Caring for Parents

  • Caring for Your Parent: An Action Plan for Adult Children

    When your aging Mom or Dad needs help, the role of family caregiver can seem overwhelming. Use this five-step plan to ensure you’re prepared to care for an aging parent.

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  • How to Talk to Aging Parents About Their Future Plans

    Most seniors and their adult children avoid talking about aging and long-term care planning, but sidestepping the issue can be risky. Use these 10 tips to get the conversation started and ensure your family is prepared for whatever may lie ahead.

  • 10 Things You Should Know About Your Elderly Parent's Finances

    Would you know what to do if you suddenly had to take over managing money and paying bills for your parent? Here are 10 things you need to know before assuming this responsibility.

  • What to Do If You Suspect Someone Has Dementia

    Learn what red flags to look for and advice on what to do if you think your parent has dementia.

  • Should Your Elderly Loved One Move in With You?

    Moving an aging parent in with you can be complicated. A realistic approach toward multigenerational living will help you determine how living with an elder will affect the entire family dynamic.

  • How to Deal With Aging Parents’ Difficult Behaviors

    Whether you are dealing with an angry, hostile elder or seeking answers on how to deal with irrational aging parents, we’ve compiled 10 difficult behaviors that elders exhibit and tips for coping with each of them.

  • Planning Ahead for Mom and Dad's Elderly Care

    Advance care planning can make a critical difference in the lives of your parents as they age. An elder law attorney can help your elderly parents with advance directives, wills, living trusts and power of attorney before they get sick.

  • 7 Steps to Take When an Elderly Parent is Suddenly Hospitalized

    When an elderly loved one winds up in the hospital, things happen so quickly that it can leave family members overwhelmed by their new roles as advocates and caregivers. Take these 7 steps to quickly get organized and better manage their care.

  • My Loved One Isn’t Safe Living Alone Anymore—Now What?

    Making care decisions for aging parents is never easy. Use these tips to work with your aging loved ones and devise a plan that balances their safety and independence and gives you added peace of mind.

  • Caregiving With Siblings: Resolving Issues While Caring for Parents

    Issues between siblings often seem to come to a head when a parent begins requiring care. Use these pointers to improve communication skills, minimize dysfunction and recognize when it’s time to set boundaries with toxic siblings.

  • Saying “No” to Family Drama While Caregiving

    Relationships are often strained when a serious illness and caregiving enter the picture. But, if your interactions with certain relatives are increasingly stressful and negative, it may be time to shut down family drama once and for all.

  • Respecting the Right to Age With Dignity

    Adult children often go to great lengths to protect their aging parents, but this can diminish their independence and quality of life. Family caregivers and the public must learn to respect older adults and their desire to age on their own terms.

  • 5 Benefits of Home Care for Seniors

    If you have concerns about a senior’s ability to live independently or your growing responsibilities as their sole caregiver, consider both the tangible and intangible benefits of home care services.

  • Getting the Family to Agree on a Care Plan for an Older Adult

    Tempers can flare when an aging relative has a crisis and family members disagree on how to respond. Use these steps to help your family work as a cohesive team.

  • Multigenerational Households: The Ins and Outs of In-law Suites

    A multigenerational household may seem convenient, but there are many important factors to consider before moving to a larger home or building an addition to accommodate an elder.

  • Is Caring for Aging Parents More Stressful Than Getting Divorced?

    When an aging loved one's health begins to fail, families are confronted by a variety of challenging decisions. Making care decisions for aging parents has been identified as a significant life stressor.

  • This Is What Happened When My Parents Moved In

    Eleven years have passed since my parents moved in with my husband and me. What I didn’t anticipate was that opening up our home to my mom and dad would, in a sense, shut the door to our refuge.

  • 6 Tips for Long-Distance Caregivers

    Caring for a senior who lives far away presents many unique challenges. Use these six pointers to stay organized and informed while caregiving from a distance.

  • How to Keep Your Career Skills Sharp While Caregiving

    Many caregivers find themselves abandoning prosperous careers to take care of their elderly loved ones. But being a caregiver doesn't mean you have to give up on your career.

  • How to Put an Elderly Loved One on a Budget

    Budgeting can be tricky, especially for seniors on fixed incomes. Learn how to help an aging loved one evaluate their personal cash flow and develop a monthly budget they can actually follow.

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