
She is sweet. She bake me cake or cookies and sometimes we are having a party for him ( her papa-80). Sometimes he watch football and smoke ( cigars). Sometimes I borrow his chair and eat snacks. sometimes he can be bossy me. I love nana because she swing with me and sings ( on a bench gazebo swing) . It goes like this: if I knew you were coming I bake a cake, bake a cake, bake a cake. How'd you do how'd you do how'd you do. If you drop me a letter I'd a hied a band grandest band in the land howd do how'd do how'd do? Who is the doggy in the window - woof woof - the one with the wags tail woof woof I bet that doggie is for sale.
And sometimes she let's me play on her computer. Sometimes she let's us go in her bed and lay down.

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My daughter really wanted to share this. A lot of this stuff is from when my Mom was more able. My daughter's name is Sophie. If you would like to share your thoughts with her. She is 16 but more like a five year old emotionally. She is excited to do this. It is her first post on a forum. I won't do this a lot. Just, well, she really wanted to post something. Thanks!

Mishka, that is precious:))) You both are darling girls. I was just thinking about you while reading your other posts, before you wrote this. You are very honest and compassionate. Priceless:) xoxo

Sophie, I like your post! You must really love your Nana and Papa. They are Blessed to have you for a beautiful Granddaughter!
I hope you will come back and post some more. Guess what, Sophie? I think your Mom is really nice, too! Hugs, Christina

Dear Sophie,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. It sounds like you really love your nana and papa and have fun with them. I can't believe you know every word to those songs, that's fantastic! :-). My nana used to sing those same songs to me a long time ago. Thank you for reminding me how much fun I used to have with my nana.
Sophie, please continue to post with your mom's help. It was lovely to hear from you. I think you have a very dear and sweet mom.
Your new friend,

dear sophie,
sounds like your nana and papa are really nice. ill bet nana is a wonderful cook, id sure like one of her cakes. if papa acts a little grumpy sometimes its because he cares about you and wants to teach you everything he can . its sometimes a mans way of showing concern and affection.
your friend, bob

You guys are so awesome!! I will show Sophie these posts!! She had a little melt down after we posted. She does that after trying new things but she will LOVE reading posts to her.
Thank you all sooo much!!!!

Meltdown? Well, she is in good company:) bless her heart. Oh, and look who else posted, Mr. Easy Rider. He gets mushier every day:) Have a good evening, all you beautiful caregivers! xoxo

oh bite ass christina..

Capnhardass!!!! My daughter would just say "you fu**er" . She cusses like a sailor!!!! ( she is such a typical teen at times!)

cool, her and i would communicate just fine. i think a few well placed expletives expedite the hell out of a conversation.

@Mishka - I'm laughing and crying at the same time...just had to share that with you :D What a great mom you are!

Thanks yaya! I will tell my daughter you said I am a good mom-I just told her she was driving me crazy with her angst and if she didn't get in that shower she was going to get it!!! I don't think she thinks I am so good right now!!! Haha;0)
Oh goodness, she just came out of the shower wet and whiny!!! Gotta run!

Hi Sophie!
I wanted to tell you the song about the doggie in the window is one of my favorites! I used to sing it with my daughter when I tucked her in bed each night. She had a stuffed dog with big floppy ears and when the woof woof part came she'd pretend he barked it. She even named him "Woof-woof"!
I also think you have a terrific mom...she makes me laugh sometimes! I loved reading your post, especially the part about swinging with your nana. I'm a grandmother too and I wish I had a swing like that. Thank you for sharing with us!
Your friend,

Dear Sophie,

What a lucky young lady you are to have such a wonderful nana and papa. My own daughter is 19 years old and HER grandma used to sing that song to her too. "If I knew you were coming I'd have baked a cake, baked a cake, baked a cake, how'd you do how'd you do how'd you do!"

Cake is my favorite thing to eat so I like that song a lot.

You're also very lucky to have such a nice mom. I'll bet your mom and your nana can help you learn how to use a computer.

It was nice talking to you, Sophie. My name is Jen and I live in St. Louis, MO.

Oh guys, that is so sweet!!!!!!! I cannot wait to show Sophie. If anyone is interested I wrote all about Sophie's syndrome on Christina's profile page, it is loooong. Sorry , Christina -but you did ask!!! ;0)
Thanks again , Yaya and Eyerishlass!!! And all you guys --just so nice! (((hugs))))

Mishka, thank you so much for explaining so thoroughly about Sophie. Amazing. OCD is great for making one efficient! I like that:) xo
I can picture her, and she will be in my prayers daily. I send her a very big warm hug full of love and healing energy.
I feel today was very special and expanded my true family. We are often found on different trees but our souls gravitate to where the love is.
Blessings, xoxo

sophie i am so happy that you have your grandma and grandpa with you. I bet grandma is teaching you all the secrets of baking a cake with her. Dont worry if grandpa gets cranky at times, we all do ! It dosent mean he loves you any less. you know what i would do when my grandpa got cranky and grouchy i would go draw a card for him and give it to him with a big hug and tell him i love you to the moon and back grandpa . even when you are cranky ! i bet if you told him this he would laugh. Your mommy is such a good helper to help you get on here and talk. sometimes talking makes it easier to understand why grandpa is cranky. Good luck with all the baking and singing with grandma and give grandpa lots of love and hugs.

That is lovely, kiernan!!!! Thank -you! ( her papa can be very crabby. My nephews used to call him Grumpa-but he does love her very much)
Aww, Christina, thanks. I feel all warm to about today ( yesterday, today) we have some good folks on here! )

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