
A couple of years ago I was helping my mom (97 yo) organize and found she has 3 chest drawerful of greeting cards sent to her in request for donations. She said that she sends them only $10. I noticed that she'd get at least 5 solicitations per day. I noticed that several groups send her repeat solicitations with frequency (as evidenced also by many of the same greeting cards in her drawers). I told her to stop and that she's donated more than her share throughout the years.

Last week, while going through her mail, I noticed that the donation solicitations have decreased in number (she receives maybe 1/day now), but the number of sweepstakes have increased to about 5/day. She's been entering sweepstakes now and they ask for $10-30 to enter.

While my mom has frequent visitors (her kids/friends), we aren't there daily to go through her mail (and don't want to ask her caregiver to do so). Any suggestions on how to stop solicitations for donations and now, also sweepstakes to the elderly?

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ThisIsIt, these are common and troubling issues; there have been many threads on this topic.

You can read other threads here to gain insights others have had, in addition to those posted here, by accessing these threads:

Unfortunately, mailing lists are sold and greedy companies use them to harass people, often vulnerable seniors.   I call these pests and demand that they stop their solicitations, and advise that I'll report them to BBB if they don't.   I doubt that frightens them though, but they do stop.

What I find equally offensive are the tear-jerking commercials for good charities, requesting a $19/monthly commitment.   I used to donate to some of these charities but won't now b/c of the tasteless and aggressive marketing for which they're paying.  I can't imagine that a tv commercial is cheaper than mass marketing, so if they've got money for commercials, they aren't getting anything from me.
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JoAnn29 Apr 2022
I agree about the marketing. I donate locally only.
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TG my Mom did not join sweepstakes. She did get her junk mail. One thing about the internet, they have no idea the person emailing them is not Mom.

I first look to see if there is a self-addressed stamped envelope included. If so, I sent everything mailed to Mom back in the envelope. I took the paper with Moms address on it and put "please take me off ur mailing list" on it and put it so it was the first piece of paper seen. If they don't have an envelope included, then I look for a web address if none I do a search. I then emailed them acting as my mother requesting that my address and any names associated with it taken off their mailing list. Some will email back and apologize and tell u ur name will be removed with 6 to 8 weeks. This is usually the ones like the Vets.

You need to sit Mom down look her in the eye and tell her these Sweepstakes are scams, Publishers clearing house is one of them. No legit sweepstakes will ask for money. They all sell your address. As do magazine subscriptions. I cut my Moms down a lot. Don't think change of address will help. I had always heard that the PO does not forward junk mail. I went to them when I was receiving Moms junk mail at my address I had her mail forwarded to, not her address. Thanks to the internet when a person changes their address seems it goes out on the web. So if you want no one to know where you moved to, you need a POBox.

I myself only get the car warranty renewal things. I still get them for Mom and her car was sold 10 yrs ago.
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Further thoughts:  my father used to get a lot of these donations, and he did feel good about helping others through donations.   So I suggested we pick only the very good charities, which I would research, and he could concentrate on those, discarding any others which weren't on our approved list.

One of his criteria was that he wouldn't donate to any organizations which paid their CEO or exec staff over $100K per year.   I thought that was reasonable.   So, from then on, other than a few charities, I researched and found a lot of so-called charities paying their execs exorbitant salaries.  (Even if they weren't, I told Dad they were, so he eliminated those right away.)

Make a project of it, and focus on the really good charities.    Setting a salary standard is easy, unless your mother uses a computer and can check for herself to verify salaries.
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I like GAs suggestions but I found it was better just to cut the charities off with Mom. Same with phone solicitors. She would tell them "Sorry, my daughter handles my money". She was never one for charities she did not know. Because she was used to saying "my daughter handles my money" that carried her into the early stages of Dementia. Money, I handled that as soon as she could no longer add and subtract her bank book. Then her handwriting went.
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When my in-laws were still in their home and I was making almost daily visits there, I had made a copy of their mailbox key and made sure to go there right after the mail was delivered. I went through their mail and removed any concerning pieces and left the rest since "Mail Call" was one of the highlights of their day. Then in the winter, because I didn't want them wandering down an icy driveway, I told them I had the mail redirected to a PO box and would hand-deliver it to them. For my own 92-yr old mom who is recently exhibiting some concerning financial decisions, I write "Not at this address, return to sender" and put it back in the box.
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ThisIsIt, even if one donated to a legit charity only once a year, that person would still receive weekly mail asking for more donations. I know, I get them all the time.

I also get a lot of those greeting cards, and I have never sent that charity one dime. It's all marketing. Trying to make one feel guilty.

Who is your Mom's financial Power of Attorney? Since your Mom has Alzheimer's, as per your profile, that POA can step in to manage her checkbook. I did that with my own Dad, he was glad that he didn't need to brother with writing checks or balancing the checkbook. I would give Dad $25 dollars so he would have handy cash if he needed it [the $25 was his suggestion]. He still had his credit card but he rarely used it.

I would let your Mom keep receiving mail at her house, so she doesn't miss any greeting cards or letters from family/friends. Sadly there is no way to stop all the unwanted mailings. Have the caregiver toss them into recycling.
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