
Available on Amazon Prime and the Acorn Channel. This is the story of many people on this board - a single mother whose own mother suffers a stroke and needs her family to provide care for her. Her cognitive limitations are severe and she wanders. Her daughter tries to be the caregiver, another daughter really can't face the situation. Everyone on this board knows the scenario. It was so dark that a few times I wanted to turn it off but I felt like I had to keep going - almost like it was a support to the people who are in this situation. It also shows the limitation of the medical system. Although this takes place in England where they have the NHS they were still required to find appropriate care homes and fight for services.

If you are living this movie you may not want to watch, but if you need a movie to help others see a bit of what you are living through you may want to recommend it.

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I did live this movie and I appreciate your sharing the info. I am sure it’s a terrific movie and I do have Amazon Prime but I don’t have any desire whatsoever to watch it. It would only make me sad.

Thanks for sharing the information. I’ll try to see the movie. It is painful to know that a growing segment of our population, mostly women, are expected to suffer in silence caring for our seniors so that the rest of the world isn’t burdened. Even Elizabeth Warren doesn’t mention that her Two Cents would offer help to caregivers. Anything that brings awareness is a good thing to me.

It may make you sad , but also watching movie you could learn something or not feel so alone with issues if any.


I cared for my mom for decades. Before that my dad and brother. I have PTSD. I don’t need triggers. The nightmares I suffer with are bad triggers.

I am sure it is a great, informative movie. That’s terrific but it’s certainly not for someone who has PTSD.

I agree feeling alone was awful. I burned out. Mom is now with my brother and sister in law. I did it all without hired help. She hired help for them. Because I was the ‘girl’ I was expected to do it. I became a servant and no longer a daughter.

My mom always favored her sons. Yet, I was the one always closest to my parents because I loved them. My brothers came around for a free meal and money.

Issues? More than you could ever imagine. I am leaving out a ton of details on purpose. No need to rehash all the time. I am already suffering enough with the devastating after effects of living in hell.

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