
HI everyone, another question and update on my situation. My mom 86 did move in with us and everything is going fairly well. But, we are still dealing with my sister. She calls mom and asks for money to go to the doctor and money for food. He husband is working and also gets a ssi check. They live in a camper trailer and are at ends with each other. I think he has took over the finances and must be only giving her a certain amount to spend. She was the one paying bills and the spender. She has gotten then in debt over their heads. My husband will not allow her to come over or in our yard because of her behavior. The last two times she has called and wanted money mom tells her she will give it this time but, she cant give her anymore. But she will always gives in and gives it to her. This month she has already given her $466. Mom is only getting ssi to live on for medicine and personal items. Mom has crippling arthritis and can hardly walk. She has to pull herself up on the walker just to go to the bathroom. The last two times she has called for money she also asked for me to make her a sandwich and a cup of coffee to bring to her. I met her at a local place. I have not told my husband and feel guilty of doing things behind his back. I don't agree with it all but only doing it for mom. I have talked to mother about telling my sister No, and that she can't keep giving her money. But, my sister knows how to play on moms feelings. My daughter also does not agree with this situation and all of this is causing frustration, and friction in our lives. My question is what to do?? I am not the POA over mom and have no authority over her decisions or money. Should I speak to a lawyer or what can we do???? Thanks to anyone that replies!

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If your mom is cognizant...
If you are not POA
You have no say in what mom does with her money.
NOW there might be some things you can do that could help.
Begin "charging" mom.
You should have a contract but charge her for:
A portion of ALL living expenses. If there are 3 people living in your house now 1/3 of the mortgage, gas, electric, water, garbage, cable, internet is to be paid for by mom. This also includes 1/3 of all food expenses.
If you are providing "hands on care" you also charge her for your caregiving.
This will mean that mom has less money to give to your sister.
What you do with the money is up to you. You can bank it for mom, you can use it for your expenses.

But bottom line you have no say in what mom does with her money until mom is incompetent AND you have POA or are appointed her Guardian.
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Reply to Grandma1954

I am sorry.
You have no power, as you yourself admit.
Your mother is competent to make her own decisions.
She is, however, gifting, and if this catches up to her, then at the very point she needs the help of Medicaid she will not be able to get it. If that doesn't scare her, not much will.

It is very difficult, when a parent sees a child in such dire need, not to want to help.
I can only say that, if mother lives with you, I hope you have a care contract for shared living expenses. If mother has to pay you for food, shelter and utilities that is money you can tuck away into an account for her for her safety in future.

I am sorry, but you couldn't even use any POA unless your mom was deemed incompetent in the courts. This is her decision. You have spoken to her about it. But it is her choice.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

NEVER go behind your husband's back to do something you know is wrong! You are risking your family for your sister's history of misbehavior.
Ask your mother, in a calm time, if she wants to give her limited resources to promote your sister's continuous dependency and immaturity or if she would like
her daughter to be able to be a grown up and find a way to take care of herself because Mom will not be around forever to bail her out.
Unless you are in charge of her finances, it is her choice.
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Reply to Cashew

I would tell Mom that she needs to save her money for her care. If her health gets worse, and you need help caring for her, and it would be nice if Mom could pay for the aide. Her financial responsibility stopped when ur sister turned 18. Sis has a husband who seems to be able to support her. If she needs money, she needs to get a job. Dr visits? She should have health insurance to cover that. If she is 62, she can get SS.

I would get Mom to assign you POA even if u did not have this problem. Its a tool u will need as she ages. At her age, it should be immediate. But IMO as long as she still has the ability to make decisions, you are not in "control". But if Mom really rather not give Sister money but just gives in, she can tell Sis that u now have POA and handle her money.

You and Mom are enabling your sister. She has a husband, I doubt if he is starving her. Your husband seems to be the only one setting boundaries here. And why is your daughter involved? All you and Mom need to do is learn the word NO. One way maybe getting Mom to stop is tell her she is interferring in a marriage. That Sis's husband seems to have set boundaries when it comes to how much money sis is given. Mom is thwarting his efforts to teach sister to budget.

A lawyer cannot help you. Mom is competent to make her own decisions. Now if she had Dementia you could try to get gaurdianship. What needs to be done is Mom and you set Boundaries. "No Sis, you have to live on what your husband allows you. Mom needs her money for her and I cannot continue to go against my husband. This money problem is between u and your husband."
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

It is Springtime - tell her to buy some seeds and grow food . As Geaton said " get POA Over Mom and set a boundary with your sister . " Looking thru My Dads account I see he gave My sister $10,000 in 2020 - not sure what that what for as her Husband inherited a few Million when his Mom died July 2019 . Some People Like to Play cripple and are constantly needy and want attention. I find the co dependence annoying . You Can get a POA form Off the internet and go to Your Moms bank and Have it signed with 2 witnesses ( Branch manager , assistant manager ) with your Mother .
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to KNance72

How is mom getting the money to sis? If it requires your involvement just STOP
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Reply to lkdrymom

Convince your Mom to assign you as her DPoA, then you will have authority to make decisions in your Mom's best interests. I went through More convenient, less money, same results. They even have lawyers from your home state you can consult with. Or, etc.

How is your Mom accessing her money? Is she writing checks? If so, is she driving it over to your sister or is your sister coming to get it? Don't enable any transaction that takes place on your property or in your house. And don't you enable your sister, either. There's a reason her husband is trying to staunch her spending.

Does your sister have an addiction problem?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Geaton777

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