
Where do they find these people? Renting movies without asking. You find it on your bill. Putting dirty dishes in the cupboards that are so gross when you find them you throw them away. Running the dishwasher with barely anything in it. Cooking their food and leaving microwave like a cheeseball exploded in it. WHO DOES THAT? My house smells like the sewer line broke when one lady is here. I came home and thought I was going to have to burn down the house to get the smell out. I kept going over and sniffing my mom. And it wasn’t her. My eyes were bleeding from the smell. I would call the agency but it was just too hard to explain. All she eats is healthy stuff for the whole 5 hours she’s here. My mom, my dog and I don’t eat for two days after she leaves. This may sound mean but I have to live here. It’s disgusting. She brushes her teeth every hour but it isn’t her breath.

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Is this what the world is coming too? Hired caregivers that have no respect for people's homes or themselves. I read on another post where the caregivers were taking food home from the employers' house, even coming back on their day off to take some food home. Who does these things?

Has it come down to that we have to baby sit the caregivers that we employ?

I haven't had to hire caregivers yet, but I will in the near future. I guess, I don't know what to think! I wouldn't think of doing these things in someone's house. Do these people have any respect? And what happen to having pride in your work?

Lord help us all if this is what the world is coming to.

Karinslife, your not being mean your just speaking the truth.
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2019
Shell, right?

Wonder what kind of documentary we could put together with a hidden camera!
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You are being taken advantage of and I would call the agency and ask for a replacement and tell them why. This is unacceptable and unprofessional. And if you are talking BO this definitely I would call about. I personally get nauseous around people like this. And its not fair to your Mom unless her smeller is gone.

You are the employer. And as the employer its your rules. Does your employer provide your lunch? Then why should you for the aide? She is only there five hours. If you feel petty not providing at least lunch, then tell her lunch only. Whatever she serves Mom and nothing more. She is to eat her breakfast before she comes. Tell her your funds are limited and you can't afford feeding her more than one simple meal. Tell her ALL dirty dishes get rinsed and put in the dishwasher. Tell her you will run it on a cycle when you get home because you like it full. Get a plate cover for the microwave and tell her to use it. But really, I would get rid of her but make sure the next one coming in knows the rules. Put them in writing.

The smell...put bowls of vinegar around the house. My Mom had a "problem" one day and I could not get rid of the smell in her bath and sitting area. A friend told me about the vinegar. Really, I just put a bowl in the bath and in a couple of hours the smell started going away. In a day it was gone but I kept it out for another day.
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Karinslife Mar 2019
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I think you said it all. Horror stories! These people do create nightmares.

What about a camera to catch the activity? You know what is said, a picture is worth a thousand words.

I said to Shell about making a documentary, okay that works but how about a reality television show? Haha, we could get rich from their stupidity. Now, how would we cut them out if the proceeds? Wait, I got it. How much are they paid by the agency? Maybe give them that amount or minimum wage sounds fair! Sorry, in a sarcastic mood I guess! I know it’s a serious problem.

Hope these people lose lose their jobs. Families shouldn’t have to tolerate their ridiculous behavior.
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Shell38314 Mar 2019
Ya, but you have a point...we could make a reality TV show! Pay these crazy people a flat $50 dallors per shot. We can take 35% of the money and donate it to research and we would still end up ahead! It would be a hit!
mom had a caregiver that stole money from her. When mom found out, she fired the caregiver. No way to complain because the caregiver's boss was a relative. :(
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NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2019

Tough situation! Glad your mom fired her though.
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You have an aide who smells to high heaven, eats a peculiar diet for five hours straight when she is supposed to be working, and brushes her teeth obsessively? This woman is not well. Can't you object to the agency's sending her on those grounds? - for her own welfare, as well as your mother's. Maybe she has some kind of chronic gut disease: I'm very sorry for her and I hope she gets it under control, but you also don't want her preparing your mother's food and coming into close contact with her.
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Wow, I can't beat those! The one guy we had here when dad first moved in did what he was hired to do.. drove dad to see mom, kept him in sight.. but he used our computer ( that was ok with us).. but he never cleared his history. he spent his time looking for other jobs and on dating sites.. we kind of got a kick out of that since hubs knew his parents.. LOL Our next gal was wonderful!
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The final straw... my dog has been in my room most of today because I have people here replacing the exterior doors. She just vomited a huge amount of vegetables..and of being a nurse I had to inspect it. I don’t have peas and carrots. I was with her all day. She didn’t get in someone’s mother didn’t feed her peas and carrots. These were green peas not the tiny canned peas. I am so mad...the workers didn’t feed her anything. She was with me all day. The only other person in this picture is yesterday’s caregiver. I’m totally disgusted. I’m not sure if the agency is open tomorrow but she’s gone.
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