
So I have a nice home its paid off. I told my mother two years ago when I bought the house she can come to live with me in my pool house if ever she didn't have a place to go. ( she was living with a boyfriend at the time .) She's 74 years old and is selling her home to my son on a monthly basis due to her not being able to pay everything on her own.
Anyhow she moved into the pool house immediately!
I like her being there most of the time. Here is the issue, I work full time on a 3 week rotation away from home. I pay all the bills for her ( electricity ,water bill, dish network ,internet so she can watch netflix , I also told keep the a freezer in the garage full so she will never not have food ... meat ,fish,shrimp, fish )
Anyhow here is my issue , she wanted to put flooring down in the pool house like the wooden looking pergo flooring and I said no because I like the cement the way it looks. she got so angry.
well then she wanted to change the counter tops and I said no because I like them the way they look .again she got so angry she said she would just get it done while I was at work.I lost my mind and told her she better not change anything that is permanent without us discussing it and agreeing on it because I like it like it is. Well a year and a half later one of the window units break and she said she's not responsible because it's my home and I need to replace it. I waited 4 months to replace it because I told her she should replace it because she lives there for free. Long story my brother guilt-ed me into getting a small unit and my mom is angry that i didn't get a big one like the one that broke. well now a couple of days ago her front unit is going out and I told her she better save her money and now she pissed again. meanwhile she just bought a 1,000 TV because the 55 inch TV I bought her last year was not big enough and has purchased a nice recliner that helps her get up ... and a bed that moves into a sitting position and is talking about getting a big dining room table I don't care what she buys but why cant she buy the air-conditioner? I work and all my money goes to bills she thinks I'm rich and that I give everything to everyone else and nothing to her , I recently gave her 160.00 to go out of town with her sister because I wanted her to have fun ? but she says I give more to other people . shes angry that I just gave 5 pairs of tights to my sister. She's mad that I bought a car form myself and not for her. It's never enough ... I'm regretting that I bought a home with a pool house now. I didn't expect her to be so jealous and selfish. I was so proud that I would have a nice beautiful place for her ... its a 1100 square foot pool house and when she talks about it to other people she calls it a shack :(
I just got remarried and my wonderful husband is disabled and home all the time and shes so manipulative. Hes so kind and caring and she keeps trying to get him to get me to do things lol and he tells her hes not getting in the middle of it.
She even complains that he is spending my money ?

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i agree with LoopyLoo. Changing the drapes is one thing. But remodeling the pool house to her tastes is another. If she wants to make a home entirely her’s, help her find a one bedroom or studio apartment within her Social Security benefits or apply for Section 8 and show her the door. Time to evict her from Cheryl’s She Shed.
Helpful Answer (6)

The problem is how you allowed her to move in with no rules. It’s difficult to unring the Bell.

Depending on your state laws, you can’t just ask her to leave. You may have to evict her. I think if I were you I would look into eviction, not to actually evict her unless that’s what you want but to get her attention.
I would get a standard lease with provisions on no modifications highlighted and have her sign it or go forward with the eviction. She isn’t happy with your home. She’s just happy with the terms. Well, the free part. She’s overly involved in your personal life.

I just looked at your profile!
At 53 buying a lift chair! Give me a break. What are her health issues?

I won’t buy one for my 93 yr old aunt because it’s a sure way to become disabled. The muscles in the upper leg are very important for mobility. Does mom get into that pool? She better start.

Your mom needs to move IMO. You could have her for another 40 years! If she needs a lift chair at 53 and isn’t disabled now, oh my.

YES you are being unreasonable to allow your mom to turn into a petulant child by your enabling her. She needs a job, friends, activities. Maybe a husband of her own.

You are not helping her to allow her to act like a late blooming child in the basement. This is a Dr Phil show for sure.
Helpful Answer (4)
Southerninak Dec 2019
I just fixed my profile lol I was so upset I put my age there . Shes 74 has two knee replacements and arthritis and the all encompassing Fibromyalgia ... she is in quite a bit of pain which is why I wanted to help her and have a place fro her to live when she got too old to care for herself. I did not expect her to move in so quickly , she lied to her boyfriend and told him that we ( her 4 children) begged her to move because we didn't see her enough when she lived with him 30 minutes away.

She left her boyfriend because he wouldn't buy a new trailer , she likes to live a certain way you see...But nothing is ever good enough

I talked to her earlier today and told her we need to have a serious conversation when I get home and she said OK ,then went do laundry in my house and try to make my husband feel sorry for her ,she was crying and saying she didn't have 700.00 for the A/C and he told her he could give her back the money she paid on the TV and she could go get one and she said no she was not giving back the TV .

and I called my brother , the one that made me feel guilty last time her first A/C broke and I bought another one . I told him if he thinks she needs one he needs to pay for it and that I would not hear one word about it.

She is a spoiled brat and I will treat her just like my child .

I remember my child hood we were always getting the power shut off because she bought cloths instead of paying the bills ..she needs to get it together .I moved out at 15 .

Oh and she cant keep friends because shes so jealous of other women . she compares herself to everyone and talks bad about everyone.

I also spoke to my sister about what I will be telling my mother when I get home , we are in agreement . If my mother wants me to act like a landlord and be responsible for everything then she will be a tenant and pay 200.00 a month plus electricity .
You know what? I'd tell mother immediately that I'm renting out the 'pool shack' to a tenant who's thrilled to pay me $1500 a month (or whatever number sounds reasonable to you) and that she has 2 months to move OUT and find herself another person to mooch off of. The gravy train has officially dried UP and you're done. Finito. Washing your hands of being taken advantage of like THIS by your own MOTHER. Here you are trying to do HER a favor and she treats you like THIS?
Out she goes. Sorry.
Love ya Ma, but enough is enough.
Good luck setting down some strong, rigid boundaries & then sticking to them. Like glue.
Helpful Answer (4)

Kick her out. If she hates it so much there, she can go elsewhere. She is ungrateful and spoiled. Not only is it free housing, but she lives totally off you!! Why are you feeding, housing, and providing entertainment for her? She will not change her ways.
Helpful Answer (2)
Southerninak Dec 2019
My thing about the food is that I can remember (after my divorce,we lived in a trailer park not a very good one, it was all I could afford ) being so poor and my children and I only having the fish my mother gave us to eat ( her boyfriend at the time was a shrimper and gave me all the fish from his nets while I was going to nursing school) I'm an LPN now for the last 26 years.

So I guess that really stuck with me . I didn't believe in food stamps so I went to their house on weekends and helped out selling the shrimp and washing his truck and the boat for giving me the fish . I would not have made it through school without that food ,she brought me left overs all the time too . That was the worse time in my life and I do not want my mom to be hungry so I keep the freezer full all the time .

The other stuff is because I was a pushover . lol but I'm getting better
I would put some boundaries in place starting with paying her way, rent, cable water bill and electric. You have spoiled her, she is using you, only you can stop this nonsense.

Set the stage, stop all the enabling is she won't comply have her moved out.
Helpful Answer (2)

Thanks everyone for answering I'm a little overwhelmed .

I think its because I felt guilty for my late husband talking my mom into doing a reverse mortgage on her home .Because she kept borrowing money from us when things would break and never paying us back and he said it was BS because we were pretty much giving her two to 3 thousand dollars every few months for a couple of years and he wasn't doing it anymore . So we did the reverse mortgage to be able to give her 500 a month to get by .. plus she is on disability. and we would own her home when she passed .Meantime she meets the boyfriend and moves in with him and my son moves back home from China and wants to buy her house so he continues to give her the 500 bucks a month ,then my husband passes away and I was stupid for telling her she will always have a place to live when she got old .... I know it was my fault I had lived away in Alaska for 18 years and forgot how she was.
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Why on earth are you not charging her rent? There is no way she should have a free ride.

Better yet, she needs to find a place she can afford and move out.
Helpful Answer (2)

You can make this work, at least for the holidays.
Set aside your frustrations, talk to us f o r e v e r if you like.
But get yourself some peace.
As much as you can find when dealing with an entitled aging mother.
Try ignoring her, and do not allow her anger to manipulate you.

After the holidays, you can read up on narcissists and how to manage
if she is one.

It was very wise of you to reach out to this community of caregivers.
If nothing else, some of us can express your justified anger for you! (joke).

Really, we will come alongside of you and help you make some reasonable changes, including the charging her rent bit.

I just hate that you are having to go thru all this.
Helpful Answer (2)
Southerninak Dec 2019
Actually just coming on here and seeing it's not just me makes me feel so much better . Thanks so much .I got a nice chuckle out of that one .
I would set a time frame for her to move and live on her own income. At the very least I would a monthly rent for her to start paying January 1st.
Helpful Answer (2)

Seniors can be difficult, that's for sure, but, I would consider this. If your mother is becoming increasingly disagreeable, demanding, unreasonable, etc. I'd really wonder if she is doing okay cognitively. Years before my LO was diagnosed with dementia, she acted that way. Very demanding, selfish and difficult. Even health care professionals said she was lazy and selfish, but, it was the beginning of dementia. Later, it made sense.

If she is just being difficult and is not suffering cognitively, I'd figure a way to get her off my property. Life is too short to have discord over petty things, imo.

I'd also consult with an Elder Law attorney before transferring any real property to anyone. Transfers can have legal consequences down the road.
Helpful Answer (2)
Southerninak Dec 2019
Actually ,I think I had just forgotten how mean and selfish my mother was my whole life , I moved out at a very young age due to her always having hateful comments about my weight and everything was a competition . I asked my sister recently If I just never noticed how she is or is this new . My sister said I'd been gone too long because she has always been this way .
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