
My sweet mom has ppaFTD-ALS, I was able to leave my ft job & went agency 2 days a week in order to move mom in with me. Then with covid my 2 day a week caregiver wasn't able to work so in turn I can't work. I'm left without health insurance & of course I don't qualify for Obama care unless I want to pay $300+ a month. Not an option.. Would there be a program that offers something for caregivers?

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Is your mom paying you to care for her?
If not she should be.
And your mom should also be paying for some of the household expenses.
While it sounds odd to "charge" her for her portion of food, gas, electric, homeowners insurance, mortgage and all the other bills you pay if she were living in a house or apartment she would have those expenses.
Same holds true for her paying you for caregiving. She would have to pay someone, she should pay you.
Helpful Answer (3)
Rice1775 Jan 2022
Sorry yes literally my mom pays for everything as we are living off her savings I was working to pay bills until 5 months ago we lost our in home caregiver & in this day in age finding a caregiver during covid in a rural area is an act of God. I have to pinch penny's everywhere we can as when money runs out & we have zero money the choice to have her here isn't going to be an option so I do all I can to keep her here.
First I would recheck with Market Place insurance as their rates dropped drastically for 2022 due to a new law. Some families/people are only paying $42 a month for their plan and others are not paying anything at all for their coverage. Definitely worth looking into. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
Also you can apply for Medicaid as well if you meet their qualifications.
But no, there isn't any insurance specifically for caregivers.
Helpful Answer (3)
Rice1775 Jan 2022
Yes ma'am thank you I have called them sadly without an income coming in my monthly rate was $300+ monthly. As we are living on my moms retirement saving & the little saving I have we don't qualify for alot of government programs but thank you for your suggestions. Yes insurance is very important. I've always had it & luckily I've never needed it. Now without you worry about needing it. Hoping someone has suggestions. Blesses to you
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MJ1929 Im unsure as to the world you live in but here in our world $300 is a chunk of change. As far as knowing how insurance work yes thank you I'm not an idiot. I'm not opposed to pay for insurance if it's the only option & I can somehow manage a way to get the money. Utilizing all resources we can in this world of unknown tends to help ease burdens in an already high stress situation. Again thats why I'm on the forum with literally thousands of members asking a question. Asking questions gets answers to questions possible 100s of people didn't know before. All it takes is one person who has ask the same thing & has something other than snide comments
Helpful Answer (3)
MJ1929 Jan 2022
I'm simply trying to point out the obvious.

You want insurance without paying for it.

You've endangered your own security and future in order to care for your mother. While that's noble, it'd be smarter to get her on Medicaid and placed somewhere where she'll receive good care, so you can continue to work and have security and be able to visit her. This is where you'll both end up anyway, so I'm not sure why the desire to bankrupt yourself and endanger your own health -- while having no insurance.

I'm a bit brusque, I know, but dancing around the obvious isn't useful IMO. You're going to burn yourself out with stress and anxiety, and you appear to have absolutely no safety net. Who'll take care of Mom when you go down?
Bob, if you have no income, what's called "Community Medicaid" is the way to go.

Call your local/County social services office today.
Helpful Answer (3)

You need insurance. I just got my bill for a colonoscopy and the cost was 23k. Thank God we have Medicare and BC/BS.

Medicaid in some states pay caregivers some pay for caregivers so you could work. It depends if Mom hits their criteria. Have you checked with the ALS foundation to see if they can offer anything. I know you realize that Moms care is going to be more than you may be able to do. I guess ur not willing to put her in skilled nursing?
Helpful Answer (1)
Rice1775 Jan 2022
No absolutely not an option putting her in a facility. & yes I know that at some point doing this on my own will become overwhelming we take it day by day. Lots if ups & downs over the last 2 years but we're a good team so far, so I will continue to fight as hard as I can to keep her here with me till the very end if I'm lucky enough
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I could argue with you all day about your lack of knowing my life & or that you assume I want something for free. I'm not asking for a handout I'm asking if there's programs to help with the cost of insurance for caregivers.. I don't remember any point in time asking your advice on my choice to have my mother in my care & to assume she would receive better care elsewhere is just fowl as is your bitter remarks of how you think my life is now in utter doom. With that being said unless you can offer some insight into my original question I would ask you be on your way sir & find another discussion to spew your negativity upon!!!!!!
Helpful Answer (1)
MJ1929 Jan 2022
"Sir" 😂😂

Fine. I'll step away from the conversation. You have one question that requires one answer -- and only the one you want, regardless of reality.

Good luck with that.

Maybe one day you'll listen to those with experience, but I have a feeling you're determined to learn the hard way.

Sorry I tried to help. Good luck to you.
Im starting to see a pattern with you. I'm not going to entertain or assume I care as to why you're such an argumentative demeaning person, I will say I personally don't want, need, or warrant your negativity in my life so once again I will ask you to move it along & thank you!
Helpful Answer (1)

If you were paid for caregiving by your mother, then you can buy insurance, or just put away $300 each month and hope that'll cover what you need.
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Rice1775 Jan 2022
While that sounds great, again I'm not working as I can not find a caregiver to help so the money we do have has to last as long as possible. $300+ a month is a chunk of change for a what if I need it luxury that we just can't afford. Hints the question of is there any insurance offered to caregivers
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