
Just read this: apparently a group of attorneys purporting to be "creditors' rights attorneys" (fancy name for debt collectors) have been exploiting senior citizens, and others, and apparently for sometime.

The firm was raided this afternoon. There was a video reflecting some of the scope of data collection from the firm's office, but I can't locate that video right now.

The firm's website (who would have guessed they were crooks):

One of the articles:

"Three attorneys from an Oakland County law firm are jailed on multiple charges in Genesee County in connection with what authorities say is a fraud scheme that targeted vulnerable adults in multiple Michigan counties, including Oakland."

This makes me sick to my stomach. I hope they're charged with RICO activities and their assets are appropriated.

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Sadly There is no help for Elder frail adults and family caregiver when family finds a lawyer to solely insure their inheritance. That is a system failure and slap in the face. Yet their are laws to protect elderly but their are loop holes for lawyers and people who work in the system.

Flyingsolo, what is the "loophole" you keep referring to? What changes would you recommend to protect seniors in this situation? There will always be a percentage of bad apples in any bunch of any professionals (think: clergy, teachers, accountants, etc)... it's easy to criticize but no point in it unless you can offer up a viable solution. So, in a perfect world, how would you change "the system" to make it iron clad for vulnerable seniors? Seems like there needs to be outside accountability, but to whom? And what's to prevent there being collusion between those 2 players?

Flyingsolo, I too don't understand what your specific complaints are.  They're so general that they could infer a lot of things.

I posted the link to the article b/c:

1.   I thought it important to recognize that some attorneys aren't honest, and especially since "elder law" seems to have grown into a sizeable practice area.  For years the larger scope of that practice area was estate planning, for anyone of any age, and was broader than "elder law."

Then the issue became a hot one; some unscrupulous attorneys paired with financial outfits and pushed their "seminars" which were sales pitches under the cover of protecting elders.   

2.    I want to encourage anyone who does use the services either of an  estate planning or elder law firm to be careful, do your background checks, and choose only a reputable firm, not necessarily one of the "seminar" firms.

3.    It's a recognition that law enforcement is aware of fraud efforts and taking action.

4.   Another step that could really create misery for these kinds of firms are the RICO statutes.

5.    Elders and their families need to be aware and alert and contact authorities if something seems amiss.

And what specifically are these "loopholes" to which you refer?

Unfounded, unsubstantiated and unexplained criticism isn't going to win any converts to your cause.

RICO would be great, but they are very hard to prove.

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