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Exactly! Good for you. Keep your chin up and remember your words when you are feeling pressure from her.


Fantastic! Glad to hear it. You don’t owe your sister anything. You are not responsible for her. Do what is best for you. Life is too short to live in misery! Best wishes to you.

Well done, susalie! It's not easy, but there are some toxic people (family or otherwise) that one just unfortunately has to walk away from. I understand where you are coming from- my mother was a bipolar paranoid-delusional schizophrenic. Sadly, she refused treatment that she obviously needed, got worse to the point where she got violent and my father and I had to walk away. Even though I love my mother, it was not safe for me to be around her. It was so bad that I refused contact with her. It sucks but it's necessary- you have to put up boundaries to protect yourself, nobody will do it for you.

Thank you. Our dad is in LTC. I see him once a week in the morning before schizo sister comes in. Our oldest brother has medical POA. Our schizo sister calls 911 to have dad go to hospital. And yes, dad was brought there (at hospital). My oldest brother went to hospital to see why and how dad came. Schizo sister says to dr at hospital that no tests were done at LTC. LTC sent their medical records to hospital. Dad is back at LTC. Schizo sister says he has pnuemonia. He doesn't. LTC did an chest xray. So now Dad has an ambulance bill not to mention hospital bill. It's awful having a mental illness. Sister is 60yrs. old. No children and unmarried.

So sorry to hear all this.
I, too, had a 'schizo' brother. Wow, what a trail of tears that man left wherever he went.

He refused meds or any kind of psych care, so he just drifted along making messes for others to clean up.

BOUNDARIES are so important. I got to the point with my OB that he was not allowed in my home, near my kids and not welcome in ANY of my sibs' homes.

It's not wrong to self protect, and that, sadly, is exactly what you have to do.

Why did she have the power to call 911 on dad? Is he living at home or in a facility? You may have to legally block her from being involved in dad's care.

Sad, but these people will suck the life out of you.

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