
People are walking around with gangrene epelispy kidney failure and no social worker available. In Florida.

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Contact your congressman
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It took me 9 months to get my mother VA benefits. They treat vets like 3rd class citizens. Only thing I can say is be peresistent. Keep calling and good luck.
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Contacting my congressman did nothing as a matter of fact I got my answer from the VA 2 months before my congressman answered me and all that was for me to sign a waiver.
Unless the vet is dying your request goes in a stack of request sometime hundreds so yes your request can take up to a years. But if you filled a Letter of Intend at the start of your request when it is approved you will get all the pay from the day your Letter of Intend was received. Don't call because you won't get anyone that can help writing does very little if you looking for help call your state VA office and they will either handle your request or put you in contact with someone who will these are about the only people that I have found that can and that is because they can go to the VA Regional office to see what is going on with your request
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Lack of the DD214 document (the document issued upon discharge & determines benefits available to the veteran) can become a 'big' problem w/the VA; and the veteran himself/herself has no idea where to get a copy. The county of I live in, has taken upon "itself" to help veterans & dependents, by issuing ID cards, while helping them acquire a replacement DD214.
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Another problem with DD14 is many records were destroyed in a fire at the St Louis records archive years ago. My Dad's records were in that fire. Decided not to pursue so I do not know what they do if records were burnt.
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des123: Your question "why are so many Americans and veterans being denied medical care and home care?" is too broad of a question to reply with a valid response.
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You have to ask for help. This is the problem with our homeless vets. They r suffering with mental issues and don't get help. I agree that the VA is slow with help.
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We are in year two of the process; all requests have been delayed until 2020; their motto is Delay, Deny, Death; we have also contacted congressman; purple heart is supposed to be given priority - it does not; Our 'new' date is now August 15, 2016 if he is denied (40 % of claims are denied)The next step is to get an attorney to start the appeal process which takes another 4 yrs; My dad is 90 yrs old - he will never see any benefits - it's a crying shame how we treat our vets
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There is plenty of healthcare available. If they are walking around with these things, they can walk into the local clinic. Many places have free clinics. If they have no money, they can qualify for Medicaid or subsidized insurance. If they are older, they can qualify for Medicare. If their doctor prescribes it, they can get home health for a few weeks or even longer. If they are near death, they can get hospice.

I can only think of one group of people who can't get medical services -- the ones that don't look for it or ask for it. I guess the question would be, why aren't they asking for it?
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They get medical care (Medicare & Tri Care)- it's 'Aid & Attendance" that they need -we are paying thousands of dollars for private nurse - Aid & Attendance from the VA could supplement that. We cannot separate them (both mom & dad have dementia) and the VA Home will only take him and it's not free - if we separate them after 69 years of marriage it would kill them in 30 days......
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There could be any number of reasons why someone would be denied veterans benefits some of them might include:

Not meeting certain criteria/Not entitled to it
Dishonorable discharge
Didn't apply
Lack of funding

These are just a few suggestions. My elderly foster dad didn't even get anything until he was in his 80s. Can you served in England and pushed a typewriter. Until then he was on some other kind of benefits. He didn't even know he was eligible until he happened to get a call from someone. This is when he found out he was eligible for veterans benefits, which greatly increased his income. You may want to do your homework to see exactly why the veteran in your life is not being taken care of. This is a time to ask lots of questions as to why and don't stop until you get the answers you need because there could be any number of reasons why this is happening
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If your served in the military for more the 90 days once you reach 66 years of ago you can get medical care of course you need your DD 214. It's that simple. If your under 66 you need a Service connected disability to get medical care from the VA
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