tell you - when utilized in a horizontal position their effectiveness is pretty unreliable and especially when hit with a full on letting go of the bladder. Yeah. You got it. Pee went EVERYWHERE!
The floor. The table. The sheet. Soaked.

The poor acupuncturist comes into the room a couple of minutes later - sees this and asks what happened. My mom says “Well, what did you expect me to do - with my back full of pins?” Evidently, the gal was none to happy about it and said so.

How I found out about all this? I’m talking to my mom a few days later and she says - in a very put-upon voice - “Well, now I have to find a new acupuncturist” and tells me the story as if “we’ll, of course I peed...” as if it was the most reasonable and logical of options.

No. Unless it’s a case of an accident really happening - not an On Purpose cause I just don’t want to use my walker and walk down the hall... I would hold off on the Depends if possible.
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You are not mean, you are taking charge.
Helpful Answer (6)
susiencalif Jun 2019
Exactly! You're setting a boundary. Hugs!
You are not being mean.

You are doing what is best not only for your mother's mobility but also for her dignity. I mean, come on. I know she's knackered. But seriously does she want to be the little old lady who pees in her living room? - before she absolutely has no choice, anyway.

I wonder if it might be a good idea to introduce planned, accompanied bathroom breaks, as many as you think practical, partly to avoid her having to be in a hurry and also to re-establish better habits.
Helpful Answer (9)
PharSytid Jun 2019
Good morning! (I sure hope so...)
Its good to hear from e1 and I really appreciate all of the replies, thank you .
Mom has no problem being the lady who cries wolf,,, oops! I mean who pees in her living room as long as it saves her from having to get up and walk, there’s no shame in her game. As far as her gaining better habits- not happening because that means effort is involved along with getting up out of Her Chair and she has absolutely zero interest in that. Potty chair initiates soooo many issues and strife in this house it is ridiculous. I mean it’s a flippin’ potty chair! How does it consistently stir the pot? <asks self, “did I really just go there... stir the pot? Really Felicia? SNAP!>
Tell Mom the potty chair is going to a corner of her room and then do it. Buy a few bags of adult incontinence briefs and place them within her reach in the family room and her room. She can either boogie down the hallway to the WC or pee in the briefs. But either way, the potty chair is leaving the family room and taking up residence in her room. Before you leave on your short trips, assist her with a trip to the bathroom and don’t give her a pot of coffee that morning.
Helpful Answer (4)
PharSytid Jun 2019
Hi and thanks for you input. Your suggestions would absolutely work, however, she lives in Her Chair: Her Chair is the most multi-tasking lazy boy I ever seen. Why yes, it’s a recliner, bed, command post, crumb catcher, dining table, colostomy bag changing station, sponge bath seat and occasionally a piddle pad. I really lucked out because the salesperson must have forgotten about all these features this chair has cause none of them were mentioned at the time of purchase. Talk about bang for your buck, eh?
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Personally, I think you’re even being generous in allowing what you’re currently doing.

I wouldn't be able to deal with a
potty chair in the middle of the family room. My OCD tendencies would have me freaking out between the germs and smells, near misses and dribbles. Plus - just the sight of it! I would need one of those standing, decorative screens if it really must be there.

I know its a bit of extra work on your part - but can you remove the potty chair altogether when you are home and only bring it back out when you’re not going to be there?

Leaving a fully loaded potty chair in the family room just gives me the heebeejeebees! What if someone accidentally knocked it over?

eeewwwwwww!!! Yuck.
Helpful Answer (6)
PharSytid Jun 2019
Aaaaahhhhhhhh! Omg! Good point. Aaaahhhhh!
If that happened , I wonder who would have to clean it up? Bahahaha bahaha bahaaahaha ( or LOL).
I know right? <rolls eyes>
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