
My BF of 17 yrs left me six years ago and moved in with his elderly mom. We now see each other 1 week a month. During covid, even less, but now that we're all vaccinated, he has been wanting to come visit even more often. He has to care give 24/7 for his mother, who, I might add, was a horrible parent who neglected all her children and always put her husband first before anyone else, including her kids. She has three other sons and a daughter who all live within a mile of her, yet, my BF had to move out and go take care of her down in a border town about four hrs away from me. The rest of her kids refuse to talk to her or visit. My BF cannot afford to hire a a full time caregiver nor would ever put her in a home. She has Medicare only and doesn't qualify for Medicaid. He had previously hired a lady that would come from Mexico to live-in at the house, clean and take care of the mom, but now, she cannot come across the bridge, because the Pres shut down the border. They keep extending the shut down, so we don't have any idea when this lady will be able to come back. She charges a lot less than people in the states. My problem is, this past month, he has come for a much-needed visit & break, but he ended up bringing his mother, who, I will also add is a very, very dirty person. She has never been clean, even when she was younger. I believe she has Diogenes syndrome. She has never bathed, washed her hands or even brushed her teeth. My BF can't get her to even use wipes. The odor is mind boggling! I live in a one-bedroom apt and I keep it neat & clean, but now, this woman is using my bathroom, urinating all over the floor, leaving dried poop stains & pubic hairs on the toilet seat, throws the used TP in the trash can and doesn't flush. No hand washing after the toilet, either. My BF has her sleeping in my room, in my good bedding and my whole apt stinks now. They have been here for two weeks and had also come at the end of April too. He just announced they are staying till next week. We can't be intimate, go out, or do anything else because he's waiting on her hand & foot. I also work full time and am so annoyed seeing/smelling her as soon as I get home. My apt is my sanctuary and now I feel obligated, because he gives me a guilt trip and tells me things like, "I guess we will leave then, because I know you're grosses out on my mom!" Or, tells me that I would've done the same thing for my mom. I do feel guilty, because I love him with all my heart, but our relationship has turned into 100% caregiving. There is no intimacy any more and I'm only 47. I'm lonely with a partner who's attention is the mother 24/7. I feel like a vile jerk for being grossed out by this woman, but I wish she would leave!

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II agree. Why isn't the bf in the bathroom with her to clean her up and clean up the bathroom after? You said he acted surprised when he saw br mess.. why? If she is as disabled as you say, the bathroom is the most dangerous place to leave her alone even for a minute. If she is not cleaning herself up after, does that mean she goes back to bed with soiled clothes and skin? And poop on door knobs and light switchers and walls and faucets? How is he helping her if he is not keeping her and her surroundings free of feces, bacteria and germs? With my mom I had to follow her out of the bathroom, with a washcloth, disinfecting everything behind her. I couldn't even cook without knowing things were disinfected. It was gross. Even brown wallprints and glass had to be cleaned. Did bf clean all this? Otherwise I do not see how you could sleep or eat in your home without getting sick. I would even make bf wash his clothes before coming in my house. Is br habits the only problem? You have more then enough to deal with
Helpful Answer (3)

Dear Farmerlee, this post is in case you come back one more time. My guess is that it will make you laugh, but perhaps do a double check. Your story of BF is that he moved down to the border to help mother 6 years ago, and comes up to see you one week in four, when the carer is allowed to come over the border. It's a dead fit for a very different scenario. This is that your BF has a second family down where he is, and is running a drug business that relies on ‘carer’ coming over the border. He then moves up for a week of pampering where you live, and for passing the drugs on as well.

I know you won’t believe it, but con men are always convincing and second families are not unknown. Things that don't seem to make sense can often have a quite logical explanation that wasn't obvious. At least go down unannounced sometime, stay somewhere close and ask around. Make a check, at least about the second family. For your sake.
Helpful Answer (1)
Stacy0122 May 2021
Margaret, this is so racist and inappropriate. Implying she is the secunda is so wrong on so many levels. She came looking for help and the imaginations of some people do not provide help.
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Farmerlee, has BF & Mother left your home yet?

Have you decided what you want regarding next visit?

Whether him + her back (with new rules), just him (her never) or neither at all?
Helpful Answer (1)
Farmerlee74 May 2021
They're leaving on Monday. I wish she was just leaving. I love having him home again, but not ever with her. Him & I have spoken at length and he will not be bringing her again.
Are you sure you have a solid relationship with your boyfriend? Cf
Helpful Answer (2)


You made an excellent point about Farmerlee74's boyfriend expecting her to become his mom's 24/7 caregiver.
Just not yet. From how Farmerlee74 describes her situation it sounds to me like she's a caregiver-in-waiting. That the boyfriend is grooming her to take over the caregiver role for his mother at some point.
If the mom gets SS and has a government pension coming in from her late husband, she can go into a care facility. True, they will take that money and if it doesn't cover her cost the facility will get her on Medicaid to pay the rest.
Really it sounds like the son doesn't want a dime spent on caregiving services for his mother, and is playing a waiting game.
Waiting for Farmerlee74 to take over the caregiving or waiting for the mother to die.
That guy (the boyfriend) needs to take back his own life and put his mother in a care facility.
Helpful Answer (1)
Farmerlee74 May 2021
That is not the case at all. Why would he be grooming me to be the caregiver?They live four hours away and I have a job. He is the caregiver, not me, nor would I ever be! Why you'd think this is beyond me.
This is a new post about sanitary systems, rather than continue a long set of comments. It’s about poor MIL’s hygiene habits, and how ‘difficult’ it is for her to change her habits. It sort of got my goat.

I live in the driest state in the driest continent. I’ve lived with mains sewerage, a long-drop dunny (nice tight lid and sprinkle lime after using), an inadequate septic tank, and two very adequate septic systems with regulation soakage trenches. Alice Springs is sand and rock, classified as a desert although it has drenching summer rain occasionally. I have no idea why anyone would save used toilet paper because they lived in a desert. Is the poster serious in saying they do that in California? The mind boggles. We have not used mains water for over 20 years now, relying on rainwater catchment. No we don’t waste water, and virtually everyone here follows the mantra ‘If it’s yellow, let it mellow; If it’s brown, flush it down’ - at least at home.

MIL has lived for years on the fringes of a modern country. Unless she has never had TV, she knows quite well what hygiene is normal. Her ‘inability’ to change just has to be ‘unwillingness’, not inability. ‘If I ruled the world! I do what I want, and you damn well put up with it’. Not on my turf, you don’t!
Helpful Answer (2)
BurntCaregiver May 2021
No one in their right mind saves used toilet paper no matter where they live.
No, you are NOT a jerk. You are putting up healthy boundaries which is hard to do but really necessary. You know what you can and cannot handle- never apologize for knowing and enforcing your limits!

Stay strong! You got this.
Helpful Answer (4)

My face-value opinion to your posted question is no, you're not a jerk -- based on what you've described about her hygiene issues. I breezed through the many responses from others and the extra info you provided. I read that his family tried to gain guardianship of her at one point for (apparently) nefarious reasons, and that was successfully defeated. So, she obviously doesn't have a PoA assigned. Is there any reason your BF won't allow the county to have guardianship of her so it can move her into a facility and she can be cared for and he can have his life back and you can have each other back? Many facilities are decent and so is the staff. I'm not sure what is being gained on her behalf by cloistering her with him. Your BF seems to be allowing her to live in a disgusting condition whereas a facility would deal with it. It makes no sense because she's not benefiting from him "caring" for her. BF seems to be benefitting by thinking he's a hero or martyr or something. It's incomprehensible.
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom May 2021
Isn’t it a shame that cultural differences make these situations tougher than they have to be? The OP says that they are Hispanic.

You are right. Difficult situations require a professional staff to handle the difficult tasks. No matter how much children or spouses wish to help in these areas, her needs would be better met with a staff. It’s sad. His heart may be in the right place for his mom.

The OP is somewhat understanding due to his cultural background but in reality, everyone is being shortchanged, especially the mom who obviously needs more care than he can provide. Not to mention how family members become burned out.

How hard is it to educate people who are in these situations to surrender control?

The OP is in love with this man and has a long standing relationship with him. It’s a complicated mess.
Some of the bathroom behaviors you describe from her sound like someone who grew up without running water or indoor plumbing in the house. My mother grew up in a house with no bathroom, too, or running water so those things from youth are tend to stick with older people. Putting toilet paper in the trash usually comes from having a limited septic system that can’t handle toilet paper. Not flushing every time because water can’t be wasted, or the septic tank fills up too quickly. All of that sounds very familiar to me, though my parents and grandparents were closer to the Canadian border than the Mexican border! Some things are the same everywhere.

I mention this because, if I am right about the way she grew up, you are never going to get her to change now at her advanced age. It doesn’t make for pleasant visits, though, as you say. Is there any sort of compromise, rather than them both staying in your apartment? You go down there and visit in a hotel? I certainly wouldn’t want the mess you describe in my home.
Helpful Answer (3)
MargaretMcKen May 2021
I live with a septic tank, and they can all handle toilet paper (though not flushable wipes etc). Size is an issue. We replaced our own septic tank of 600litres with the minimum size for new one of 3000litres. The use of water has increased that much! I found it very easy to adjust to a more appropriate size, and never 'saved' used toilet paper. If the lady can't wipe her own bottom, something is badly wrong, and it isn't her past upbringing.
See 3 more replies
That's very sad about BF's family history & siblings behaviour.

He has chosen to care for his folks, now full-time for his Mother. Whether this helps him, I don't know... But that is what he has chosen to do.

Farmerlee, you have the right to decide what you do too. What contact, if any, you have with his Mother.

So make your decision & make it clearly known to your BF. Either continue to allow the Mother to come, but discuss how it would work better, who cleans up etc.

Or if you decide she cannot come at all, tell him. He must then come alone. Finding other care arrangements for his Mother is his responsibility. He either will or won't - this is up to him.

Best of luck going forward with better boundaries.
Helpful Answer (2)

That's very sad about BF's family history & siblings behaviour.

He has chosen to care for his folks, now full-time for his Mother. Whether this helps him, I don't know... But that is what he has chosen to do.

Farmerlee, you have the right to decide what you do too. What contact, if any, you have with his Mother.

So make your decision & make it clearly known to your BF. Either continue to allow the Mother to come, but discuss how it would work better, who cleans up etc.

Or if you decide she cannot come at all, tell him. He must then come alone. Finding other care arrangements for his Mother is his responsibility. He either will or won't - this is up to him.

Bat of luck with some better boundaries going forward.
Helpful Answer (1)

This is in reply to your comment ‘Long story on her doctor, who is absolutely useless. This doctor has seen & smelled my mil for years and didn't question it at all….My BF even wrote a letter to the doc a while back and asked for assistance in home health and the doctor wouldn't do it....I couldn't believe how horrible this doctor is’.

It raises a couple of questions to think about. First is whether BF should find another doctor. Second is why the doctor would refuse to help get home health. I was wondering whether the doctor’s attitude was that MIL is quite capable of caring for herself, and there is no reason why the public purse should pay for it. The doctor might not have much sympathy for BF for propping up her behavior. Would there be any truth in that take on the situation? What about a mental health referral?
Helpful Answer (4)

Love won't help if you lose your job at an age far short of being eligible for Social Security and Medicare, due to the stress and also the appalling lack of support on the part of this man. Will he help you and take you in if that happens? I don't think marriage would solve this, either. It would become a one-way street from you to him and his mother.
Helpful Answer (2)

Many people on the board do not understand cultural differences and the sense of "duty" compared to being married to mom. The person in my home is German, not Hispanic which means, she is meaner, more stubborn and does the crazy tp thing, drives me crazy, it is so gross.

The hard part for me is my parents did not instill the sense of duty or that I owe them or an elder anything which is sometimes difficult to process what they go thru. I think it may be easier for you since you posted you caregave your mom. How supportive of you was he when you chose that?

As for the other things, I bought a tarp, hose and sprayer threw it on the floor and said bathe with help or I will do it myself. As for the pissing, force depends and have BF talk to the dr about medications which kill the immediate urge which is dementia related.

No one here is in your situation and can give relationship advice, that is for you to determine.
Helpful Answer (2)
sp19690 May 2021
I don't understand your situation why would you have a German, incontinent elder living with you and hosing off in your living room on a tarp?
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Farmerlee, you’re not a jerk…just naive! These SQUATTERS expect YOU to take over the caregiving 24/7. BF has no intention of having a relationship with you ever! He & his mother are there to stay RENT FREE unless you evict them. Good luck
& hugs 🤗
Helpful Answer (1)
Farmerlee74 May 2021
They aren't LIVING HERE, just visiting. My BF wanted to come down and see me, and brought his mother. They're leaving on Monday!
So, has BF visited an eldercare attorney and looked into getting Medicaid for his mom?

In most states, if you are over the limits on income, you can spend down or deposit the excess into a Miller Trust.

My point is, does HE know that she doesn't qualify for assistance or is he assuming that?

Can't some of her SS and pension be spent on caregivers?
Helpful Answer (1)
Farmerlee74 May 2021
He went to go see an elder lawyer and was told she doesn't qualify! Trust me. If he could get benefits, he would.
I know a couple that were together 25 or more years. She was Catholic and he was divorced. Back in the 50s this was a no no. Can't marry a divorced man. So he had his place and she had hers. She came with him to every family function.

Yes, its OK to vent. And I agree with ur decision Mom does not come back.

If she has no money, then why does she not qualify for Medicaid? Is her SS too much?
Helpful Answer (1)
Isthisrealyreal May 2021
She gets SS and a government pension from her husband. I read it in a response to someone.
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Before I answer, besides being nasty, what is her medical diagnosis, does she have a disease like dementia? Why did he move in with her, I guess why did she need to be taken care of?

The person in my house pisses and sh*ts everywhere too. Son is in rehab for a stroke from the stress. So, I am kinda in the same boat. The tp in the waste basket is gross isnt it? Is she by chance Hispanic?
Helpful Answer (3)
Farmerlee74 May 2021
He originally moved down there to take care of his dad too, who had Alzheimers. The mother has a bit of dementia, and she can barely walk. She is 93 years old. Before he went down there, the siblings were leaving both parents alone. A food pantry place would deliver meals to the house daily, but other than that, nobody took care of them.
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I sympathize with your boyfriend's situation but looking at it from an outside perspective.. he is not treating you like a girlfriend and bringing her to visit you is not appropriate or fair.
It is easier said than done to just leave him. You have stayed in this a long time so clearly, you do love him a lot but you just wanting her to go away is not going to happen, he isn't going to start putting you first. It sounds like they are a package deal and it is a put up with or leave choice.
You say a lot of telling things in your post, but the one that stands out the most is "my boyfriend left me 6 years ago" He has left you! You deserve more than this.
And of course, you are not a jerk,
Helpful Answer (1)
Farmerlee74 May 2021
Left me, meaning, he moved into his parents house, not "left me."
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I heard someone say don't be delusional about who you have in your life! This has helped me so much in my relationships, even with my spouse. I know exactly who the players are and what I'll tolerate.

I'm sorry! Don't tolerate that situation from either. Both be GONE (mom & son)!
Helpful Answer (3)

He has to care for her 24/7 and can't afford a caregiver, so what exactly would you have him do?

Sorry, I don't have a ton of sympathy for someone who lets a guy string her along (or strings him along?) for 17 years, then starts complaining now.
Helpful Answer (0)
Farmerlee74 May 2021
Tell me if I'm mistaken. Isn't this a forum where people can go to vent or ask questions? I didn't see where it says you post questions on a forum in return for having fellow posters insult you. If I wanted to be insulted, I can just stick to Reddit. Either way, you don't know me at all to be judging jack sh*t.
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How is visiting her a respite for him, since his mother is also there? Is it that HE is not the one cleaning up her messes? Are you participating in the caregiving in ANY way?

I feel sad that you've been with this man since you were 30. How many years since he moved in with his mother?

He has chosen to be his mother's caregiver. He didn't have to. How does he make a living? Does his mother receive Social Security? I hope you are not subsidizing him in any way!
Helpful Answer (1)
Farmerlee74 May 2021
Him visiting isn't necessarily a respite from caregiving, but it's a respite from that house and that town. He wants to be with me and spend time with mr in the evenings when he puts her to bed, but it's still annoying that she's here. They're leaving on Monday, so I'll be able to get my place back to norrmal. No, I don't subsidize him in any way. He owns rent houses and some other properties and gets a monthly income that way. His mom gets SS and a small pension from her husband, who was a retired state employee. I work full time too, and have my own money. I have helped with her and have cleaned up after her, especially any time she goes in my bathroom, which is numerous. We've been together since I was 29, but he moved home six years ago. I actually had to caregive for my mom, who had cancer at the time. She wasn't elderly, just sick. My mom passed away in 2016, then I started working again, stayed for a while to help my dad adjust, then moved to my apt.
No, you are not a jerk and you already know this.

If you choose to stay with BF (and I'm sure everyone who has responded to you can't fathom why you DO choose to stay with him) then it is what it is.

The chance of him getting his mother into some kind of care and return to living in peace with you are about nil. You know he's going to choose mom everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. He's a momma's boy. And when she dies, nobody will mourn harder than he.

He's done far more for her than any other person in the world and it still isn't enough. He's choosing mom over you and ANY desires you have--every single day. Right?

You know in your heart that kicking him & mom out is all you can do to solve this problem. He sounds completely unable to break free from her--and also doesn't want to. He wants BOTH of you, and as long as your graciously allow him to bring her to your apt, he will and nothing will change.

Are you strong enough to walk away from this guy?

Coming from someone who married a man with mama issues and it has been awful for 46 years as her hatred of me grows and grows. Truly, had I KNOWN how bad she was I would NEVER have married my DH. We've weathered this but it took him almost 40 years to realize how sick she is, how manipulative and nasty. He would give anything to 'make' her happy, but it's not going to happen.
Helpful Answer (3)

No you are not a jerk, but your boyfriend sure is!!! Why are you still with him , when he cares more for his mom than he does you? Surely you can do better than him. Get him and his mom out now, and never let them back in again. Your supposed boyfriend has more problems than you need to deal with, if he thinks this arrangement is ok. He's the one that should be feeling guilty, not you.
Just because you're lonely doesn't mean that you have to out up with this nonsense. I'd rather be lonely that have to live like you're living, wouldn't you? Think about that.
Helpful Answer (5)
cherokeegrrl54 May 2021
You hit the proverbial nail on the head! To OP, you deserve better treatment than what your BF dishes out!!
Farmerlee, this is in reply to your answer a couple of hours ago. Your BF family sound awful, but you need to think about why you REALLY are enmeshed in their dramas. For the rest of your life?
Helpful Answer (1)
Farmerlee74 May 2021
I have no answer for that. I don't know why I stay. Love? Loyalty? I'm not sure. We have a long history together, used to have so much fun and he has always been a very nurturing, caring person. Would being comfortable with someone be the right word? I don't know. Sometimes I think he is breaking his neck to take care of this "mother" from some subconscious area of his mind that yearns for her approval. She was a very neglectful parent. Their father was too. He provided, but the kids ran around like wild animals. My BF told me that his parents never knew where they were at night, never taught them how to bathe or brush their teeth, go to bed at a decent hour, etc. They learned how to do all these things at school. This isn't abnormal at all in that kind of environment, either. They're from a very rough "barrio" in a border town (Tx/Mx) where a lot of big families are, and parenting wasn't exactly a priority for people in that area. Survival was. It was nothing back in the day for kids, similar to my BF to be running the streets at all hours while the parents were back at home. My BF, along with one of his brothers had a job at a cantina even when they were seven & eight years old. He also worked at a bakery. Did his parents care? Nope. He had to work if he wanted to eat. Maybe, in his mind, he thinks he'll get the love & acceptance he never received as a child. I don't really know. All I know is, it is hard to love someone so much, yet despise the mother. Her presence is irritating me so very badly.
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I just had to google Diogenes Syndrome you mentioned as I had not heard of it:

' Diogenes syndrome, also known as senile squalor syndrome, is a disorder characterized by extreme self-neglect, domestic squalor, social withdrawal, apathy, compulsive hoarding of garbage or animals, plus lack of shame. '

Wow. Hoarder but way worse... Sounds like a very severe Mental Illness? Maybe like schizophrenia but without the auditory hallucinations. So has your bf accepted this? Either this diagnoses or of another mental illness, dementia, other?

I was told by a health professional that schizophrenia family members often become polarised to either going no-contact or becoming enmeshed. You said all the other sibs are no-contact right?
Helpful Answer (3)
Farmerlee74 May 2021
Years back, we actually caught some of the siblings stealing money from the parents, and one of them actually forged a quit claim deed, stole the parents' house and then, on top of all of this added drama, tried getting guardianship over the parents by way of a crooked judge who almost awarded it, even with the forged deed, etc. The same judge sent two attorneys to be guardian ad litems and for six months, these two lawyers drained the parents' account. By the time my BF was able to move down there, get his parents their own attorney to fight on the parents behalf, they had no money. It was a very sad. He even had Adult Protective Services testify on his behalf. As soon as the money was gone, the siblings disappeared. Both mother and father (when he was alive) were/are absolutely filthy. My BF's father never threw anything away and kept tons of junk cars, scap metal and trash in the yard. Inside, the house was roach & rodent infested. This was when they were younger. When my BF moved down there, he installed a/c, had house treated for roaches & rats and hired 800 junk to clear it. It was horrible what his brothers did. Now, we're in 2021 and not one of them will call or come by. The figure there is nothing to benefit them financially, so their mother is of no use.
So the 1st thing is "I wish she would leave!"

But the even bigger issue is "I'm lonely with a partner who's attention is the mother 24/7."

So your bf is a caring guy that feels he must do everything for his Mom, must live her life instead of his own. It's called enmeshment. Unless he gets some therapy for himself, I don't how he will change. I am so sorry.

If you ask yourself what do you really want? Is it a partner, a real partner?

Have a good chat (video call - no Mom or odours) & explain what you want. Whether that is a partner that lives with you, lives in your town, visits on his own - set some boundaries around your relationship. Not an ultimatum - just 'this is what I need going forward'. If he cannot do this... Sadly, thank him for all the years & say your goodbye.

Do you feel comfortable to tell him with honesty how you feel?
Helpful Answer (1)

This is totally unacceptable and has to stop immediately. Your boyfriend's mother cannot come and stay at your apartment again.
I think it might also be a good idea for you to give some serious thought to what your relationship is with your boyfriend.
From what you say about him here, it sounds like he really doesn't care all that much about you. If he did he would not bring his disgusting mother along for the one week a month the two of you spend together.
Please stop beating yourself up with guilt trips. You haven't done anything wrong. He chose to allow caregiving to make him a slave to his mother and her needs. You did not choose that for him. He did. It's not your fault because it wasn't your decision to make.
What is your decision to make is what you will tolerate and allow in the relationship and what you won't.
Make it very clear to your boyfriend that he cannot bring his mother to your home again. If he can't find a caregiver willing to stay with her for the week, then he cannot see you.
If he really wants to be with you, he'll find a way.
Helpful Answer (4)
Farmerlee74 May 2021
He has never brought her, except the last two times because the lady that usually stays with her when he travels is stuck in Mexico and cannot come across. The current President has our borders closed and only "essential" workers & truck drivers can come. Other people cannot. He brought mother in April and now. They are leaving on Monday. I've already told him I cannot handle having him bring her and he is going to need to make other arrangements, even if it's hiring someone for a few days to stay with her. We had a heart to heart last night and I told him I realize he didn't have a choice this last time, but going forward, it just isn't working for me. I told him my apt is my absolute sanctuary and I cannot handle her lack of hygiene any longer. He, surprisingly, agreed. At first, he had his feelings hurt that I was getting grossed out on his mom, but when he saw the mess she left on the toilet & floor, he changed his tune.
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Hey farmer, my understanding of Medicare's coverage of health aides is that you can get them through Medicare if it's ordered by a doctor. Maybe someone else can comment on the accuracy of this.

If this is true, I would think bf's mom's docs might agree to help here if they see/know that she has really poor hygiene. That's a common problem for elderly. Is there any illness the mom has had that could be related to being dirty?

I might be stretching here but I thought if there was someone else to help out, at least once in awhile, that would be better than nothing.

Why is she sleeping in your room? An air mattress on a platform could be much easier to clean up afterwards. Making some reasonable changes is needed or you're going to have to put your foot down altogether on future mom stays. You could try some changes first, if you're feeling generous and want to make bf happy.
Helpful Answer (2)
Farmerlee74 May 2021
Long story on her doctor, who is absolutely useless. This doctor has seen & smelled my mil for years and didn't question it at all. My BF even wrote a letter to the doc a while back and asked for assistance in home health and the doctor wouldn't do it. She claims that MIL only had a UTI and all she needed was a prescription for antibiotics! I couldn't believe how horrible this doctor is. The medical care down on the border is atrocious! It's also a long story on why she's in my room. My BF & I had just bought a brand new bed back during Christmas. We put it temporarily in the living room, so we could watch TV. Well, we never moved it in the room and I ended up putting my futon in the bedroom. My office is also in my room, so she is sleeping on my futon, which, technically, I still hate. I'm going to throw away the pillows and wash the sheets & blankets in hot water after they leave. I also booked a carpet steam clean for my apartment. I'll be sanitizing and disinfecting everything once she vacates. There isn't going to be a next time for her!
I would tell him that he gets a bath aid and gets her cleaned up or no visits. To ask someone that you profess to love to deal with filth in their own home, to the point it permeates everything, is asking to much, especially when a bath would solve the stink.

He chose this chit show and he is manipulating you with his words and actions. Sounds like a one way love affair from what you have shared. He can make the situation on the boarder better and not need to get a break at your house. He can clean her house, old and ugly doesn't need to be filthy.

Sorry to be so blunt but, men that choose their mommies over their woman and then emotionally and mentally manipulate the woman because she so desperately loves him, well, I think that they are dirt bags and only really care about themselves.

You are seeing him in the worst of situations, is he the someone that you want to have your back for the rest of your life? Seriously, does he have others that are more important to him than you are? Because you are still young enough to find someone that you can share your life with, someone that will commit to you and put you 1st, above all others.
Helpful Answer (4)
BurntCaregiver May 2021
A bath would not stop the pissing and crapping on the floor though. A hard NO to the mother coming to her home again washed or not.
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