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Only you can draw the lines that need to be drawn. Only you can come to the realization that your life is YOURS, and you need to live it the way you want.

Your scenario is so similar to a young mother's: the toddler is throwing a tantrum and the mother is about to give in. Everyone in the store can see it and can see the solution except for the young mother who cannot seem to get a grip. Everyone wants to tell her to let her child reap the consequences instead of giving in and buying the bauble. Everyone wants to tell her that she is only making her own life and the child's worse by giving control to the child. Everyone wants to see the young mother take control of her life, discipline her child (by letting the child experience consequences) and thus set her child on a life course of good decisions. It's always easy for outsiders to see the dysfunction going on, and to know how to handle it.

Everyone who has commented can see what you are not seeing. You are seeing no way out, but, there is one. If you really want out, and I believe you do, you will need some help. Maybe just a little bit: a book or two might give you the insight and strength you need. Maybe much more: therapy. You have taken the first step in realizing the dysfunctions in your family and how you are caught up in them. I think your first step was in coming to these forums, where others know what you're going through. It was my first step. :)

I am not in your exact situation yet, but my mother is controlling me and guilting me, and I am preparing myself to resist the guilt. It won't be easy. She is MASTER at it. As for myself, I'm nearly finished reading "Boundaries", which I recommend. It's all right there. Now I just have to screw up the courage to draw the line. And I will. But only I can do it. I have no siblings. It's just me. Me against Mom. It won't be pretty. And she's has threatened me with her will crap (at least they do have one), but I truly believe she's blowing hot air. We'll see. And, like you, sure, I'd like to remain in the will, but not at the expense of my life. A lot of which I've already wasted on her.

I am amazed at the knowledge of the people on this forum. They know so much more than I do. Please seriously listen to them. I am learning very much from many of these threads, which I read daily.

So please take care of YOU. You are so young.

Helpful Answer (17)

Somehow, people like your parents always get taken care of. Take care of yourself. You can't do anything for them in your current state of helplessness/hopelessness.
Helpful Answer (4)

juddabuddhaboo -

Thank you - what an incredibly helpful way of reframing the situation. I often think I was born into this family to learn my own lesson, but hadn't thought much about the possibility that I was put here to teach my parents one, as well. I believe that I returned to my childhood home to face the issues that I never really resolved and that have always held me back. But I have struggled to let go of the negative beliefs about myself and others, and about my potential, that this dysfunctional family relationship helped to create. It's like I have the knowledge to crack the code but my stubborn ego won't let me.

As I said before, I KNOW they won't change. And I know I MUST. And I know in order to do that, I have to love myself and care for and nurture my Self. But that's so hard. And fighting with my mother about a chain saw is about the most useful distraction you could get if you're looking to avoid hard stuff. So, I know I have work to do :)
Helpful Answer (13)

freqflyer -

Those stories about your parents' double standards sound very familiar. With my dad, a bad driver is always a "dumb broad" even if the "stupid lady" is clearly a man. He used to tell me to hurry up and find a rich guy to marry. He's stopped telling me that now because, if I did, he wouldn't have anyone to take care of him.

Obviously intellectually it's easy to poke holes in their beliefs, but the bigger issue is that we have parents who don't respect women, therefore don't respect us, therefore don't value our opinions. I can totally see myself giving a book like that to my parents 10 years ago (and they wouldn't have read it then either). Now I don't even bother. But, I'm still here wasting my time and breath in other ways. Hopefully we can both find people (in career and relationships) who respect and appreciate our sincerity and help in spite of that rejection from our parents.
Helpful Answer (10)

Tough love, from a distance.
Screw the will.

Get a job, move out, get on with your life.

Follow your brother's example.
Helpful Answer (19)

Every community has help, safety nets, jobs, something to help. Write down what you need on a little card and put it where you will see it: I find a job, I find a great place to live. If your parents can't see or don't care that you need that, I wouldn't be willing to give them your life.
Helpful Answer (4)

What if we realize that we aren't here to protect, cover up, do damage control, and be personal slaves to our self centered, and sick parents? What if our true purpose was to come into this family and to help the parents realize the lessons they never faced? Just by taking care of yourself, and finding a way to love from a distance, you make the statement that might start their destinies whirling in a different direction. I believe we are souls and we all have lessons to learn. Being born the slave girl in dysfunctional families is like having to decipher a code from a different planet and then finding your escape route.

I think we all needed love so much as children we believed that if we do as we were told and try to be "a good girl" we'd be loved and fullfilled. But now we see that was just a sick dillusion that grew out of the sick family members. Now we have to struggle with "being a good girl" to ourselves, growing up into a woman who stands alone, stands up to abuse, and says no with confidence. Someone who sets boundaries and finds joy in your life. Someone with faith that your life has a different purpose, an adventure. There are talents to give to the world and there is love for you to find, outside of that house that is your prison.

You can walk out and from a distance help them as they need it. But you must save yourself first. Change yoru handle from upacreek to something like SwimmingStrong! We are all rooting for you!! We are swimming beside you in fact.
Helpful Answer (31)

Upacreek, I just saw your question about the Will.... same issue here trying to get my parents to update their Will as it desperately needs to be re-written to today's laws.

I also don't care about my parents estate, I rather they use that money to make *their* life easier. One time I asked my Dad what would happen if they outlived me. Dad never thought of that. I let my Dad borrow a book called "Because you can't Take it with You, How to Get Your Affairs in Order to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones"... it's quite an eye opener.... doubt my Dad even opened up the book.
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Upacreek, my parents also have double standards.... whenever I take my parents to big box store that has a grocery section I finally tried to get my Dad to help Mom with gathering the groceries instead of wandering off to the electronics dept... he thought I would enjoy grocery shopping because I was a girl.... NOT.

My parents don't like their geriatric primary physician, who I think is great, because the doctor is a female... male doctors are a lot smarter.... say what?

My Mom doesn't like listening to female sport announcers, *what do they know about sports?".

And my Dad said I should retire from work, stay home and be a housewife... sorry, Dad, I have to keep working because I never got the higher salaries because I was a woman.... it's going to take me quite some time to catch up to your retirement fund.
Helpful Answer (3)

Sorry, I did just want to follow up with a question to those who think I should leave.

One of my concerns since they refuse to complete their will is that things will be a mess when one or both of them pass. And I don't want to continue to be haunted by them, so to speak, from beyond the grave. If I am still dealing with the crap they refused to deal with after they die, I will be beyond disgusted. I don't care if they don't leave me a thing - I just want them to write a will so I don't have to deal with it once their gone.

So my biggest quandary is whether to get involved in the will making process so that it's taken care of before I leave, or whether, as my brother said, I should screw it. BTW, my mom asked my brother to be the executor and he refused. They did not ask me. And why would they since I am a female and single and not to be respected? *rolls eyes*

So, screw it or force 'em to do it?
Helpful Answer (1)

Pam - Thank you, I definitely hear you.
Freqflyer - Sorry you're in a similar position but I'm glad you're trying to set some boundaries. I agree it's not right that the single person always be the go-to caregiver. It's just that my parents have openly and proudly admitted to a double standard. They wouldn't dare burden my brother, nor would he be burdened. I, on the other hand, seem to have been birthed so that they could project their issues onto me. And so, no I don't think it's right, but so it is. They won't change, but I have to, and not just in regard to my relationship with them. I obviously have to see myself as someone they don't. Someone with potential, someone with a purpose other than to enable them.

As to what they would do if they didn't have children? They wouldn't even play that game with me. And if they bothered to respond, they would say they could take care of themselves, just as they say now.

And round and round we go...
Helpful Answer (1)

P.S. Upacreek, wonder what your parents would be doing if they had no children? Who would care for them? I've asked that of my parents a couple of times and they usually reply they hadn't thought of it that way.... usually nothing changes.... [sigh].
Helpful Answer (2)

[x] tough love [ ] tough it out.

There is my answer. I am trying to do the *tough love* route with my parents. I think I had spoiled them over the past 5 years to a point that they don't realize that maybe... just maybe... it is time to move to a retirement community.

I need to continue on in my career because I have no siblings and no children. That means I am going to have to pay someone to help me if I don't move into a retirement community.... the ones we have in my areas are so nice, I am ready to pack :)

Upacreek, why should the burden fall on you because you are single? Lot of married people, with children still at home, are being Caregivers to their parents. So don't let that *being single* be a rule in your mind.
Helpful Answer (4)

upacreek, get your canoe, get your paddle and start moving away. Your own sanity comes first. Sooner or later one of them will land in the hospital. Just let the emergency responders know what their health issues are when you leave. Live YOUR life and realize they won't change until they are forced to.
Helpful Answer (15)

ba8alou - I hear you. Believe me. Well, no one's going to take care of me - ever. No one ever has and I don't expect anyone ever will. And if my parents died tomorrow, I would be royally screwed and believe me I think about it every day, and every day I fail at trying to figure a way out of my situation. I probably cling to this caregiver role because I've done it my entire life for them. And don't misunderstand - I have had success in my career, have even gotten a Master's degree, but the last few years have left me depressed and hopeless on this hamster wheel with them. And while I TOTALLY agree they won't change and they should reap what they've sewn, leaving them to reap it still isn't a black and white decision for me. I mean, just the other day my mother INSISTED she needed to use the chain saw to cut the low branches trees in the back yard because a neighbor said they were dangerous and a child could bump his head on them. What? What neighbor? What children? And when I refused to let her use it, she threw a tantrum. Not long ago she brought out the hedge trimmers and TWICE cut the cord and blew the fuse to the whole house. And this happened while I was here! I shudder to think about what would happen if I left them alone for even a week. So this is why I struggle...

kazzaa - Thanks for your support. Unfortunately my brother lives about 9 hours away (by car) so he only sees them a few times a year. And he told me flat out recently he refused to take them in even for a few months because a) he doesn't want them to screw up his kids and b) they'd probably mess up his marriage. And frankly, I agree with him. Having said that, I also don't think it's fair it all falls to me, but it is what it is.

I'm at the point where I have 2 choices: either get more heavily involved with my parents' doctors (schedule visits and drag them to appointments myself), sit down with them to force their hand to fill out the will, etc. OR decide I've given them enough chances and lock myself in my room until I find a job and have enough money to get out. But if I get out, what happens when INEVITABLY they falter? Who comes to the rescue if not me?

And if I persist a little longer here and get involved with the docs, I'm getting myself in deeper and it's going to prolong my stay. And I'm not even sure that if the doctors back me up my parents would listen. Ultimately I would love for a hired nurse to come in and help. But they have no insight into their limitations and would think I was insane to bring that up.

I just feel like, they refuse to make a decision, so I have to make one. Just trying to figure out which one.
Helpful Answer (1)

Poor you am in same situation came home as i lost my job then had an accident then a burst appendix then mum started to show signs of dementia and here i am. at 47yrs and feel like my life is ending if this goes on much longer! have been here 5yrs now and its getting harder!

First things first you need to speak to a health nurse or any professional tell them what youve told us. I think somone needs to speak to your dad about your mum and how will he manage when shes worse and as you know she will get worse.

have you spoken to anyone? you know your brother is right get a job any job maybe when youre out all day they will realise they need help?

Seems to me its ok for your dad to leave it all to you? You need to think about you and what you want now and believe me i know the guilt but i had a mini stroke in Jan and that was my wake up call.

Please get some help from outside dont wait until you get ill then who will look after them? I think an AL would be better for them but then your mum may need more help in time.

So sorry for you as you sound desperate. Ive decided to leave as soon as i get some money together i mean youre 40? you need to think about your future and your career too!

I would ask a nurse to call and see how things are then go from there but you cannot force them to do what they dont want to do. So look after you i know how stubborn they can be but its your life aswell.

Couldnt your brother even give you some kinda break for a few days just because he has kids dosnt mean he cant help! does he even visit them?
Helpful Answer (3)

Leave. Get a job. Live your life. They are not going to change; you can't help them, neither can they help themselves. they've made their bed and are going to have to deal with the consequences down the road. By staying, you are enabling their dysfunction.

You should notify their doctor if you feel they should not be driving. You should outline their symptoms to him/her; you can notify APS that you believe that they will need a wellness check after you leave.

Who is going to take care of you in your old age? Do you have retirement savings? Social Security credits? Sorry to be harsh, but you need to get out.
Helpful Answer (19)

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