
when they can take care of themseves but will not. no matter if u have an accident n can no longer do everything for them but they still expect you too no matter your pain n surcomstances. they think its funny to make u hurt to care for them they brag to their friends about how they make u wait on them hand n foot.

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Adbrook: why do say, "they think it's funny"? Is this person depressed, demented, or playing games with you? It's got to be one of these. Has a doctor assessed this person?
If they are depressed, they are not lazy, just can't get going. If they are demented, they can't help it, or meds need to be changed. If they are simply playing games with you, and you are the pawn--what the heck is the matter with you? Let it out, Adbrook. We care:))) Hugs
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You know it's funny, in that if you weren't available cause you lived a 1000 miles away, somehow she'd find a way to take care of herself. hmmmm
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Are you living with this person? Is that why you are waiting on them hand and foot? Sounds like may be you should just leave them, since they are capable, and let them do what needs to be done. If they get sick of the way things are, they will get it done.
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