
It is like having the flu for 12 hours, fatigue, & recycle.Can this be overdos. It is a cycle of being freezing cold and "sick" feeling, then approx. 6-12 hrs later I'm weak. I get overheated and cold sweats if I move around. Also my depression that I'm treated for gets real bad. This goes on for a few days, then I'm ok and then it starts again. I was wondering if I'm accidently being overdosed.

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You've got so many symptoms - of possible iron deficiency (the weakness), glucose issues, depression, and cyclic issues. When's the last time you saw a doctor to first of all get blood work done, then do a full workup as well as address your medication regimen?

Sorry, you wrote that the doctors don't understand the symptoms. Perhaps you're seeing the wrong doctors? Which specialties are you seeing? Have you seen an endocrinologist?

Do you document what you eat and whether or not there are any corrolaries between food and symptoms? Do you eat foods that are processed, high in refined sugars and flour? Pop?

What medical issues have you actually been diagnosed with, other than depression?

Joyce, are you by chance going through menopause? That fantastic stage of our life can cause all types of uncomfortable conditions :P Then mix in this unseasonably high pollen season, and everyone is a mess health wise.

I would check with an allergist to see if this is food related, like GardenArtist had mentioned above.... in the mean time keep a running log of what you ate, then write down when you start to feel sick... sometimes food can cause immediate symptoms, and other times it can take 12 hours or more. See if there is a pattern.

I see a neurologist and a family dr. Here is a list of my medicine:
Nascobal 500 mcg/spray 1 a week B12
Asprin 81 mg 1 a day
Calcium 400 iu 1 a day
Sodium 125 MCG 1 a day Thyroid
Paroxetine 20 MG 1 a day Depression
Levetiracetam 750 MG 2 a day Brain problem
Omeprazole 40 MG 1 a day GERD
Allpurinol 300 MG 1 a day Gout
Deloratadine 5 MG 1 a day Meneres
Indapamide 1.25 MG 2 a day Meneres
Zolpidem Tartrate 10 MG 1 a night Sleep
Dihydrochloride .75 MG 1 a night Restless Legs
Simvastatin 20 MG 1 a night Cholesterol

I have been watching my food and have cut down drastically on my sugar intake.

Are you having any upper respiratory symptoms?

See your meds list just now. You are taking too much prilosec. Research the new info online, ask doctors.

I've already been through menopause :)

Yes I am having respiratory problems

Which meds are Prilosec?

GardenArtist, My family dr. checks my blood every 6 months for the stuff she gives me meds for.

I just posted but my answer was blocked.

I'm surprised you're taking a statin. Are you aware of the side effects these dangerous drugs cause? Check it out - I think you'll begin seeing some pattern to your problems.

If it was me, I'd have a really good pharmacist look at all of the meds I was taking to see if they're causing any of your problems. You are on a LOT of medications! Once you get that many going, interactions between them could be causing you issues. Make sure a pharmacist really looks at the big picture. Your doctors typically aren't that good at looking for medication interactions.

Omeprazole is generic for Prilosec.
The instructions are to take as little as possible (20 mg.)
Get a second opinion. Do not miss or abruptly stop this soon to be discovered dangerous medication, imo. (not to scare you), sorry.
Funny, but when not taking the Prilosec I get weaker.
When taking the Prilosec, I cannot walk straight-my feet and legs don't get the correct signals. There are g.i. complications also.
Try something else for awhile.

Disclaimer: It is not working for me. I started juicing celery 8oz. for awhile, decreasing my need for this drug. I really dislike sharing my personal medical issues, but you really need help, and a place to start. I am not a doctor or current medical professional.

Mennierre' s can be treated with an easy exercise/movement which is known to many doctors-you must ask. It is online, but you should be supervised.
After the proper treatment, there goes two meds!

We cannot treat you, just direct you towards the right place. Get a medication review, it is way past time. imo, see a psychiatrist for any depression meds.

Give further details if you like. Others will have more advice.

This patient has a strange case, her insurance company is.....Lol.

This past 6 months, I have heard the same symptoms from several others. They will swear it is not a cold or the flu because it is not like any other, and is somewhat non-specific (familiar like other flu's) as to symptoms.

They get sick, recover for one day and then are back in bed, sick, weak.
The similarities are: It is cyclical (re-occurs).
They get discouraged from not recovering, even over 4 months!
There is a confusion with it, many don't admit to upper respiratory symptoms as they are coughing into the phone!
After recovery, they are willing to try anything to get and stay well.
Yes, it is strange.
I had to go back in time, search out old remedies like Mentholatum (not Vicks), and actually find where to buy it. Up my nose, my lips, chest.

It could be the strange flu.

Joyce, how old are you, and have you been diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis? I was wondering b/c the calcium dose is fairly low. We've been advised to take between 1000 and 1200 mg (not IUs) as well as D3.

I think a lot of what sickens people is a mixture of what is sprayed in the sky, put in the water and in the food we eat. Sounds to me like you might benift from a complete detox from head to toe and see a different Dr. as you are truly on a lot of meds. rather drugs!

Joyce, ah I see you have GERD... anytime I get heartburn it feels like I am having a hot flash, oh great.... last year I stopped the GERD meds and decided to try good old fashion Tums anytime the GERD would show up and that helped me immediately. Would my doctor be happy I did that, probably not, but I was tired of med over load.

I remember back when I was in my 20's, I started taking strong anti-histamines for my allergies.... side effect made me nervous, so the doctor put me on something to calm me down... then came a side effect of feels down in the dumps, so the doctor put me on something to cheer me up. After a year I realized I was stuck in a revolving door, so I dumped all the medicine and went cold turkey. What a difference :)

With all the advice given above, run these past your doctor and see what he/she says. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the meds you are taking are giving you side effects thus you need to take more meds to counter act those meds, and around, and around.

The problem is polypharmacy. I'm going to guess you see at least three different doctors and they do not coordinate care. Pick one MD and stick with just one.
Gout tells me your diet is bad. Start there. Eat veggies at every meal.
Walk for 10 minutes after a meal to prevent GERD.
All the above is easier said than done, but after six months of this, you may be off ALL the medications.

A natural treatment for gout is said to be concentrated black cherry juice.
Comes in tablets also.

As a caregiver for 3 years, I was always at the intersection between compassion fatigue (a major case of the f__ its) and plain burnout (and an eyelash away from open rage). My body was all out of whack, and the doctor(s) kept prescribing a pill for every ill. ... Just like you, I was a pharmacist's dream.

Judging by the medication, I assume your "brain problem" is epilepsy. Add to that anxiety/hypertension which the body is probably trying to alleviate with those cold sweats and flashes. I suggest you seek natural remedies like a cleaner diet, regular exercise, stress management, and getting yourself on a reliable schedule. Also discuss the list of medications with your doctor: side effects, spreading them out, or possibly eliminating a few.

Your body is heading for a shutdown, so I urge you to listen to it.

I'm wondering what's going on in your LIFE? I go through deep depressive stages after huge family events--or even dealing with a rough week with my high maintenance hubby. I find that taking an hour or two in the afternoon to lay down, earplugs in, reading for a while and IF I fall asleep, I just give in to it.

I was/am just completely worn out from caregiving, work, family----and did have 2 major surgeries last year that I never will "bounce back" from. Accepting that I cannot and will not be the super energized person I once was and embracing the "new norm" has been very hard.

Saying "no" to anyone for anything about kills me with guilt--so I'm working on that. I was not taught to take care of me---(which is weird my mother is totally self-absorbed) but I am learning now.

And yes, I was on statins for a few weeks and I felt absolutely horrible, Those things for many folks are the very devil. I take Zetia, so my dr can say she is TXing my high cholesterol. Also Cymbalta for depression. Can't say it works that well, but I'm still in a lot of pain, post op.

Good advice is given--I also would talk to my pharmacist. THEY are better trained in cross-referencing drugs.

Best of luck!

I want to thank all of you. I've read all the messages. I have talked to the pharmacist. He thinks it's my thyroid. What ever. I have changed my diet in the past week and have lost close to 8 lbs. One of you asked my age, I'll be 64 in June. I try tums but they don't always work. Now that it is nicer weather here I will be out walking more. We have moved into a large house (4,000 sq. ft.) and just cleaning it will take some exercise. I appreciate all your comments and will try to do most if not all of them.

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