
So ombudsman called me back with questions about my complaint. At the end of our 4th conversation the rep told me, I could NOT remain anonymous and that they couldn't guarantee that there would be NO retaliation towards my mom. I thought that I could remain anonymous and that they would ensure there be no retaliation against mom. Does anybody have any information or experience with ombudsman? Any suggestions or thoughts on why I couldn't make an anonymous complaint (it referenced multiple residents, not just my mom) and why no guarantee mom would be protected? I'm not expecting mom to be physically protected 24/7, but I was under the impression that her privacy would remain intact. Thanks in Advance!! Feeling frustrated and helpless!

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Update on addressing issues with mom in her Memory care Facility.... Thank you for your responses. I am still fairly new to mom living in a facility (and AD) and am trying to navigate my way through everyday with the sole goal of making sure moms getting the care she needs and deserves ( and staying sane and calm while doing it).
I declined to complete the complaint with OMBUDSMAN and instead have contacted the Dept of State ( who is over Ombudsman) and the corporate office of moms MCF and filed a complaint with my name included. The regional manager called me back within the hour of initiating the complaint. He is currently at another facility in the state working but, I will be meeting with him and ED Thursday when he gets back into town. He spoke with the ED when he got off the phone with me and is to call me back this morning. Hopefully we can come together and resolve these issues going forward for my mom. This is extremely frustrating and scary now that they have closed the Facilities to all visitors due to the Coronavirus; this is unchartered territory for many of us I'm sure. I will keep you posted with any updates.
Thank you to everyone! Go Bless us all!
Helpful Answer (5)
willow55 Mar 2020
What type of lawyer did you use? I need one for a 59 year old that lays all day, no physical therapy, and lost his bowel and urine capabilities and I want to take him to his Dr. for help and they said if he doesn't want to go he doesn't have to. Yet we are the POA,
These complaints are a matter of public record to which the Ombudsman has to be held liable for vouching for the facts in the case. As far as retaliation, the sad fact is that no one will stand guard over Mom 24/7 to make certain that everyone treats her perfectly. I am sorry to say I missed the post which told of your serious issues of abuse, but I would suggest that you go ahead and make a public record if there are issues that need addressing. I am guessing you already went to the authorities who run the assisted living place. You cannot, of course, lodge complaints on behalf of residents you are not connected with; that must be done by themselves or their representatives. You CAN speak of instances of abuse you witnessed; it would be best if there was more than you witnessing it, but that isn't always possible. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (4)
Floridagirl6 Mar 2020
Thanks AlvaDeer, there's plenty of people there that will speak with them on what we've witnessed. I posted on finding mom with (still undocumented) bruising and scrapes 2 weeks ago and new anti-slip socks on but, nobody can tell me anything. I am not accusing them of abusing her I simply want to know why somebody put socks on her and cleaned her up but didn't document anything. Many issues on-going that I have tried to resolve with admin & Director to no avail. Can't or won't show me documentation "because they don't take notes like a hospital" of moms information. When inquiring about what some of their protocols were the director told me 2x now, "If you're losing confidence or trust in us, we'd understand if you moved your mom". I was only asking a question. I could go on and on..... a patient walked out the 2 front doors 2 weeks ago, fortunately she was seen by another CG in the parking lot while in another residents room; a patients arm has been broken so long that when they recently x-rayed it, it's already started to heal and they would have to rebreak it to fix it....This is just craziness!! I'm sorry AlvaDeer, I am at a loss. Thanks for your reply, it is greatly appreciated!

This is a Facility we have been extremely happy with ( a few issues but, they were resolved ) for a good 6 months, we started having issues in January; which makes this even more difficult.
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My sister has had a number of injuries, disgusting food, missing damaged items, scabies infections, not receiving regular showers, medication ordered and given that was discontinued-no one contacted me about the meds or what the reason was for needing them. Same as you no one has an answer, no one will tell me anything about what happened. I have documented every single thing that happened with photos, emails to staff and admin about what happened. Told everything that happened to admin -they had a meeting.....eventually get back to me once or twice ( 4 falls) with no one accepting responsibility or explanation that ever made sense. I was told sis "flung" herself out of a wheelchair on Christmas day..... Sis does not have the upper body strength or coordination to do such a thing. She was left in the hallway with no way to get anywhere-can not move herself in the wheelchair ever. I have a 50 page complaint ready to go-I waited until we finally got sis out of there-this week-Yeah!

My state site says you can remain anonymous but then you will not receive any info regarding status etc of your case.

I was afraid of retaliation for sure-Sis would not remember when someone did something bad-I felt sure they would do what ever they could get away with while I am not there. I am filing my complaint this week with ombudsman. The staff will know who I am any way due to the evidence I am providing- there is no secret here. Facility will not be able to touch my sister now.
Helpful Answer (2)
Floridagirl6 Mar 2020
Thanks for your response medicaidmaze20! I'm sorry to hear your Sis hs been going through this and also very happy you were able to move her. I have filed a compalint with corporate.
The nursing facility will know that it was you when the Ombudsman approaches the Administrator. Let me add that I had a complaint about my Mom and went to Administrator and SHE told me to contact the Administrator herself. The Ombudsman is only a liason of sorts. The go-between person to resolve disputes. If I felt that my mother was being abused, I would contact DHEC and the police. They would investigate.
Helpful Answer (2)
elaineSC Mar 2020
correction: Administrator told me to call ombudsman herself and gave me the number!
IF true, I'd put the issue on hold and be looking for another place for mom and then follow up on it...she wouldn't be there for any retaliation. It's dreadful that you can't file a complaint. Is this a practice in general, or is it a particular employee? I also think you might get some info from an elder law attorney, or from the State Dept of HEalth which probably oversees complaints, and skip the ombudsman?
If it involves a nurse, there is the nursing board.
Helpful Answer (2)
Floridagirl6 Mar 2020
Thanks Gdaughter, exactly what we've done. Called the Dept of State in reference to this particular employee for clarification and have contacted our attorney to find out our rights and moms rights.
I agree - place a camera in the room until you can get her out and into somewhere else. Not all states allow but I took this from google: At least six states -- Illinois, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Washington -- have passed laws permitting families to install a camera in a nursing home if the resident and the resident's roommate have agreed. ... In other states, the law surrounding camera use is more vague.

Had it have not been for the camera we had in my mom's room, we would have not found out that her hospice nurse was verbally and physically threatening her.
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Get your Mom moved. You won’t rest easy until you do. If you approach the administrator enough, they will get her moved. Squeaky wheel gets the oil.
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First of all while retaliation is a valid fear, it is not allowed to happen. Retaliation by the staff could result in legal action on your part. The purpose of the ombudsmen is to be a mediator between families, residents, and the facility. I have worked with the ombudsmen on many occasions and the parties involved were not anonymous. Perhaps you are thinking of adult protective which typically involves anonymity.
Helpful Answer (1)
Floridagirl6 Mar 2020
Thanks and it's very possible as I am still fairly new to all of this.
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Look for another facility.
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Too distracted to engage in this thread very well, but it’s a great topic and I wish you the best. For what it’s worth, I too had been CERTAIN that the very point of ‘ombudsman’ was confidentiality.
Helpful Answer (1)
Floridagirl6 Mar 2020
Thank you Zdarov for your response! I understand, I think we're all so distracted with all the almost hourly updates to the changes/interruptions that have been affecting all of our daily lives, only to be toppled with no longer being able to see our loved ones (living in facilities) due to Coronavirus. It has been especially difficult having issues that have not been addressed where mom lives while at the same time not seeing mom daily.
God Bless You!
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