
We live on 13 acres along with our business. I am caring for 92 yo parents. They have become increasingly dependent on me. Dad doesn't know how to use phone and Mother is beginning to have problems too. Is there some device that is simple for them to contact me while I am at my business about 1,500 feet from our home. Preferably not a 2-way radio, but an intercom of sorts. Any advice would be appreciated.

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I found the greatest device for my mother to use. It's a pendant 2-way communicator, which can be worn around the neck, on her wrist or attached to the wheelchair. It has 600' of coverage from the main unit. You can program up to 4 numbers for it to call. It will start with the first number and if no answer, it will dial the next number. You can choose to have 911 as the 5th and last number to call. She can also receive calls on it when her phone rings. Some days she can remember how to dial the phone, but her eye sight is poor and her hands and fingers are crippled with arthritis. The pendant has just one button to push. Simple!! It's called Touch N' Talk and I got it from Amazon.
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There is equipment that is similar to the paging systems used in various care facilities that use a pager that is signaled by various means such as door switches, door mats, motion alarms, panic buttons. Most have a range of about 600 feet. You might need to inquire about systems with longer range. Perhaps something more like a warehouse pager or announcing system. I have just ordered a system for us to let me know if and when my wife tries to get out of the house when I may be sleeping or bathing. It range is limited but at least I will be notified through the pager.
Too bad you can't find a set of the old growler telephones. They might remember how to use them.
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Apple iPads are very user-friendly. Get one and put the Facebook messenger on it and add each other to your contacts. There's a feature within the messenger where you can just call someone in your contacts with just the tap of a little phone symbol. The Apple iPad doesn't really need a whole lot sitting on the desktop. Anything you can't get rid of that's integrated into the OS, just put it into a folder and onto a separate desktop they don't see. Keep the messenger on the main desktop and show them how to open the app, tap your name and then the little phone should be in the upper right-hand corner. 

Another option would be to get walkie-talkies, but I'm not sure if they're still making walkie-talkies anymore since computers and other mobile devices are now the thing. Even CBs have dropped off the radar as computers and other technology replaced them. Some of the old technology is either gone or fading as new technology becomes the norm. If you don't know how to run new technology, your left behind, so you're aging parents better learn something or they're going to be screwed if I don't know how to use a modern cell phone or other modern technology
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I was going to suggest a dinner gong or triangle too.

That is what my grandmother used to call us kids to dinner. The sound travels well. But it will only work if hung outside and you have a window open to hear it.
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We have Alexa. She is programed to call me if Mom says "Alexa, trigger Help"
My phone is programed that even if it is on silent, it sounds a siren. You can program it
however you need. The only problem is if she cannot remember the command (we
have it posted on the wall in large print) or if she is too weak to speak loud enough ( i.e. the TV is on). It is a great idea but it still has its limitations.
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What great ideas! Thanks.
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How about a wireless doorbell? I don't know what their range is but they are very cheap. We use one hubby has the ring part by his bed and I have the button beside my chair.
I also have an emergency alert from our security company which i actually heave in the bathroom. But although it is not a good idea wearing it was frustrating because it was so easy to set off.
I am looking into a cell phone type devise that has GPS tracking on it. When my hip broke i was on the road and fortunately some one stopped and helped me get up. I was then able (somehow) to take a few steps and get back in the car and drive home
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I was going to suggest a baby-monitor too.

Have you checked the Alzheimer's website? There are all sorts of things for handicapped people, some medicare approved. All you need is something where you can hear if they need you - it doesn't necessarily have to make it so you can have a conversation since you would be running back to the house anyway.
A friend of mine uses the key-car-alarm to alert his wife that she is needed in the house. If her car starts screaming, she starts running. And that is cheap enough too.

They could even wear the key on a necklace of sorts, like the first alert buttons.
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Many care giver agencies also market technology based systems for monitoring and communication . As mentioned by others there is a lot of technology available depending upon their needs and yours. Contact a couple of agencies so they can explain and provide you estimates. I feel confident there is a system to fit your needs and theirs.
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My mother has an alert pendant. It calls my cell phone if she presses the button. (If I don't answer it will call several other phones and then 911 if nobody answers.) The one she has does not have a monthly fee. It connects to her home phone so they'd have to have a land line, but to call me she only has to push the button on her pendant, she doesn't have to be near the phone as long as she's in the house or within range of the phone. It has a speaker - she can talk to me once I pick up the phone. If she hits the button by accident, she can tell me that when I pick up the phone.
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I did a google search as Windyridge suggested and there are some good systems out there, one that caught my eye was neon green and provides two way communication up to a mile, but it is pricey and you might not want to spend that much. They also have a pendant system designed for the elderly that works through the phone system. Check out and look for wireless systems.
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Call them frequently and have them use the speaker - one touch and it comes on. My dad is hard of hearing, so we got a caption phone.
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I went on Amazon and found what's called a caregiver pager. It works great for our situation. The one I have only goes about 300 feet but they have others that you could look into. Mom has trouble using the phone also. Once she accidentally called her friend in another state instead of me to say she had to go to the bathroom. Lol. The downside is that it's only a signal, either a light or a sound depending on how you set it up, but at least it lets you know they need you. Perhaps you could then call them instead of them having to figure out how to call you. Someone also mentioned a Life Alert type system. Mom also has one of those for emergencies and they do call me first. You can Google caregiver pager or caregiver button or search for them on Amazon or Ebay.
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Thoughts of the old time dinner bells come to mind. A baby monitor system? An alert system that would call you first if something happened?
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Don't know if this will help your particular situation, but we purchased a DropCam a couple of years ago that has turned out to be a life savor! We have two cameras, one in the living room and one in the bedroom and can communicate with our mom 24/7. You can view and talk to them. Unfortunately, although they will be able to talk to you and hear you as well, they won't be able to initiate a conversation unless you are happening to look it at that time.
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Fiona, what about a security camera that shows you at work... then Mom & Dad can walk by the  screen to see if you are there, that would help make them feel that you are close by. But then I don't know if you would want Big Brother watching you all day long.

Do you still have a landline in the house? Some landline phones have a speed dial where the person just pushes one number and it automatically dials to your office. The button could have a pink sticker on it which hopefully won't be difficult for your parents to use. Just a thought.
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If they can't use a phone, learning to use an intercom probably won't work.  That's the problem with so much tech stuff, panic buttons etc. , elders can no longer figure out or remember very simple stuff.

But there are wireless intercoms that are cheap and simple. If there is electrical wiring between the 2 buildings you can use a plug in type that uses the building wiring.  I use the latter between my barn and house.  Just google it.
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