
My 95 year old father uses a walker and my 95 year old mother either uses a walker or wheelchair. She has significant mobility issues after falls and a recently healed broken hip. I was just told that the driver for their assisted living community cannot assist them from the van into their doctors' office or other venues. Is that legal? This is in Indiana.

Welcome, BFT!

Most ALs that I have had experience with have exactly this rule. The driver is there to drive the vehicle with many passengers and is not able to assist residents into and out of offices

It is generally suggested that an aide be hired to accompany the patient, or that a relative meet the patient at the doctor's office.

My family has arranged an aide to accompany for 1:1 support. So much safer than hoping a driver lends a hand. Also, a driver may or may not be trained in assisting elderly frail people (nor wish to be involved in case of falls risk).

The AL my father was in had a driver on staff that would coordinate Dr appt rides and I remember one time I had to meet him at a doctor's office and he brought my father into the waiting room. I believe they did pick them up from the doctor's office waiting room.

Unfortunately this is likely a liability problem. Check with the facility. Often the medical has to come with a w/c to collect client. If this is a problem where ALF is no longer a safe place for the senior another level of care may be necessary. Speak with facility for options, for certain, and also the MD offices.

Thank you all. I was having a hard time finding policy on this. You were very helpful.

Where I live, the driver always helps the person in and out of the van. I’ve never seen otherwise! Yesterday at the doctor’s office a van load arrived and each one was safely seen off the van. I live in a 55+ community and many “graduate” to assisted living when they need it. They have many ALs to choose from. Competition creates better ALs.

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