
My wife has a severe imbalance problem, and has to go to the bathroom frequently. Because of her balance problem, she only gets out of bed for meals and to go to the potty chair beside the bed. While in bed, she insists on laying on her back, with a pretty small pillow. Lately she has been experiencing what she describes as "choking." I try to get her to lay on her side; she won't do it. I try more pillows, to be in a more of a sitting position; she won't do it. She probably is getting some phlegm in her throat, but she doesn't seem to be able to clear it. Instead, she calls me or wakes me up to go to the potty, where instead of "going" she sips some Gatorade. She is probably experiencing some early dementia problems. Is this "choking" something that is common? Any suggestions on what might help?

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OldDog, seconding what Barb said about asking for a bed to be prescribed I'd add that it's important to get a proper one with the full range of movement. Adjustable beds in the ordinary sense only allow you to raise your head and torso; whereas a hospital bed can be tilted at the head or foot as well, and has a knee lift so that you can stop the person slipping down the bed uncomfortably. And of course they go up and down which is helpful both for reaching to support the person in it, and for helping her to get in and out of the bed. Don't buy in haste!
Helpful Answer (6)
RetiredWorking2 Oct 2021
You are absolutely right. I had a hospital bed for my mom post surgery. She stayed with me for several months after her operation and it was a benefit to get in and out of bed and to sleep comfortably. That was 10 years ago and I think I am going to get another hospital bed since she's 98 years young and coughing up phlegm every night. I put her pillows at a angle and give her hot turmeric tea at night with lemon. We also added a little Vicks to her chest. She's sleeping better and gagging a lot less. Thanks so much for reminding me about the hospital bed. Your post was a blessing and I am so grateful that I read other post for your concerns.
The choking sensation would probably go away if you switched to an adjustable-frame bed that could be raised at the head. It would not only let gravity help solve the problem, but might also make it easier for her to breathe.
I changed to this kind of bed about six months before the death of my fiance, and I honestly think it was one of the best things I could have done to make him more comfortable, especially when he deteriorated to the point that he needed supplemental oxygen.
At least check it out. Almost every mattress store sells these frames and the more-flexible mattresses that go with them—and they are the ONLY kind that some companies such as Mattress Firm now sell. Box springs are not required.
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I would discuss this with her doctor if it is a new occurrence.
Is she in a Hospital bed? If so try raising the head of the bed. That will gently raise the torso rather than an actual seated position.
Does she have problems with thin fluids? It is possible that fluids need to be thickened. If fluids are going down the trachea rather than the esophagus they can end up in the lungs and this can lead to what is called Aspiration Pneumonia and it can be fatal.
This should be evaluated.
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There is a neurological issue called globus, too, which could be related to brain function problems. Trouble is, I'm not sure it would help even if this could be confirmed or ruled out because your wife isn't in a position to understand and therefore be reassured by explanations. I'm also not sure if anything can be done to relieve it - I'll have a look-see.

Otherwise, I second the idea of a hospital or "profiling" bed - useful for both this situation and future reference.

Here you go - basic but clear leaflet for patients at
Hope you can access it okay.
Helpful Answer (3)
OldDog4321 Oct 2021
Thanks. I read the leaflet. I don't think she has Globus, but I'll try to see if anything seems to fit. I think if I could get her to sit more upright it would help, but she is pretty uncooperative. I think I will look into an adjustable bed, if I can find one for a reasonable price.
My dad had actual choking issues for which the doctor prescribed nitroglycerin. They were caused by muscle spasms, and while he wasn't truly choking, sometimes food got hung up where it shouldn't be. The nitroglycerin stopped the spasms in his throat and esophagus.

Your wife might be having similar spasms. It's worth having her checked out to determine what's going on.
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I've been taking care of my mom for years. I moved her and my disabled sister in with me last November to simplify my task. Every morning and every night Mom would get up hacking phlegm and spitting saying she was throwing. She gets up at least 3 - 4 times through the night and the upstairs bathroom is attached to my bedroom. She never ever ever closes the door so I never get to sleep. I moved downstairs to the family room. It's overwhelming...I've lived in my home alone with my dogs for 20 years and thought retirement would be a peaceful stretch. Being a family caregiver is a full time job with no vacation. MOVING FORWARD. A few weeks ago I started giving her turmeric tea at night before bed and putting "Vicks" on her chest and nostrils. She's breathing a lot better and not getting up gagging. I also noticed when she's eating sugar or candy she has more mucus. I took the candy bowl away from her night stand and replaced it with cough suppressants. So she eats those like candy. STOP. I added a little fresh lemon to the tea and continue to do the Vicks on her chest and nostrils at night. It seems to be working most of the time. She sleeps through the night and only gets up once to cough up mucus. The coughing is my signal to make her a cup of hot tea. She won't ask she just coughs or makes enough noise to let me know she's up..It gets a little annoying but I know what to do. She'll even call me to ask me if she can wake up my sister to make her some tea. She has to walk past my sister's bedroom to get to mine. SO - I make her a cup of hot tea with lemon and she's relaxing until I get up to make breakfast. Sometimes it's overwhelming but sometimes the simple things seem to work.
Warm tea is relaxing and my mom is 98 years young. The "Vicks" Vaporub is also a little relaxing and provides aroma therapy. Finally I burn a scented candle in the bathroom which permeates throughout the 2nd floor. That also helps her to relax. She's been sleeping better for the last to weeks and coughing and gagging a lot less. Be blessed and encouraged.
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Olddog, has any doctor recommended trying dramamine?

This happened to one of our pets and the dramamine really helped her with her balance.

Not comparing her to an animal but, the ears are very similar and when we lose those bones that are for our balance we walk like we have had to much to drink. So did my dog. It helped her readjust and she walked fine for 5 more years.

Just a thought.
Helpful Answer (1)
Cashew Oct 2021
Some doctors do not prescribe Dramamine (and Meclizine) to people aged 65 or over because it may produce an increased effect of dementia and amnesia and lead to greater confusion.
OldDog, does your wife not have a hospital bed, ordered by her doctor and paid for by Medicare?
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The choking sounds postural.. like when people snore or have sleep apneoa if lying flat on their back.

Have heart issues or stroke been ruled out? I don't mean to alarm but these can cause problems. I have seen sudden choking (someone with both issues). Saliva going down the wrong due to swallowing difficulties? Build up of fluid in lungs? I am not trained to know. Sitting more upright does seem to help though.

Strange your wife won't...but then, maybe she feels dizzy when upright?

The getting up & down so often could be obsessive thinking? Then again, symptoms of an UTI may be causing increased urge/frequency?

Are you wanting to start the merry-go-round of doctors, tests & specialist appointments towards treatment & cure?

Or are you more looking to provide relief of this symptom for her?

I think getting a good night's sleep should be moved up the priority list. For both of you. I hope you can find some advice that works.
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I would suggest that her doctor evaluate her or get a referral for a neurologist. "Choking" symptoms may be related to some impairment of the brain for swallowing or of the structures of the throat. Try a foam wedge that reaches down to midback or waist or putting the top of the bed on some blocks. They sell these at Bed, Bath, and Beyond or Walmart, so the head of the bed is higher than the foot.
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