
My mom had a recent fall. Her facility transported her to the doctor for a follow up and I accompanied her too. On return to the nursing facility we were not addressed nor was she attended to. I asked for some help and received none. I stayed because I felt uncomfortable leaving her unattended without some conversation with staff first. When I finally asked to speak to an aide directly I expressed my concerns. She explained that an emergency was occurring and that is why we were ignored. We were all in one room, residents and staff. I saw no emergency. I saw employee’s standing in a circle discussing something. No one was doing anything or helping a resident.
I seated my mom, asked where her lunch was, retrieved it and necessary items and the driver got her a drink!
The circle group continued talking. I told them I needed to speak with one of them and it took some time before that happened.
I think at some point someone could have said “we will be with you in a moment, we have an emergency”. I am pretty happy with this facility but this all seemed very unprofessional to me.
When a resident leaves a facility and returns shouldn’t someone take notice or take charge? Or at least say “please wait we will be with you shortly”. This is a memory care facility in a skilled nursing facility.

I think it all depends upon you and your interaction with the care facility.

If you never got along with the care facility or unnecessarily questioned their care plan and expected things to be your way or nothing, then I can understand a reaction like you had.

However, in my case, whenever my Mom went anywhere that was non-pleasure, I was expected to talk to the Head Nurse prior to returning so that I could give her instructions or any changes, especially medication ones, that were a result of the visit.

If everything is done correctly, anything done in plain view of others, should never look like an emergency. A non-routine demeanor get patients worried and anxious.

Prior to bringing back my mother from the hospital, I was texting with the head nurse to give her status of our discharge and any procedures that I wanted happen upon my arrival. Hence, when I arrived, everything was ready for my mother and the transition was smooth and went as expected.
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Reply to ChoppedLiver

My mom is in a great assisted living. I never see any fuss offered after an ER visit {one this past week for a very bloody pull-up} that allows her to go back home to the facility. The nurse will get any new doctor orders and life returns to normal. I pick up a bit more visiting until I feel she is stable. At a MC I would expect a nurse to eventually discuss her plan of care with me. Some emergencies can require a group staff chat especially if a resident got out of the area. {as my mom did this past week also}. I also find most dealings with staff unprofessional. I worked 27 yrs as a clinical staff member in this type of facility. Care has changed drastically since I retired 7 yrs ago. Good luck…
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Sadinroanokeva
NightOwl Mar 25, 2024
Thanks for the reply. In one assisted living place a return to facility after an outing was always met with attention by the aide. If returning from a doctor, attention by the nurse. Even if just a verbal exchange.
In another assisted living that emphasizes “more care”, my mom returned from 2 weeks of illness and two weeks of hospital stay and there was zero interaction with her for hours on her return. I had made the point of making an appointment time for her return and announced her return when we arrived. I stayed and finally asked for communication. This place I reported to the State ombudsman. He was appalled that the facility had no re-intake policy. I moved my mother asap.
NightOwl: Perhaps the real question lies therein what did the facility do after the fall event as you've stated that the physician visit was a FOLLOW-UP? How many days elapsed from the fall to the physician appointment? The facility had the responsibility to ensure that no bones were broken immediately after the fall.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Llamalover47
NightOwl Mar 25, 2024
I felt their response after the fall was appropriate. I was called and informed. It was thought she didn’t need a doctor. Within minutes they called back to say she had hip pain. An ambulance was called and I met her at the ER. She returned by ambulance to her facility and I met her there. The staff assisted her to bed rest. I was sorry that she had fallen but I know this happens.
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Ask the administrator what the protocol is for staff in ANY situation that you have concerned about.

Management and administration should be 'very' professional. If they are not, that is a red flag to you.
Line staff - often they are often exhausted, overworked, untrained or not trained enough / properly. Of course, common courtesy should be a given / required of all staff regardless of their position.

Perhaps your expectations are not in line with facility 'rules and regulations.'
It is certainly possible that there was an emergency that was not disclosed or as apparent as one (you) would think. I likely would be questioning the response too. I would talk to the administrator.

Gena / Touch Matters
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Reply to TouchMatters
NightOwl Mar 24, 2024
Thank you. I do appreciate professionalism.
What does Dr prescribe? If it's long term care n in Ohio, you better visit frequently n visit around asking what happen to so n so. I've been in one 1 1/2 years and ran out of regulatory agencies n federal agencies to reform these beds of Angels of Mercy. Get a copy of their med chart and know it. Make friends with Drs. N RN's. That's a start. I've retired from a municipal Dept Head n Clergy. And I'm an AdVinn. And know what Karma is. That's why n gives HOPE.
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Reply to AdVinn

A little off subject but I have found that the best care my mom gets consistently is the private caregiver I have for her (she is in MC). It is only 4 hours a day and covers 2 meals. She gets her showers, companionship, cueing, consistency and one/one care. I highly recommend private caregivers over the upsndowns of facility care. I also have a camera in mom’s room. When I didn’t have a camera I was glad for the private caregivers because staff do not care as much as you want them to care and they have many residents.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Tandemfun4us
NightOwl Mar 24, 2024
Yea this is a wonderful idea.
I always asked my husband's long-term care center to make a copy of anything I brought back from a visit to a doctor, dentist, or optometrist. Then they'd have a copy for their records and so would I.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to swmckeown76

This brought to mind for me the habit that my husband and I practiced when our children were young. We always verbally handed over supervision and acknowledged verbally to each other the hand-off.

I agree that it is common sense to 1) acknowledge the exchange, and 2) assist your mom with the transition. If staff was legitimately busy, the polite and professional thing to do would be to acknowledge your mom and promise to be with you ASAP.

A day at the doctor can be a very stressful and disruptive outing for anyone. Hence, in my view reintegration is worthy of help with the transition "home".
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Debmiller
AdVinn Mar 24, 2024
Who gets to go to Dr.? I'M in a skilled nursing Facility lol. Pre incarceration I use to get a summery of visit n instructions. And had a chart of meds I can only hope the nurses they get from "day labor" know what they are doing. They have a nice social life on us, I think they are a sorority or girl scout chapter.
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I just noticed, nightowl, that you say that your mother was to see the doctor. I had previously somehow thought she had been hospitalized.
I think that you should expect no special treatment of any kind when returning from an MD appt. Not unless the MD has told you that he is writing special orders he would like delivered to the facility for entry into her orders and care plans, and honestly he should be doing that himself, not using you as a go-between.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to AlvaDeer
NightOwl Mar 24, 2024
No no special treatment needed just a verbal acknowledgment that they knew she was back and were responsible. A connection of some sort.
I praise them all the time and the staff on a normal basis is very interactive.
This day there was an agency nurse and three different than the usual aides.
The “diet concern” was just to ask for adaptive silverware for my mom. The laundry concern was because they pick up laundry daily, yet my moms was over looked for over a week. It was wet, soiled and overflowing. This happened three times before I took it to the head nurse. So I was patient and tried first to deal with staff. I’m always nice and diplomatic more than I need to be I’m sure.
But I understand your point, don’t make waves at the risk of having your loved one mistreated or booted out.
I don't think 4x in 7 months is excessive. My daughter, RN, works in NHs so I would ask her what I should complain about. Believe me my daughter can tell you awful stories about family members, way worse than what you have posted.

Always approach with a question. "I just brought my Mom back, is there anything I or someone else needs to do? I complained about Moms laundry. For some reason one of her nightgown was always disappearing. (Yes I checked the roomates closet.) I took pictures of all her clothes when she entered the facility. Would see the Laundress in the hall and ask her if she would be on the lookout. Always got returned.

I really don't think you did anything wrong. If these aides were in a common area their jobs are caring for the residents not standing around talking together. When aides have spare time, they are suppose to interact with residents. Sitting and talking with then or taking them outside. They could of been on break or lunch but I would think breaks and lunch would be staggered so there was always an aide available. Also, taken in an area they are not seen by family members. Likeca break room orba smoke outside.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to JoAnn29
NightOwl Mar 24, 2024
The aides and nurse stood in a circle talking. When I addressed them and asked where my moms lunch was they pointed to the kitchen where I went and found her lunch. The driver found her a drink. I had to ask for silverware and it seemed to be a bother to them. I asked for my moms non skid mat and never got it, went and got that myself too. The driver attached her chair alarm. I don’t know where all these things are kept and have never just rummaged through the kitchen!
Later they said there was an emergency.
As far as any past concerns, the “diet concern” was just to ask for adaptive silverware for my mom. The laundry concern was because they pick up laundry daily, yet my moms was over looked for over a week. It was wet, soiled and overflowing. This happened three times before I took it to the head nurse. So I was patient and tried first to deal with staff. I’m always nice and diplomatic more than I need to be I’m sure. 
I appreciate your response and I do want to be careful not to complain without reason.
The regular staff is pretty great. I tell that to them and their supervisors often. The day in question there was an agency nurse and three staff from another department.
I think I just got mad at what seemed like people not doing their job or at least saying “sorry we cannot help you right now”.
Thanks for the reply, I just need to let it go.
Yes I completely understand that elderly people fall. I know that my mom could fall in my care or in their care.
My expectations of care are definitely high, maybe too high. I just want to know someone is in charge before I walk away, that someone is engaged on some level at least. This would require the staff to communicate which they did not do on this day until I pressed the issue.
I have checked with the administrator. He said there was no emergency. He’s going to watch the video of my interaction with staff that day.
I have expressed concerns 4 times in 7 months. Once because my mother wasn’t doing well, once for diet concerns, once for laundry concerns and now this. I don’t think that is excessive. I have never gone to the administrator before but that’s who was available this time. If I complained every time I wanted to, now that would be excessive.
I realize that the staff are just trying to do a difficult job and they’re tired.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to NightOwl
AlvaDeer Mar 21, 2024
And what have you told them is GOOD about their facility and care?
IS there anything good?
I can tell you that you are developing an adversarial relationship with this facility.
You in fact MAY be happier somewhere else, and that is what they will soon tell you.
You developing unrealistic expectations and adversarial relationship will hard the person you love most here, and are trying to protect.
Diet and laundry concerns are not crucial, are common in care. Goodness, those mushy canned green beans! That overcooked pasta! Those greasy corndogs! The mix up's in David's clothing ending in Dee's drawer. But that's life in the imperfect world of LTC. This is tough work. This work is mental heavy lifting.

How you react and what your complaints and praises are is up to you. We aren't there. We aren't seeing it. And with a loved one in care we often want someone to be mad at, because grief is just too, too tough. But I would suggest trying to rethink this.
That's my humble opinion.
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Now that this has happened, you discuss it with the DON if there is one or the highest Nurse. They oversee the aides. Since this bothered the driver too, seems your concern is warrented. Just ask whatvthe criteria is and then explain why your asking.

At my Moms AL we signed her out than in. Place was small so she was seen coming and going. I don't see why an emergency would need all the aides on the floor. If someone dies, the Nurse pronounces the person then contacts the funeral home of choice then the family. The only way an aide would be involved is cleaning up the resident.

I never had to take my Mom out of her nursing home because she used a facility doctor. But I would assume if I did, I would have needed to sign her out and in again at the Nurses station. Either a nurse would take over from there or you would be told to take her back to the room or to the common area. At which time if it had been me, I would have told an aide she was back. Just a thought, I never would have given discharge papers or doctors notes to an aide. They would have been given to a nurse.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to JoAnn29

Without being there it’s hard for anyone else to know what you experienced.

What did you need help with when you came back to the facility with your mom?

If there was an emergency going on, then they would have to address that as it was occurring.

Did your mom need immediate assistance with something?

Maybe since you were there with your mom they assumed that you would be helping her. Perhaps, if you weren’t there they would have attended to your mom a bit sooner.

Who knows what was going on? Just because you didn’t see an emergency doesn’t mean that something hadn’t occurred in someone’s room.

Talk about this further with the staff in your mom’s facility. They are the ones that have the answers to the questions that you are asking.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to NeedHelpWithMom
NightOwl Mar 20, 2024
Thank you. My mother was not in great need at the time. I just needed her to be acknowledged before I could walk away.
This is all related to how she fell in the first place. I left her and told staff I was leaving. Then she fell within 15 minutes.
At this time she needed acknowledgment, lunch as it was lunch time, a drink, silverware, a chair alarm and feeding. All residents were seated in the dining room, there aren’t very many of them.
Its all well, I stayed and fed her and found the necessary items.
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This is a question that you should discuss with your facility. I am certain we are unlikely to have the answer for you.

A resident is usually returned to their living when the hospital feels they are fit TO return. I do not know who had the discharge papers? Was that you or the ambulance?

You were told there was an emergency. You saw staff in discussion. There may in fact have even been a DEATH. You were not privy to that information nor should have been. All were aware you were with your mother.
You would have the discharge papers. You should tell staff that you will wait until someone can discuss discharge papers with them.

I would discuss this with the administration of the facilty (SNF?) your mom is in. I am certain that you are feeling taxed just now with a hospitalization and return to facility. I hope your questions will be readily answered.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer
NightOwl Mar 20, 2024
Yes, their transport person had the discharge papers. She was upset as well at the situation. And yes I did stay until I had a discussion with them.
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