
I am scared to post here. I think my sister is on here too. Some of the comments that have been made seem like her. She is really very much internet savvy. So I guess I will read what you post and positively comment there. Anyway there is a new problem with sister but I can't post apparently. If I say anything then I will get a vile email from her. And I mean vile. It just upsets me so much that I shake and shake after these vile emails. My counselor said just preview her email first then if I don't want to read it, delete it. I would really like your opinion on this train wreck of a situation.

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Brandy, sorry your safe place has been compromised... don't open the emails if they are going to upset you... but still come here and have your feelings and say what you need to say.... sending you hugs

Why don't you change your user name and use an alternate email address?
Block her from your email. Sticks and stones. She cannot hurt you. Bless you.

That is terrible Brandy! and I don't know as it could be undone. I have always figure I am being watched or at least that once it is in cyber space it can be tracked, but it doesn't mean you can't comment or you are not entitled to say things, the feeling may not go away. And if you do see a pattern where your sister can seem to be "reading your thoughts" you may be right. Granted many of us have similar situations but that she gets snappy say right after you vent is telling. It is an Open forum there is little you can do. I had a pen pal group that was totally anonymous once but on line that is just not really possible.
I agree with ladee I am sorry your safe respite has been compromised too...I hope there is an answer for you...

I do not know why you are intimidated by your sister, but why do you not block her email address from coming through. Me I would reply back with the message "Nice to hear from you" and forward it back. She is sending those types of email to get a negative response out of you. Your sister sounds like she could use some counseling herself.

could you just start another account with a different name and e-mail?

surely sister does not want to tip her hand that she knows who you are on here, and so many stories on here are so similar too, possibly you are still safe here, espeically if your personal messages don't reflect anything negative. on the other hand you are not being paranoid if they reall ARE out to get you....ultimately you have to decide what is really safe and what isn't when you share on line. Moderators will step in and help if anything gets too hairy in a question or dicussion forum if that helps any.

Debralee has it!

Brandy....don't give your sister that kind of power over your life......start a new email, n continue to come n post to your "safe" place.....we need you around n hugs ...Beck

Brandy, I agree about not opening your sister's emails. If she has something of importance to tell you, she should use the land line in the first place. As far as you BOTH being on this website, maybe that's a blessing in disguise. You can speak your mind to her thru this site, and not hold back. She won't intimidate the rest of us, believe me.

Have you tried having a family meeting with you sister and a mediator involved? It is so very sad when siblings can't/won't talk face to face. Sometimes having a non-family member present will help.

My little group is hardly intimidating (one tries to be but is ignored) we are just totally non-communicative. After therapy I understand they are passive/aggressive and narcissistic as well. Makes it very difficult to take care of a loved one.

My response to sibling who tries to intimidate in person; I thank her for her input with no further comment.

Hugs and best wishes.

Brandy - Until your sister or any other sibs are ready and willing to step up and live our lives, who really cares if they are upset by something posted here? Change your name if it bothers you or you feel you have to hold back. Otherwise, too bad that a sib doesn't like to hear the truth! Hang in there ~ Kuli

Thank you for your advice. I really like this site. I will probably change my name here. Brandy

Why not just cut to the chase and block her? Most email programs give you the option to block a person if you do not wish to deal with them. Or at the very least, send her to your spam folder. You need to be able to ask questions and get support here without having the drama she keeps trying to send you. Care for yourself first before you can try to care for others dear. Hugs.

I agree with what others have advised. Change your name on here, do not use real names for siblings, parents, spouses, friends, ect. Then change your activity and posts to private so no one can follow you. Only you can see your wall. Don't give her power over you because it feeds her ego. There are so many posts on here that are similar and your sister may think many other posters are you. Her bad reaction only means what was said hit home and she didn't like it, so what is she going to do...verbally attack everyone? Change your email and only text her if possible so she can't find out your email. Absolutely block her. Good luck and Hugs to you!

Brandy, Sharyn got it in a nutshell. Keep this name "as is" and just open a new one. In your profile - make your activities/post as PRIVATE. No one will be able to comment on your wall and they can only send you HUGS if they can find your name. As for your email, take sis name out of your address, and if you can find one of her emails to you, flag it as SPAM, or block or whatever. If you worry about your curiosity getting the better of you and open her email, then close your account and open a new one. As for me, I would just open a new one...and conveniently forget the password of the old one.

This site is a place for us to vent and let off steam from the frustrations of caregiving. When someone you know is against you, it absolutely makes a big difference. You can no longer type - free flowing like before. Because you will always worry about what they would say about your comments. When you open yourself up here, and expose such deep emotions that you would never ever display to siblings, this site makes you very vulnerable to attacks. Because,in this site, you let your guard down and your heart open. Brandy, this has happened to me. I KNOW what it's like to be hurt like that. I struggled for a while trying to post on AC in the thread discussions and I just couldn't. So, you do what you have to do. Take care!

Correction- not "attack" but words that hurts you.

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