
My wife has ALZ and now only wants to eat buttered toast and sleep. What can be done?

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74 years old and she doesn't always recognize me but she does others. Her memory is terrible of the present things and fair of the past.
Her violent's toward me at night because she sees me as a stranger is tough on her.
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If she's taken Amiodarone for a cardiac condition, that could have contributed to a loss of taste as well as smell. Our neurologist warned us against this med.

Chemo is another thing that can affect taste buds.

How old is your wife and approximately what stage is her Alzheimer's?
If someone doesn't taste food, it can affect the appetite.
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Something that has worked with my mom is to give her what she asks for (which for her is often just a glass of juice) but also provide other tidbits she can nibble on. So place a few grapes, bite sized chunks of cheese or other healthy favourites on the plate beside the toast and she may surprise you by gobbling it all up!
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Deeshusband, best thing you can do is learn everything you can Alzheimer's and what can and cannot be done.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the blue bar section... click on Alzheimer's and read all the articles that are there.

Depending on your wife's age, as we get older we do sleep more and more. My parents were napping all the time, just comes from not being to be mobile any more, losing one's hearing, and losing some eyesight. Plus prescription medicine can have sleeping side effects.

Loss of taste is also very common as one ages. But anything sweet one can still take, thus the reason for eating the same thing over and over. The buttered toast probably tastes really good to your wife.
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