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They were dead on with my mom ( horrible pun, i know (cringing).
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They have no idea with my mom. I think it depends on the person and the point they are at present.
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This sounds like a "duh" thing to say - but I think the closer the person is to death - the more accurately they can predict a time line.

There are definite signs both physical and mental as death closes in. As it comes closer the signs switch to largely being physical. And even within the physical signs some are more imminent than others.

I found it helpful to go on-line and search something alone the line of "hospice signs of death". I am a planner and organizer by nature and knowing what to expect did bring me a small measure of comfort.

With my father - he passed in two days when hospice said two weeks so in his case - his physical signs did not follow the typical path. But without going into a long story - I do believe my father gave up and it was his own mental state that brought death a bit sooner than expected.

My mom passed in about 18 hours when hospice said a few days to a week. My mother did have the physical signs but they progressed much faster than hospice said is typical. So like my mom - she was always rushing around to get somewhere.
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Dear Rosco,

With my dad the doctor told us he had 6 months to one year and he passed two days later. I don't think anyone can predict with 100% certainty. I also think some people have a stronger will to live than others. I'm so sorry you are going through this difficult experience.
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My Mother's Doctor didn't think she had much time left and placed her on Hospice in July,2012 and she was on it until December,2015...For 3 and a half years straight.
Mother had a very strong will to live and I sure never wanted to loose her and she loved her family so much,she fought to hang on.and I believe our family had some lesssons to learn too.
I believe it was God's Perfect Timing.
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Rainmom, i think you are right about the closer, the more accurate. My mom was already actively dying when we started hospice.
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Sure hospice can predict how long someone has to live. They do it all the time. It just happens that they are not right all the time!

When I called hospice to report that my husband died they were surprised, since they thought he had weeks left. The palliative hospital nurse thought my mother wouldn't last the week. I don't remember if hospice made a prediction, but my mother "graduated" from hospice 3 months later and lived nearly 2 more years.

Yes, they can predict. And they are probably better at predicting than many other care professionals. But they definitely are not always right.
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No. Only once the death rattle started could they say for sure...she had only hours left.
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