
My father entered into rehab after almost dying from a 'staph' like infection. He was undergoing radiation and stopped eating. Lost more than 15 pounds in 2 weeks. The lied to us about his extreme weight loss. They refused to check his blood - except on Mon. and thurs. Once we told them we wanted him discharged on a Monday - so he could receive proper medical care, they started to test his blood and on Sunday at 3:30pm said he had an infection and was dehydrated (which he probably had for weeks) and needed IV. His vein collapsed so then he suddenly needed to go to the hospital. We begged them on Sat. to take him to the hospital and they said no. Sunday - the day before we were having him discharged to a hospital - they decide to do something. We think they are covering their butts for medical neglect. I would like to sue them - do we have a case?

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Who is his health care proxy? That is the person who should file any complaint by contacting the Florida state health department. It sounds like your father may have some cancer? Why the radiation? Radiation is no picnic, induces fatigue, appetite loss and suppresses immune system. Are you sure this is a rehab and not a Hospice place?
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My dad has cancer. It is not hospice - it is definitely a rehab place. My mom visits him every day (she has alzheimers) and a family friend. When I call the nurses station they give me very vague answers. They frequently lie to us telling us my dad gained weight, when he actually lost weight and when he was complaining he didn't feel well we called and asked them to send a doctor to see him, they said no. The doctor was in yesterday and said my dad needed a feeding tube but it could wait until Monday, when we were due to discharge him. Today - they told my mom, who has alzheimers as she was leaving for the day, by the way - we won't be discharging your husband tomorrow - he has an infection and needs an IV. The same place who told us they couldn't give him an IV because they don't do that. I will definitely report them to the Florida State Health Department. Nobody should be treated the way he was.
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If your dad needs a feeding tube and has cancer, he should probably be on hospice. Contact them. Your dad needs help.
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I know he needs help. He is going to the hospital now. We will speak to them about hospice.
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Who recommended that rehab place to you? If it was his family doc, I'd definitely let them know the level of care you feel your dad received. Also see if you can rate the place (anonymously) on the many ratings websites on the internet these days.
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You should contact the Long term Care Ombudsman in your state and report the problems you have encountered.
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shari01, I hope you or someone else has been keeping a diary of dates, times, what was done that day, the results, and the names of the Staff people you all spoke with on those dates and times. Plus a list of your Dad's medical issues. That would help if you wish to file a complaint regarding the facility and it's employees.
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He got an infection while in the rehab place. We just learned he had a heart attack while in there too. He is in critical condition in the ICU. Heading down there tomorrow.
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Shari, so sorry you have to go through this. If he has cancer, got radiation, lost a lot of weight, can no longer eat and suffered a cardiac arrest, plus an infection (likely due to the radiation treatments) then you need Hospice to help your family. Time is short. Forget a lawsuit. Focus on making him comfortable.
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It is tough. But trying to sue a place is exhausting. Perhap it may be better to see if they will re-imburse you for all the days and time spent there...Report the downfalls and disappointments you experienced. Let others know. Perhaps the time would be better spent with your dad instead of litigation....
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