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Lots of elders with dementia and Alzheimer's have great difficulty as the sun begins to set, aka Sundowners. You don't say what type of place your mom is in, ie: Memory Care Assisted Living or Skilled Nursing, etc, but the staff should definitely be very familiar with behavioral changes among residents in the evening hours, including aggression. My mother is in a Memory Care community where most of the residents are in worse shape than she is, mentally. So........they can get knocking on her door, thinking it's their room, which sets my mother off into a fit of fury like I've never witnessed before. She screams and yells and calls them horrible names instead of simply letting them know they're in the wrong place. Dementia has no rhyme or reason to it, does it? Please do NOT consider taking your mom home to live with's just too much to deal with as they progress down this road and worsen.

If your mother is refusing to wear her glasses and her hearing aids, then she's likely to be having even more behavioral troubles as she will have difficulty knowing where she is in space. Poor eyesight & poor hearing = trouble. If the care givers can find an effective way to help her on with both of these items, she'll be much better off.

Here is a link to some useful info about Sundowners:

Be sure to speak to the staff at your mom's community to make sure they DO have experience with memory issues/dementia/Alzheimer's, so you can feel assured she's being properly cared for and doesn't have to placed elsewhere.

Best of luck!
Helpful Answer (8)
Judy79 Sep 2019
Thanks! She is in memory care. Just like your mom. There are some people there that are calm. I talked to my mom's doctor about it and she told me that she might have to adjust some of her medicine.
I was told that if she starts creating any problems, that she will be asked to leave. She knows not to hit me. I don't want her to leave and I know that my brother doesn't either.
I would prefer she be moved to assisted living. But they need to show her again how to do some of the things for herself but they won't. Just like a little kid, if you don't show them, they won't learn?
I don't feel that they really know how to deal with people who have anger issues there. It seems all that they want are people that are calm all the time.
I was told that they told her that she should wear her hearing aids. She was told that she only needs to wear her glasses when she reads but she doesn't do that. I will talk to her again about her wearing her hearing aids. I made a sign for her about what she should do. I can just as easily get back to her in a nice way.
And don't worry,I won't bring her home with me. Still working full time and no time to take care of her properly. Plus she is with other people and with us she would be with just the cats during the day and us during the night.
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