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All great comments above...please be careful of the IV antibiotics and have them monitor her closely.... likely to cause Clostridium difficile or C Diff.If is she is on too high a dose...and that my dear is a NIGHTMARE!
What causes a C-diff infection?
these good germs have been killed by an “antibiotic” you may be taking for a different kind of infection, C-diff may grow in your intestines and cause horrendous diarrhea. This is called a C-diff infection. "C Diff" is she is on too high a dose...and that my dear is a NIGHTMARE!
Your intestines have many “good” germs in them that help you digest food. A C-diff germ enters your body when you eat or swallow something that has C-diff on it. The germ moves to your intestines. A healthy person with a normal immune system and normal “good” germs may not get sick. But if your immune system is weak or these good germs have been killed off by an “antibiotic” you may be taking for a different kind of infection"
Good luck, all good ideas above especially cleanliness.
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I put a small amt of baking soda in the kind of water bottle that you can squirt to clean off that area. keep it by the toilet.
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D-Mannose will kill e-coli bacteria. When people here mention cranberry juice please keep in mind it has to be the non-sugar kind (not Ocean Spray)'s very tart. For women especially Uva Ursi at the first sign can naturally kill UTI. Both Uva Ursi and D-Mannose can be found at your local healthfood store along with the cranberry juice. Good luck, my dad's been hospitalized for UTI's 2ce in the past year - I know how rough it is.
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Another important thing is make sure she is on a good probiotic...since she's been on so many antibiotics for the UTI's her intestinal "good" bacteria is lacking. My dad's favorite is Ultimate Flora Senior Life by Renew Life. I buy it on Amazon.
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As far as herbs are concerned, Yarrow is very good for clearing up UTI's. Also, Dandelion and Parsley are good for prevention, and Echinacea is a good immune booster. So what I've done is make an herbal tea with 1 part Yarrow, 1 part Dandelion, 1 part Parsley and 1 part Echinacea for a great way to prevent further UTI's. To sweeten I use Stevia, a natural sweetener. You can also add apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and that may clear it up as well. Yes I agree, the cranberry juice should be the non-sugar or low sugar kind. You want to stay away from sugary drinks with any infection.
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I gave my mother D-Mannose after I found that it helped me so much, and that was the end of her UTIs. The powder is easy to mix in water or juice and is basically flavorless. I buy NOW brand on Amazon.

D-Mannose is a natural sugar that binds with E. coli bacteria in the bladder, and then both are excreted in the urine. Because D-mannose is absorbed so little, it has essentially no calories and doesn't raise blood sugar. There is quite a lot of information about it online.
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My mom had a series of seven uti's in about ten monhs. Her symptoms ranged from a back ache to stroke symptoms, garbled speech and couldn't walk. Her geriatrician finally referred her to a urogynecologist that put her on a drug cocktail that has stopped the uti's. It is now more than a year since the last uti.

My mom has had chronic diarrhea aa long as I can remember. I think the uti's were causes by insufficient cleaning so also talkes with her doctor about somehow controlling the diarrhea. The doc had her start taking a probiotic, we use Walgreens "Super Probiotic". That works very well to control the D, sometimes too well. In the past six months an ER visit was required because of, for lack of a better name, constipation. I think her brain is not transmitting the signal to her on having to push to have a bm. You see, for years a bm for mom was even less strenuous than turning on a water faucet. The stool consistency after receiving enemas in the hospital was certainly nothing to be constipated about! I hope we do not end up having to stop the probiotic! That is another problem entirely.

And we had my mom on a cranberry supplement and the real unsweetened cranberry juice. About six months ago the urinary frequency had increased significantly. Up to three times in five or ten minutes. Back to the urogynecologist who told me to stop the cranberry juice and supplements as they can cauae the frequency symptoms that we were experiencing. With cranberry stopped, frequency returned to normal.

Good luck, it is a very tricky and risky infection to try to keep up with!
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I'd just like to add that I used to get infections frequently UNTIL my doctor explained that sugar and sweets can cause them.
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Oh yea! Those bacteria love sugar, even more than you do! I haven't had a soda in years, never add sugar to anything. And offspring of a crazy woman that used to put sugar on her tomatoes until I got here!
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Well... I suppose it's individual,... I am a sugar freak, a chocolate freak, and have changed to Raisons and Nuts more, in order to curb this craving somewhat... Yet considering all the sugar in my life... I have rid myself of UTIs by using Hydrogen P. to clean and the Apple-cider Vinegar ... and making sure I get about 1500 to 2000cc liquid a day...That's 6-8 glasses liquid, counted in all foods, soups, etc.. Fruit is 60-90% water and can be counted in that also... I’m too old to give up my sweet-tooth altogether... and I am sure though that many folks should give their immune system credit as well. Once the bladder wall is cleared of residual bacteria via antibiotics, or the bladder-irrigation... your immune system and your pH level are in charge of keeping you UTI free, supported by what you eat and drink and how well your body feels overall, and how well you are able to clean that very crucial area to keep it free of an e-coli bacteria... And that is individual, ... so find your niche, and I do wish you well !!!
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Bring her to the bathroom, and introduce her to liquid remedies like drink plenty of cranberry juice twice a day for two days or drink one glass of water every hour.
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Many older people do have a problem cleaning properly even if they know how and are not cognatively impaired. being overweight or having arthritis can be a real problem
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I am a believer in cranberry tablets. Forcing my mom to drink drink drink water was awful
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RE: Cranberry juice. When I was having issues, my doctor told me to avoid cranberry juice because it has sugar, which makes infections worse. Please note sugar is a real problem on multiple levels.
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