
I've been on a pretty good balancing act the past few months with my meds and activities. Not too much trouble. But lately I'd been getting a lot of heartburn/GERD, so I had to cut down on my meloxicam, which I'm taking 2x the recommended dosage. I can't take proton pump inhibitors because of issues which put me in the hospital, so the meloxicam went to once per day. Still on cymbalta. Then Mom started wanting to go out more. 2x/day on some days instead of once. I did that for 3 days in a row while tossing and turning at night and BAM! Here we go again. I told Mom I'm not going anywhere or doing anything today. I need a down day. Hopefully tomorrow, too. I've got tramadol (but my system doesn't like it) and tylenol. I wish I had a medical marijuana card. It would be so much easier on my system than anything else is. Hopefully this won't last long.

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I hope a day of rest helps elevate some of your fibromyalgia symptoms, stress and over activity aggravates me terribly. Especially when my sleep is interrupted!
Learning the balance it and takes and sticking to it is the hard thing to do when others depend on you I know, but over time I have learned saying NO is ok and most things can be done another day instead. Sometimes our loved ones do not understand how our bodies pay for days if we overdue a simple task because to them it is just one more thing but if they need to be reminded let them know again and again. You won't be doing you or them any good if you are layed up for many days from a flare and unable to help yhem at all.
We all have limits and learning how to live with fibromyalgia successfully is easier said than done.
Goodluck and Soft hugs :)

Thanks! I'm starting to feel better. Nice warm shower helped. Husband is waiting on me. Mom is saying I'm "Queen for the day" :)

I'd been doing really well for several months. Then the medication change and I lost my balance. Hopefully I'll get it back here real soon. I've got a good support group here at home. I'll let my husband take Mom to anything non-medical for awhile and see how that works out. He was down for awhile because of hernia surgery, but he's back up now. That may have contributed, too.

Thanks again, and soft hugs back to you.

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