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About GA, now she is insisting that all her caregivers be fired, and that all she needs is a gardening assistant to order around. We love her, but she occasionally plants her meds along with some M&M's candy. What will we do with her???
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About Angel, She even taught her parrot to swear! We cannot take her anywhere because she insists on bringing the parrot on her shoulder. It is just downright embarrassing!
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All of my parrots swear as well. I didn't teach them actively, but they pick up EVERYTHING and I have a potty mouth to begin with. I can't imagine how bad that will get as I age. One of my parrots is 30 with a 90 year life span. The others are young, 7 or 8 with a 50 year life span. They will outlive me...and will continue to swear in my voice for a long time haha
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Today my BIL (who was having one of those occasional moments when no sign of his dementia) announced to my Support Worker "I just don't know what to do with Lucy, I turn my back for 2 minutes and she's overdoing things again. I keep telling her she's got to stop being so independent, but she just won't listen." I didn't know whether to laugh or cry as normally at he expects me to be at his beck and call, the fount of all knowledge and he begrudges me taking time to go to the loo. Still it was good to hear him looking out for me, even though it was brief :~)
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About Jeanne, With the daylight savings time changes, her sleep disorder was corrected and she no longer stays up late with her caregiver friends. She is getting so much better with more sleep, we can give her back her cake pans and help her create designs. We tried to get the cake pan from her friend, Jessebelle, but she stole it and used it for a bed pan, now its ruined. Still searching for another, because SendMe's horse won a race somewhere, the shape will make a perfect horseshoe cake.
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About MidKid, As family we were heartbroken that she no longer wanted to clean for us. We offered to stop fighting over her and let her choose where to live. All she would say is donkey shame, or something like that. We were at a loss to understand her so sent her on a nice long vacation to Germany to brush up on German.
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About GA, Oh brilliant idea she had ....lets plant a garden so d*mned high up none can reach not even her and now she wants to climb a bloody stepladder to do the garden and its raining and damned dark outside. Will she listen to me and come inside and do her crochet will she hell as like. So what is happening now? She's sat on the veranda with her quilt and her crochet and barking orders at me to do the verge patch. I wouldn't mind but she won't eat the damned veggies when I cook them for her because SHE didn't grow them!
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About angel..... well it seemed like a good idea at the time we love her dearly and she is a sweet but feisty person. Now however all the grandchildren copy her flaming parrots and swear. We tried putting a cloth over their cages at night only to be greeted with that f^&*^ing generators gone again. We now have angel and 5 grandchildren at home because they have been suspended for swearing...but we have a solution we are having grilled parrot for supper...she won't know the difference between them and chicken and we will tell her the parrots flew away. not quite sure about the cages....might give them GA for her raised gardening
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About Send, she is the sweetest person anyone could want to look after. So kind gentle and charming. She always greets us with a smile, never whines or moans and takes her meds like a goodun. So of course we asked her to come and live with us. Oh such a bad move. She has turned overnight into a harridan. My husband says it was all a ploy so we could be her skivvies. get me this that the other. Wont have a shower - insists on a bath and won't do any of the washing for herself - we have to bathe her - and I swear she just sits there and smirks because she knows how much we hate doing that sort of thing.

She went to a care home to have a look round but was so rude to the staff they won't take her
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About anyone in the future..... We knew we should have given more thought before taking her/him in ......bloody caregivers make the worst my day we did this in my day we did that - well we aren't in your day..... No I haven't sanitised the commode - its programmed to self sanitise ....You don't need me to push you to the bathroom, just press the picture of the bathroom and the computerised chair will take you there, started the row today and did it stop? no? first it was breakfast she didn't like that it wasn't what she wanted even if what she was given was programmed to be nutritionally balanced, then it was not fluids - how many times to I have to say beer is not the type of fluid you have to drink. Then even though she knows better (she keeps telling us she does) she blocked the toilet by flushing her incontinence pads down there wtf the macerating machine is right next to the toilet all she has to do is place it there and press the button ffs?

She wants me to give up work and sit with her all day because she did for her Mum - did she hell as like - she moaned all the bloody time and has now turned into her Mum with the added bonus of knowing every minute thing I do wrong and of course she doesn't just tell me once she tells me over and over again. Well we have now bought an automatic mother sitter that will sit and listen all day long, never break down and only needs charging up overnight. I have programmed it to agree with everything she says. It has over a thousand books programmed in and can read to her. it can even undo knitting errors and repair them. We are off to Mars at the weekend so we are dropping her off on the moon to stay with my brother for a day or two. I need the rest!!!!!!!!
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About GSA? What is this movie she keeps quoting about some sort of snake? Is it code? "Not dead yet! Not dead yet!" What sort of Python is a Monty? She must be delusional.
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She is a hypochondriac, I swear she has a new illness every day. I never know what she REALLY means when she says something.
She is so negative, Grandma never complained about her health.
She wants someone to do almost everything for her when she could do what needs to be done. She's just lazy.
I caught her pulling a few weeds one day and had to tell her that's not good for her.
I told her that her girlfriend's mother is still getting around and doing all kinds of things and she's 95! She has to be making all this stuff up. She makes excuses to never go anywhere. We have asked her to go to craft shows but says she can't walk far.
She used to go places & did a lot of photography but now sits at the computer, does genealogy research or plays a couple of games on facebook.
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ohJude you are hilarious. I can't tell you how many times people have threatened to grill up my parrots hahahah!!!!
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All she wants to do is play computer game 'Second Life" and sit in her house on there with her cats and chat with all the other old bats. She is always asking whether she paid her second life rent. Oh and its F-this and F-that omg her mouth!
Don't get me started about all her dolls and robots-- Why is she always wanting to "Go Home" ???
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My eldest daughter would say. Mum's very stubborn she is an old nurse a prepared to go head to head with any Dr or nurse if she does not agree with their directions. Personally i think that's why she is still alive as there have been some serious imperfections in her careWhen she was too sick to really know what was going on and some of her marbles were rolling round the floor Dad was right there keeping watch and arguing with the Drs. drove some of them crazy but Mum found her marbles so all is well. I hope they will move close to me, they are not too keen to give up their independence but i think Mum's illness is changing their minds. i have just brought a horse farm and Mum says she is going to get a golf cart and drive round to harass the boarders. I told her she can go out and do night check. She said that I had better make sure the doors in her new barn were wide enough to get her golf cart through. I have a feeling though she may be thinking about a pony and cart or a dog cart. She spends a lot of time on something called aging care. Not quite sure what it is but she talks about Jude, Windy, Garden artist, Country Mouse, Hope, Book and Ladee and many others so I do wonder if these are real people or she now has imaginary friends.
She does bath and change her clothes but is very picky about her food. She has to fancy it or she won't eat. I could write a lot more but don't have all day like Mum.
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Those imaginary friends of Veronica's should be showing up any minute.
She has left the barn door open so many times, but we love her and that is such a minor irritation. She actually seems to enjoy chasing down the boarders horses, rounding them up, and putting them back in their stalls.
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About me. She's off on one again ...this time she wants to go to America to see her 'friends' what friends? She doesn't have any friends. She keeps babbling on about definitely got to see the other caregivers and something about a dormouse or a rat or something - country mouse I think she said. Then she was nattering on about painting landscapes although she didn't call it that - can't remember but something about a garden artist. She wants me to be glad I sent her to help someone or other. Calling the doctor she is clearly regressing either that or she has a UTI.

Then she said something about a film she wants see. Avatar or something or other. Said she needs to have parrots and falcons. Clearly in LAL LA land again.
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Damned lack of editing.... she says her friend veronica is 91 - wants to send a birthday present to her horses, then go and play golf!!! now bearing in mind the only balls my mother knows are meatballs it aint gonna happen but she can dream - its all I have left right now....if she would just sleep through the night it would be helpful and I swear I will throw that bell in the bin despite me giving it to her mother years ago
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We just hope that our good friend leaves the bell at home when she does come to America, U.S.A.
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My former loved ones will say: We don't know what happened to was the historic night of the 900 M SuperLotto, when we received a call we did not answer. The news announced the winner was someone in Mom's town, oh! When we all heard that we did call back-her number was disconnected! We sincerely hope that nothing untoward has happened to her, and when she does get a little older, that we can be her faithful, loyal caregivers. Where is she?
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They will say: She was losing it for quite some time, we hardly noticed, but wanted to put off caring for her as long as possible.
She swears her friends on AC know what she was talking about, and knew how to support her just by showing up and offering simple advice.
We, her family, are very busy and would like to send her away, but where?
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My loved ones would say.......
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Forgot what you were going to say Send?
What would my kids say. I don't know, but they still think I am competent but luckily they are not on A/C
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That is what they would say.  Nothing.

I know you to be competent!  It is your body that is giving you a hard time, but keep up the good fight.
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I don't know what I will be like in my old age, but here are two of my models:

My aunt who is 84 years old does aqua aerobics exercise 3 x a week, goes to lunches with friends at least 2 x a week, cooks for herself, knits caps and shawls to donate, knits socks and sweaters for her great grand kids, drives herself around town to visits relatives, travels to different states to visit great/grand kids.

One of my best friends, 80 years old, does aqua aerobics exercise 3 x a week, lives independently in her home, drives herself around, bakes, cooks, cleans, shops, has lunches with the women club in her mobile home park once a week, plays bingo/bunko games once a week, feeds a bunch of feral cats that come to her porch everyday, has a great sense of humor, makes me laugh all the time. When her dog died of old age, she had him cremated. It cost $70. I told her it cost 100 times more to cremate a human. She said: 'When I'm gone, I want to be cremated, too. Take me to the pet cemetery and pass me off as a large St. Bernard." Hahaha.
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