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Once again, thank you all for your suggestions. I am going to print them out and stick them on my wall and read them and act on all of your suggestions. And yes, I do hug my mother. She is actually a very physical person and loves getting hugs and giving hugs to people. I remember when we were in the hospital one day and a woman was crying. Complete stranger to me and mom. My mother walked over to her and put her arms around her. That is the type of person my mother is. She is wonderful, caring, loving, kind, generous in everything she does. The only "fault" is her over dependence.

Yesterday, I went to the doctor's with my 22 year old daughter. My mother went too. I started talking to my mom about spending time with her. I spoke with my daughter about spending a little less time with her too so I can get the business up and running.
I mentioned to my daughter that I spend "tons of time" with my mother and need to cut that a little too. My mother then gives me a nasty look and says, "What? Tons of time? That's not true. You do NOT spend tons of time with me." I said, "Mom, I do. I calculated that I spent 12 out of the past 15 days with you. I only see my daughter once or twice a week (the 22 yr old no longer lives at home)" My mother replied, "Yes, because that's what she wants." To which I FELT like replying, "Well guess what? I would LOVE to see you only once or twice a week, but you won't let me get by with only that will you?"

I used to see my mom on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, but because she would complain that she "never saw" me I increased the amount of time I spent with her. I now see her on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays and go to EVERY SINGLE drs appointment she has (she is having a hard time remembering, so I go. I don't mind. It is my responsbility to do this), so it often ends up being five days a week sometimes. Complete and utter idiot that I am, I thought she would be happier now that she sees me more, but just to hear her complain again that I still don't see her enough really really angers and frustrates me to no end. What the hell does she want? Six days a week? Seven days a week? Me to follow her into the bathroom? At what point is enough, enough?

I remember her telling me that after we moved down here (NJ to here, VA) that people would say to her, "It's good your daughter is nearer so you can spend time with her." My mother would then come to me and say, "Ha, if they only knew that I hardly ever see you." My God, I saw her then three times a week.

It know it seems as if I am obsessed about this whole thing, and that is probably the case. It seems like I spend a good half of the day, if not more, either with my mother or dreading her coming over or replaying the stupidity of the fact that I can't see a movie without her.

Anyway, when we were at the doctor's office, both me and my daughter were encouraging my mother to invite people over to her house, do things at the church etc to which she replied, "I am not going to bother my neighbors. I see different cars coming and going there all the time. These people have families. I am not going to bother them. They don't bother with me or invite me anywhere." To which my daughter responded, "Nan. Just because they have families doesn't mean they don't want to see you." My mother's response? "If there was a noose hanging from that ceiling, I would hang myself. Why are you saying such hurtful things to me? If my house was nearer I would walk to it right now." It did NOT surprise me what she said at all. This is typical. There has never ever been any comprimising with her. She hears something she doesn't like, she's done. Do not talk about it. Don't you dare.

During this conversation I said to my daughter that we are going to see a movie together. Yeah, I know I shouldn't have. But I was just desparately begging for her to say, "Good for you. Enjoy yourself." I guess sometimes you can't help but beat your head up against the proverbial brick wall. If you are desperate for a parent's approval (I guess I was/am), then you keep thinking, maybe this time will be different/maybe they have wised up/maybe they have changed. Well, guess what? No such luck there.

After mentioning the movie thing to my daughter, my daughter said, "Hey mom, you know what I would like? I would like for just me and you to go on a vacation together." This meant of course that we would not be taking my other daughter, her boyfriend mother. My mother then turned to me and my daughter and said, "You know what? I would never ever do this to my mother." I said to her, "Mom. What is so bad about me wanting to spend alone time with my own children?" She replied, "There is nothing bad. I am glad that you want to spend time with your children, some parents don't." In other words, huh???? I guess what she really meant was yeah Karen, it's really nice that you love your children so much and want to be with them, but go without me? Well, you are a terrible daughter now, aren't you?

I never go to my mother's house. She always comes here. Again, we are living in her "old" house (the one she moved out of). She would prefer to come here and "sit on your sofa and look at the photographs." Yesterday, while we were at the dr's office, she said "Look Karen. I don't run all over your house. I don't come there to get in the way." I told her, "Yes mom. I know. But I would rather you be somewhere else doing something with people and having fun rather than staring at the walls here." Of course, it made no difference.

I am really sorry that I keep venting, but you may not realize this: YOU ARE ALL KEEPING ME ALIVE RIGHT NOW. I am so unhappy about this and you are all helping me.

God Bless each and every one of you. If there are any more suggestions/comments I would welcome them. Like I said I am going to print them all out and act upon them.

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I tell you what people have told me. You cannot change your mother. And to keep doing the same thing and expecting different results is futile. She is pushing the buttons she created, and you are allowing it. As long as you keep worrying about her responses, making her mad, and pleasing her, you will stay stuck and not have a life. The many suggestions you have had above are all telling you the same basic thing: stop obsessing and start getting a life of your own without your mother. Go ahead. Rock the boat. The water's fine, come on in!

I quit answering the telephone when my mother calls. She is verbally abusive, and has a new guardian now, so she is no longer my responsibility. I don't have to care for her, and don't have to put up with her threats, accusations, criticisms, unreasonable demands, and unrealistic expectations.

I ask you this, who told you she is your responsibility? Hmmmmm. Why does she have that hold on you? Why do you ask for suggestions from others on this thread, then not follow through on them? Are you wanting permission to remain in an unhealthy situation?

You say you are unhappy. So change! Your mom won't. We can't tell you anything that will make her change. We can't tell you how to make your mother set boundaries. You HAVE to do this for yourself. You can choose to stay the same, not change, remain unhappy, and not do anything different. We can't change you, but if you won't, the complaints are confusing. Are you afraid to change? JUST DO IT!!! You don't do it expecting your mom to suddenly say, "That was a good idea!" or "My daughter is wonderful because she is setting boundaries and taking responsibility for her own life." Your mother won't say, "Boy, I sure am glad she made me do something different than just expect to have my demands met."

I wonder why we resist change at times? It is risky. What if things don't go well? What if... Don't let fear, or risking your mom's wrath and complaints keep you from taking healthy steps to take personal responsibility for your own life. You gave her that power. It's time to take it back.

It is not written anywhere that you are responsible for your mother's happiness or contentment or her for yours. You are only responsible for yours, and nothing you can do will change your mother's. You're not responsible to relieve her loneliness. You weren't born to be her social director. You can't relieve her depression.

So, instead of complaining of how she won't change, why not just go work on your business, and develop relationships with healthy individuals? (Sorry, but your mom is NOT in the category of healthy, and nothing you can do will make her that way.) Practice this phrase, "Sorry, Mom, I'm busy right now." "Sorry, Mom, my daughter needs me right now." "Sorry, Mom, I have work to do." (I'm not advocating total rejection) but you need to establish boundaries. It's OK. You'll live. It may feel weird to take responsibility for yourself, at first, but until you do, you will remain unhappy. Is that what you want?

Now, go make 2010 a great new year, make you a new you, and quit worrying about what mommy thinks. Don't let her dictate how you live your life by sucking the life out of you. Remember, the choice is yours, not your mom's. Like the song says, "Don't worry, be happy!"
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I agree with SecretSister KarenP, you must make the change. But I certainly am glad that I found this site as well. I am constantly learning from you all. Thank You.
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Basically I think happiness is a choice. We can't depend upon our circumstances to dictate whether we're happy or not. That would be like living on a roller coaster. No, I believe true happiness comes from within. And for me and mine, that comes from the knowledge that as long as I'm doing what Christ wants me to, then everything else is inconsequential. God's opinion of me is the only one that matters. I will take my instruction from the Bible-
Philippians 4:11:
"I have learned - From God. He only can teach this. In everything, therewith to be content - Joyfully and thankfully patient. Nothing less is Christian content. We may observe a beautiful gradation in the expressions, I have learned; I know; I am instructed; I can."
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When I first posted at the beginning of your question, I wrote assuming that your mother was losing it, mentally, and perhaps no longer in the "capable" column and that you'd have to assume some (more) responsibility for her. Your interactions with her give a good sense of the fight she has in her yet, and she is consciously playing you with her victim act. If she were of a more diminished mental state you probably could not expect her to change in the neediness dept.

From this exchange, it sounds like your mother has a lot of bats left in the belfry. And like most people, they don't like to be called on their act; they'll just dig in.

Coincidentally, last night's "Ugly Betty" dealt with just this problem. Betty's boyfriend was all about togetherness and loveydovy behaviors. The sequences quickly went from Betty lapping it up to wanting to strangle him. Her plot line is all about trying to reconnect him with previous passion, which was painting. This backfires on her in a hilarious way, but eventually she presses her point and he gets it. It's probably viewable on the abc pages or on Hulu.
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It's all about setting boundaries and sticking to them. You know the old saying "strong fences make good neighbors" Well this applies to your situation with your mom. If you do not set some boundaries she will continue to encroach on your space. Soon you will not know where she ends and you begin. That is already starting to happen or you would not be taking the guilt trip you are on now. So start with small but careful steps like only visiting with her at pre-agreed times each week. Fill the visits with quality time by helping her recall the good things that happened in HER life rather than letting her live vicariously through you. And when you have things to do--like with your daughters--don't even share these with her. They are YOUR treasured memories. Make her find her own. But do all this gradually, so she won't suspect what you are up to and try to sabotage it. After a few months you should see improvement. If not in her disposition, certainly in yours. A measure of success will be that you begin to enjoy the quality time you spend with her and no longer feel guilty about the quantity.
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Great comments all around.

I called my mom's doctor today. We have an appointment tomorrow. My mom does not know about the phone call. I mentioned three things to her doctor..

1. Memory issues. My mom forgets appointments (I know we all do that once in a while), but a few weeks ago my one daughter and me and mom went to see a movie. After the movie I told my other daughter what we had seen. She said, "Hey mom, me and nan went to see that movie three days ago." I asked my mom and she said she had never seen the movie before. I know it was true because my daughter had discussed it three days ago with me, but when my mom said, "No, I didn't see it yet" I figured she hadn't. Also, like I said before, we live in her old house. She lived here for nineteen YEARS before we moved down here. She has slept over here twice and both times, in the morning after she woke up she said to me and my daughter, "Where are we? Have we been anywhere? I recognise the place, but..." When we told her she laughed and said, "Oh yes, silly me."

2. I also let her doctor know about the depression. I don't know if "just" saying that you want to hang yourself or that you wish you were with your deceased spouse automatically "qualifies" you to be labeled as depressed, but since I'm not the dr. all I can do is pass along the information.

3. I told the dr. that my mom is extremely lonely and overly dependent on me. I gave her specific examples of what has been happening (you of course already know them all. Lucky you or Poor you, depending on how you feel by now!) She said that my mother is probably in early stage dementia. I have heard of dementia, but is that the same thing as Alzheimer's? I will have to research to see.

The dr. ended up saying that she will put her on Aricept (a quick search looks like it's for Alzheimer's) and increase her Zoloft and recommend she see a psychiatrist. However, the dr. said not to expect too much in the way of behavior change. Just great. We both agreed it's going to be a hard road because my mother hates to take meds and says she is on too many right now. And you already know the nightmare of counseling/psychiatry. She won't go because they will "ask questions."

Well, once again, I want to thank you all for your outpouring of support. I hope I haven't bored you all to tears too much. I will take your advice. It's just difficult to break a forty five year old pattern in two days. I hope you understand.

I will let you all know what happens tomorrow.

Incidentally, I saw mom for about six hours yesterday and will be seeing her all day tomorrow. Her appointment is at 10:30am so I'm sure she will say, "Can I come over?" I don't have the heart (or is it guts?) to say no, but what I have done is taken some of your suggestions to heart....

When she called me today she said, "Will you please allow me to come over today?" I said, "I don't feel well today." This is true as I have been in bed all day until just now nursing a cold/flu whatever. She replied, "Well, I didn't mean right now. I meant later on." I felt like saying, "Hello? Did you not hear me? I said I don't feel good." But I didn't. Instead I said, "Like I said I don't feel good, but tomorrow you have an appointment and I will see you then." And tomorrow when she does stay over after the appointment I am going to spend a lot of my time upstairs. I can't keep babysitting her. Wow, it looks like I may be "growing a pair." Or (old habits creeping back now) is that I am a lousy daughter abandoning an old kind woman? Well, obviously the battle continues, but either way at least there is some positive movement, right?
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I agree with a lot of others I was expected by the husband to give up my life for him entirely and now am glad I did not while he was alive or I would be just like him now that he is gone I kept up as many of my own interests as possible it was not my fault no one wanted to be around him when all he could talk about his health and now the burden of his care is off of me I have a full peaceful life. You can give your Mom a certain of your time but she has no right for you to give it all to her-if she is able she could volenteer even if it is to call shut-ins once a week or find something to do withherself-try to make a plan of separarting yourself from her constant needyness a little at a time maybe letting the answering machine get the calls for a period of time and increase it over time.
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Karen, I know exactly how you feel. I take care of my 95 yr. old mom who is a very stubborn, selfish, old lady. I have to turn her every 2-3 hrs for her bedsores, cook for her, bathe her, curl and comb her hair, put on her makeup, dress her, she's on a foley, have to crush her pills (about 12 meds), clean her after bathroom visits, the list goes on and on. I start at 8 in the morning and go all night. I set my alarm on my cell phone to wake up every 2 hrs. and you should see the bags under my eyes. I literally do EVERYTHING for mom.

The problem that she's rude, mean, and NEVER thanks me for the things I do. If anyone else in the family comes to visit and does the slightest thing for her, she thanks them over and over. Oh well....She fights me over everything from meds to baths.

When she was in the hospital, she expected me and my 2 sisters to sit there all day and watch her sleep! She is very anti-social, has NO friends, and doesn't speak to anyone if she doesn't need to.

I too feel guilty because I feel bitter and resent the fact that I have to do it all on my own. I have 2 sisters who who and try to help when they can. My mom is VERY demanding and just plain hard to deal with on a 24 hr. basis.

I told her she can treat me like **** but I am going to do my part and take care of her as best as I can. I take a 'holiday' once a month and go get a nice hotel room with Misti my dog and we enjoy Fri, Sat, and Sun alone and together--away from her! I can't wait for my next holiday. Hang in there Karen because at least your mom still goes out. My mom just sits in front of me and doesn't say a word, no reading, no puzzles, no TV, no radio, ugh!!! God Bless You Karen
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I do not know about your mother, but my own mother is a master of manipulation and guilt making. If you feel this is what is going on, just do not give in to it. Try and take yourself out of the equation...just think of what you would tell a friend who was having this problem and go from there.
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Hi again, forgot to tell you that I am a 58 yr. old divorcee who cannot have friends over because she doesn't like the noise, can't date any men because she runs them off with her rudeness and can't go out (even downtown) because she gets mad.

Yes, my mom is a master manipulator and I need to have it stop. I told my sisters that they need to help me with her but it really didn't make a difference. They don't like being around her because she's so difficult...but we do love her and want to keep her comfortable.

She refuses to designate power of attorney paperwork, refuses to show us where she keeps her will, funeral arrangements, etc. She acts like she doesn't remember anything but she remembers her money, accounts, and finances. She refuses to pay for anything the insurance and Medicare won't cover even if she needs it. She's a total TRIP!

Karen, I do it 24 hrs. a day--and never stop. It's totally wrecked my health and life. She is slowly killing me and I am letting her. I can't leave her or move out--I don't know what to do but I do look forward to my monthly 'holiday.' I will keep you in my prayers--
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Karen I can certainly relate to your situation. My mom lives with me and won't do any activity without me. During the work week I have a caretaker stay with her while I am at work. About the only thing she will allow the caretaker to do is to take her to a doctor appointment. I call her from work each afternoon and she always wants to know when I will be home. Once I get home and fix dinner she wants me to stay with her and all she really does is sit in her recliner and snooze. I can't go anywhere or do anything since she wants me to sit next to her. I try to take her to the store or the mall on the weekend and she stays a short time and says she can't walk anymore and wants to go home. She refuses to use the motorized carts at the store and I haven't figured out how to push a wheelchair and a grocery cart at the same time. When she does talk she either argues with me or relates an old story for the 50th time. I guess what I am trying to say is that yes, I understand that your mother is sucking the life out of you. You are made to feel you are only there for her and the world revolves around her needs and no one else. You mom still has her faculties so try set those boundaries people keep talking about. My mom's Parkinson's disease has compromised her memory so she can't remember the boundaries so it is impossible to set them. I really don't have any advise other than to say you're not alone. Good luck and I'll say a prayer for all of us caregivers.
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To all those caregivers out there who feel like their mothers are sucking out their lifeblood, I would like to know why you all CONTINUE to let it happen? Is it for financial reasons? Lack of enough money for necessities like parent care is a real bummer and if this is the reason you continue to be abused then I truly feel sad about your situation. BUT lack of enough money to do anything else is the only reason I can understand for any of you allowing your mothers to slowly kill you. Do you believe God's plan for you is to die because of your mother's neediness and unappreciative nature? Do you believe that God "thinks" your needs are less important than your mother's needs? that your uniqueness is less valuable than your mother's uniqueness? I just don't understand this "mother worship" thing. I don't believe that honouring your mother and your father means allowing the parents to control their ADULT children's lives or means that the adult children are to act like fairy godmothers that have to try to grant all their mothers/fathers wishes. But this is just MY opinion. Please explain YOURS so that I can understand better why some/many(?) of you think otherwise.
I have a mother who would probably have made my sisters and me very sick in the last two years if we had not finally used some tough love on her. As kids and young adults we spent years and years trying to please her and trying to meet her needs (and of course we always came up short). Then we smartened up and tried hard to be just ourselves. Finally in the last two years tough love was the only route we could take. Now my sisters and I are still relatively sane :-), our mother will soon be celebrating her 96th birthday, AND an elderly gentleman in the assisted living facility where they both live has a "crush" on her!!!! How much better can life get???
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lcs, you escaped. Many others of us struggle. You have said some correct things, and we should ask ourselves what God would have us do. Thanks for pointing that out. Pray for those who are struggling. It's difficult to escape a lifetime of conditioning, and sometimes painful.

Karen, you have made some positive steps! And forgive me if I sounded harsh. Breaking 45 years is not easy. Mammas know what makes us tick, makes us jump, and makes us cry. And they know how to get what they want. Sad :( but true. I just started a book I think you'll like: "Tears and Healing; The journey to the light after an abusive relationship," by Richard Skerrit. I found it online and she doesn't know it, but my mom bought it for me for Christmas. It will help you understand some things and give you tools for making the changes you desire. My heart and prayers are with you.

So many of you are struggling with similar issues. This grieves me, but makes me feel no so alone. What a dark world we live in sometimes. Here we are, caring for our loved ones, and finding hurt and difficulties along the way. Many do not understand, but some do. It's a valley experience, though I'm hoping we come out OK. Bless you Caregivers for all you do, but remember it's important to also take care of you!
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My question is, are these life sucking mothers acting any different now, as opposed to when you were all kids? Is the dementia/Alzheimer's making a personality change in them, or is this 'normal' behavior for them? I've often wondered why it seems that some people who get dementia are nice, and some become the life suckers. Does Alzheimer's cause a person who was a wonderful, generous, kind person when they were younger, to become mean and hateful? What do those people who are dealing with the 'life suckers' think?
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i remebered few years ago when dad was in the hospital . he would make me and my brother sit in the chair and watch him sleep . me and my brother would grin and wait till he sleeps then we snuck away . then dad would wake up and find us gone !!! heeheeeheee . we flat out told dad that we have a life and are not goingto sit in thatchair , sorry pa !!
i am the type of a person that nobody can tell me what to do . ill sit for a few but not all day not al night . i refuse to be told no ! i done listen from the time i was born up till i got married and now i am a grown adult and a grandma , raised all 3 of my kids and no my father will not tell me what to do cuz he knows i wont do it unless i think i needed to .
he did get upset and whine abotit then he realized im a grown woman . i will leave the house and he would tell my daughter oh im having chest pains . mydaughter would call me and tell me ,thinkin i zoom back home . i told my daughterto give him his nitro pills . he found out his lit game didnt work so he gave up . just as long as he can stay at my home and he just going to have to accept it that his baby girl is not going to be told what to do .
i go in myfamilyroom while he s in living room. yes i ill sit and watch movies with him and hang out with him . wheni need a break , family room is where i go .
i cant believe some of you would just sit there and let them control over you . its tough love and let them know ure not a small child . you will run the household not them ..
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A couple of days ago I was with a dear friend who has a grandmother-in-law that is 91 and is self-centered, uncooperative, and mean. She refuses to give up her independence and needs 24 hour care. This friend's MIL (the aforementioned grandmother-in-law's daughter) has dementia as a result of a brain tumor and is in assisted living. My mother has dementia, and health issues, and my father has narcissistic personality disorder and some health issues (they are 81 and 80 years old respectively). I said to my friend, "I really think it is time for my parents to move along" (as in go over the rainbow bridge). My friend looked at me and said, "You don't know how many times I think the same thing about ***'s grandmother! I know it sounds mean, but it is just too much already." Yes, this is probably not too PC, but it is the truth. I think many of us believe that we are being awful and hateful when we wish that our loved ones would just close their eyes one day and not awaken. What is the quality of life that our loved ones have with horrible illness and the demands made on the family? It gets to the point where it is not tolerable. It sucks your soul dry. You are dealing many times with a person who is no longer the same person you loved and wanted to be with. I just think people are living too damn long!!!! I have learned from my experiences and my friends' experiences that I never want to do this to my child or to my spouse. I will leave written instructions that if I am not sound in mind, then my child and husband are to ignore my attempts at manipulation and guilt-tripping. Don't abandon me, but don't be taken in by my craziness either.
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Please understand, dementia is the loss of cognitive function because of the destruction of brain tissue. Depending on what areas of the brain are affected, determines what kinds of behavior or loss of skill you will see. I have seen very meek, quiet ladies develop "Truck drivers" mouths, because their frontal lobes of their brains (the area that controls behavior and social skills) are being attacked and destroyed. There are many great resources out there to educate yourself. The individual with dementia KNOWS they are losing their skills ("losing their minds"). They just can't explain it, or verbalize what is happening so the "retreat" or isolate themselves. This only perpetuates the downward spiral. They are reaching out for help! But you don't have to be the only person to provide that help. There are many great resources, ie: support groups, senior day programs, respite programs, assisted livings that specialize in dementia care!!! Utilize those resources, for yourself and your loved one!
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Karen- I completely understand what you're saying. I was hoping to read through the answers and see if there was any advise that I could use as well.

My situation is a bit different, as I moved into my moms house to care for her. I'm married with children and they live at my house. My mom is on hospice and needs 24 hour care. Mom has been on hospice for 2 years now and it just keeps getting harder and harder.

You can't force an adult to go anywhere they don't want to go. Unless they're a danger to themselves or need care that can not be performed in the home, she can stay at the house. Which means that I have to stay and take care of her. My dad passed in 2004 and mom is 74 and I have no siblings or extended family. Most of her friends are in the same shape or worse. I am completely isolated.

I used to work a full time job which I had to cut back to part time. I fear losing my job at any moment. Mom agreed to let me hire a caregiver for the time I am at work. Many people tell me to quit my job and have mom pay me what she is paying the caregiver. I need the time away.

Mom wants all my attention. I am so worn out and tired. I can completely relate to you and how parents can zap your energy. None of my friends can understand it, and I've been zinged on here with people telling me how lucky I am that my mom is still here and that I'm lucky to be able to take care of her. Her condition makes her agitated and verbally aggressive. If I tell her I need time to bathe she say's "Oh I wish I could have a bath, you're so lucky to be able to indulge yourself". If having a bath every 3 days is indulgent, then I'm a very luck gal!

I won't whine on about how terrible it is to not have a moments peace. I think what I am saying is that I take a little bit of comfort in knowing that there is someone on this site that isn't sugar coating the bad stuff. I'm sorry I can't help with a solution, and I don't think there is one. Guilt and parenting are as old as time and we are stuck. I mean STUCK, for some of the perky, get yourself out of your own self pity, put yourself in their shoes, get volunteers in to help you...blah blah blah. Sometimes it is what it is, and right now it SUCKS!
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FrancesP GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thank you SanityLost! It isn't so easy to "escape" as so many have said.
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Dear sanityLost, I appreciate your emotional honesty. I'm rooting for you that your sanity isn't lost, just temporary insanity. You sound perfectly sound to me, and realistic. It is what it is, and you're a trooper, not a victim. Bravo! Some Caregivers are heros! And some just want to do things different. We need each other, sometimes, to make healthy changes. And sometimes we just want to be heard and understood. It's so good to know we're not alone, and to have a place to vent that when our parents struggles hurt us, we can find people to encourage us.
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Frances P, I'm going back to your post about sucking your soul dry and people living too long. My mom was 92 when she died. For several years before that, before her dementia got too bad for her to express herself, she would tell me that she was tired of living, couldn't see, couldn't hear, could no longer do the handiwork she so enjoyed, couldn't even walk without assistance, couldn't always make it to the bathroom in time. She said no one should have to live as long as she had, that she firmly believed everyone should die at age 75. Now, her number may have been a bit arbitrary, but I totally get her point. Yes, there are parents who have been manipulators all their lives, and some who became manipulators as age and/or dementia ate at their lives, security, independence, control, dignity. I like to think that many of our parents, many years ago when they still had all their brain cells firing, would HATE to see us so torn apart, would HATE to see the life blood sucked out of us. I think they would understand when we wish for them to die. It is so sad that so many of us have come to this. It is so sad that there is no simple answer. I recently saw "Harold and Maude", and Maude set 80 as her final age and acted upon it. I'm kinda with Maude.
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Awwww, txmaggie. That's an interesting perspective for you, seeing as though you just lost your mom. wow. Heart to you.
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Okay, here's an update on todays appointment at the doctors. The doctor increased my mother's sertraline (Zoloft) to 100mg or g or tons or whatever the unit is for the depression medication, and added 5mg of Aricept for memory. Mom came over today and asked me the same questions over and over and over again. I found myself becoming agitated at her continued questioning the same thing every two minutes. I have to be kinder to her. Memory loss is not her fault.

The dr. did not say anything about her seeing a psychiatrist, but she does have a follow up appointment in a month to see if any of the meds make a difference.

I am EXTREMELY ASHAMED to admit this, but I have no friends at all. My ONE friend who still lives in NJ has stage four lung cancer and is in a nursing facility now. Other than him, who is my best friend and always will be, I have no other friends. Because my family is so small, me, mom, two children and that's it, I really feel isolated.

I lost my job in February of last year and have been unemployed since then. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you lovely, kind people would be interested in emailing me (or is that not allowed, I don't know). I would really love to have an email friend and someone who has caregiving in common is just the icing on the cake.

I hope I'm not coming across as too desperate, but if any of you are interested, please let me know how we can email each other.

To all of you who have answered my LONG posts, thank you.
You have lifted me out of the misery I was in and given me direction and hope. I really value all of your opinions.
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I hope you get support and I am sure you will this site has been so great-I do not know how I would have survived the last few years caring for my husband if not for the saints here that gave me love and support-my husband passed away 6 months ago and I am trying to give back the help I received during the last few years, and you will be a blessing to others even though you can't see that at this time you can always go to my wall and I will get a notation and will answer you-I am alone now and have health problems so have to take breaks often and usually get on this site a lot this site saved my sanity and want to help others when I can.
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Dear Karen - Please don't feel ASHAMED that you don't have any friends (except for one who has lung cancer). It doesn't sound like you have had any extra TIME or ENERGY lately to develop friendships what with your mother demanding so much and you working at starting up a home business. I am sure you will get some email friends but you need at least one friend NEARBY. I imagine the caregivers who have been taking part in this discussion that you started (and it has been a WONDERFUL discussion so kudos to you for starting it!!) will come up with some ideas on how you can become a friend with someone nearby. AND thanks for keeping us all up-to-date on what is happening with your mom. Please continue to keep us posted.

naheaton, you asked if the mothers who are making their caregivers so desperate now were always they way they are presently. txmaggie gave what I thought was a good answering explanation. As for my mother, yes - she was always the way she is now. There are reasons why this was so and ever since my two sisters and I can remember, we always felt sorry for her and that's why we spent at least the first forty years of our lives doing whatever we could to try to make her happy. This warped all three of us and it has taken me nearly thirty years to somewhat recover (but down deep I still feel I have failed my mother and I have 'failing' dreams many times).

So you see, Secretsister - I have NOT escaped - I am still in the process of escaping. It has been a difficult struggle but fortunately now I can feel sorry for my mom without feeling that it is my DUTY to try to make her life perfect. Now everything I do for her is done with LOVE and that is a much better feeling. I don't know what you think but I doubt that a person can ever totally leave behind the conditioning that was experienced for years and years. There are always scars left as reminders.

lhardebeck, I enjoy reading your comments. You sound like you know what you will and what you won't do. Your idea of going to another room when you need a break is what I do too when I can't go outside for a break from all my husband's health-related problems. My favourite break is a long walk (fortunately we live in the countryside). My husband is envious of me being physically able to take these walks but I have a good excuse. My doctor has told me that my bones are deteriorating and that walking is something I should do. Pretty good excuse, eh? So I strengthen my bones and de-stress at the same time. Two for the price of one!!!

txmaggie, you raised the question we all are going to have to face - how do we want to be dealt with when we are old and sick? One of my sisters says she hopes when she reaches a certain point, she KNOWS she has reached THAT point so that she can go out into a blizzard with a bottle of Bailey's Irish Creme and "slip away". How's that for a solution? :-) Cheers, everyone!
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Hi Karen, give us a whereabouts you live and maybe there are some caregivers in the area who can meet for lunch or something......
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KarenP, I have met most of my friends that I've had for years at church. Also I was thinking that if you had a Curves not too far away, that would be another place. That would serve double duty by getting your body healthy while you work off some stress. It's a lot cheaper than going to a gym, plus it's only women which I like best. Anyway, those are the two places that came to mind.
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