
Mom has a reverse mortgage home. Her son is mentally ill and has put her into $70K debt, neglects her and has mentally & emotionally abused her. Doctor has record of mom's mental & emotional state after he worked her over Aug 2018. He's turned her away from daughter who was caring for her at her home and talked her into get an apartment with him. He's NOT healthy to be around 24/7 especially in her declining mental capcity and memory loss. She says she's okay. She's been programmed to say what he wants. How can I get this stopped?

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I would think if the doctor has a record of this abuse, as a Mandated Reporter, he/she would have been obligated to report the abuse to Adult Protective Services. Because there is a record, contact an attorney and see if you can get a restraining order against him. If you don’t have Power of Attorney, I’m afraid your options are limited.
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I filed for a restraining order but had to postpone it. Then was able to get mom back home but he got her back in no time from taking all her money she had nothing to live on. I don't have a POA. She's loosing her home because of him. And he is preventing me from talking to her. She wanted to save her house when he found out she want to he threatened her some more and she's afraid to talk to me. I have tried APS they are absolutely worthless in my county. Police same thing. I don't know how a restraining order will work when he has been keeping her at his little apt. If I do that I won't be able to ever talk to her if I got the chance.
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Why did you postpone your application for a restraining order? When was this?

Is your plan still to return your mother to her own home, with the reverse mortgage on it, with - what? - support and care?

I think you might get further in discussions with APS and the police, and other agencies too perhaps, if you see your mother and your brother as a package and try to stop blaming him in your head. E.g "he put her into debt" "she has been programmed" "he's turned her away from daughter". Your brother is mentally ill. Stop attributing his misdeeds to intentional strategies.

Your mother loves her son. That is bad news for her, I agree - she would be richer and safer if she allowed other, better qualified people to take over his care - but until you align your plans with his welfare as well as hers she will undermine and oppose everything you do.
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