
He has been away for a year. Now he want POA back and is trying to take over her care. My other sibling and I took over her care needs when he left. Got the legal paper work poa etc. He can be manipulative my mother to give him money and is now threatening to have the POA revoked by taking her to another attorney. We do not get along at all. I don't know how to talk to mom about him. Even when I have pointed out the financial abuse she refuses to see any wrong doing with him. What can I do?

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Visit the local police station and ask how to get an injunction (a Personal Protection Order) against him to prevent him from contacting your mother by phone, electronic device, in person, by mail, and from coming with a specified distance (such as 500 yards) from where your mother is living.

You should also tell the police, or the PPO staff when you go to them for assistance with getting a PPO, that your mother doesn't understand the gravity of the situation and that's why you're acting on her behalf, pursuant to authority granted under the DPOA appointing you and your other sibling.

Be sure to bring the DPOA with you when you visit the courthouse or wherever the police tell you to go to get a PPO.

The county sheriff or police, depending on protocol in your mother's area, will take care of serving your brother.
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Another thought - if he mishandled your mother's finances, have you informed the police and advised them he abused your mother financially? If not, ask them about it, and ask where else you should go to report elder financial abuse.

You'll need to have documentation supporting any fraud allegations though.

If he's investigated and charged with a misdemeanor or felony financial abuse, you can use that against him when the PPO expires (might be a year or two; I don't recall which and it may be dependent on the state).
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After posting this message, I called the police, elder abuse but while I was doing this he did get my mother to a lawyer and she went along with it. She told the investigators I was abusive and stealing from her. I could prove and have proven I wasn't however now I have to go to court hire a lawyer. I have lost my will to fight this as even though she has dementia was cable to go along with his plan. Why should I exhaust my savings to protect someone who keeps going back to be abused. She has blocked me and there is nothing more for me to do.
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Contact the attorney bar association in your county, or research online to find local pro bono legal clinics. You might be able to get someone to help you and possibly someone to represent you in court if you're indigent and can't afford an attorney.

I would also keep all documentation you've collected and document from memory all that you've done so you can present it in court. I assume this is a criminal charge?

I do agree that it's time to just step back and wash your hands of the situation as you're being opposed by both your mother and brother. Let him take care of her. And don't be tempted or bullied into stepping back into the situation if she runs out of money and wants help from you.
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Thank you. For now I am just resting and trying to let go and let God. I do have the documentation and will present it when my batteries are charged up. I do not however, want to go back to be abused by my mother or brother again. I had to delete them from facebook as they have tried to carry on their rants. Most of it ridicules. I am better than they are and do not have to take their bullying. I have copied and pasted and printed their threats. I am just so sad what family will do in order to maintain their abusive ways.
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After the dust settles, I wouldn't have anything to do with either one of them.
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... Even after he's completely taken her to the poor house. Move on baby, move on.
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Thank you I agree. I am just sorting through feelings of guilt even though I know its not for me to label these feelings. I guess I am just so hurt and feeling betrayed, yet I do not know why I am so surprised as this has been ongoing. They mess up and pull me in to clean it up then push me out. I put my heart out there only to get it stomped on. I am just trying to reconcile these feelings of taking care of a aged mother or doesn't appreciate anything you give her. Thank you for the validation, I needed that.
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