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bookluvr, your post is so very similar to what I am going through. I can't believe how much weight I have gained in my tummy and on my face, and here when I am stressed I don't eat. Maybe there are a lot of calories in toothpaste, it has to be coming from somewhere :P I also feel like I look pregnant, thank you Mother Nature and that grand delightful phase of menopause.

Half of my slacks are in boxes to donate, there is no way I will be able to get into those slacks ever again.... and same issue with some slacks fit nicely standing up, but too tight sitting down. Darn it. Now I am buying elastic waist band slacks, which I find very comfortable but a bit baggy. Oh well.

And what really irks me are those advertisements for quick fix diet pills... some gal saying she now weights 130 and is a size 4. Size 4? Maybe if she is 6 foot tall she would be size 4 :P
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Hmmm, I'm gulping pepsi and munching on potato chips as I read this! I am Tired and Cranky because my mom called me literally hundreds of times last night and it has started again this afternoon. I used to be able to overindulge without any consequences, but since menopause and am starting to pack on the belly fat. I try to get out and walk every day, it is good for both my mental and physical health.
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You must be under a lot of stress. It can cause some terrible things to happen to your body. I had that happen, but I lost weight. I lost about 30 pounds over 6 months, though I needed to lose it, so I didn't mind. But, still it hurts your health.

I would avoid going on a diet. They don't work long term, IMO, though I hear good things about Weight Watchers.

I would avoid buying sweets for the house. If you want a sweet treat, eat it out of the house. It helps on temptation.

I would let your belly get really hungry at least once per day. I know some people say to eat lots of small meals, but I find that I need to have my belly feel hunger, but not stuff it full.

I would really try to not eat after 7:00 p.m. at night. When I do that, I can feel my tummy being small the next day.

And don't kick yourself. Your size doesn't reflect who you are. I would go for health benefits and how you feel.
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I used to lose my appetite when stressed or going thru depression. I hated sweets - except when I was PMSing. That was before Menopause. Now, on the after Meno stage, I find myself craving sweets (totally unnerves me that I now love chocolates and candies and orange sodas..) And I now have the midnight cravings that are not lite snacks but a real mini meal. I'm gaining a lot - on the tummy and my face.

My goal this year is to eat lightly on the late night snacks and try to exercise a bit. Try to force myself to eat fruits (apples, oranges causes my acid reflux to act up). My goal for now is to just halt my expanding tummy. I look pregnant and I'm now down to 5 slacks that I can still wear to work. And I do believe 3 of those slacks hurt my tummy because it's too tight when I'm sitting. I have successfully not bought a box of ice cream in which I would eat a large bowl of it every night. I think I went thru 2 boxes of Dreyers ice cream a week. One down, and many more to go. I wish you well in your endeavors with the weight gain. Hopefully this year will be better for us, than last year. =)
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You are lucky. I have a sister who goes totally anorexic when stressed.
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My advice. This is from personal experience.

Stop looking at your scale when you are trying to reduce your size. It is good during maintenance, not good when you are trying to lose fat.

Low sugar and cabs works best for me. I do not use the Atkins or diets like it, they are too extreme but I only cut back on sweets and cards.

Stop drinking huge amounts of diet soda and similar drinks. There is something in artificial sweeteners it seems that interferes with your metabolism. Research has come out showing that large amounts can upset the good bacteria in your system.

Do not diet. Stop it. Dont do it. Just watch what you eat and stop thinking you are some sort of regimen.

Fruits and vegetables are delicious, rediscover them.

Moderate exercise helps.

I have taken off 40 pounds in 2014 by not spending one day dieting or feeling deprived and basically eating what I want. I noticed that I no longer want to go to Outback for a steak, and there is no Ben and Jerries at home -- I do not like it. I have let my body take care of how I should eat.

Good luck to you.
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