
My mom passed last June and since then unexplained things have happened to both of us but mainly my dad who lives in an assisted living facility. Examples: He wears hearing aids and one disappeared. He looked everywhere for several days with no luck. One morning he found it in his bathroom right by the sink. He's the only one who uses his bathroom. Once he thought another resident was flirting with him. That night a clock fell off the wall knocking down a picture of he and my mom on their first date. I'm driving their car and using my mom's keys. After visiting my dad, the keys went missing. I tore apart the car looking for them, went back inside, looked everywhere but no keys. The next morning they were sitting in my purse, right at the top and easily visible. My dad has realistic dreams of mom sitting on his bed, saying how lonely she is and what's taking him so long. His cell phone starts playing music in the night but he doesn't have music downloaded. I have a picture of my parents and my husband at our wedding sitting on my dresser. Several times it just fell backwards onto the floor. This last one is the most eerie. My mom passed at 9:30 pm. When I picked up her belongings from the nursing home, the clock she had was broken and guess what the time was? 9:30 of course. Just wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this.

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I go back and forth believing in ghosts and restless spirits. Last summer a weird thing happened at my house. I have a "great room" style main floor - no walls separating the kitchen, dining room and living room. Overall the space is cozy - i.e. small. I was home alone, dogs sitting with me in the living room. My dogs bowls are in a raised meter stand. Now, I didn't see it happen but heard a big crash behind me. The entire metal stand along with two metal bowls had crashed about four feet away from where it usually stood. No water or kibble spilled from point a to point b - just a big dumped mess at point b. I even took a pic of it to show my hubby. But here's the spooky part - a few days later our next door neighbor told me the man who had built our house and lived there for fifty years had passed away - on the day of the dog bowl incident. Nothing since then. Creepy, right?
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Some people do see their dead spouses or loved ones after they're gone. My grandmother believed in fortune telling using tarot cards, etc - and she swore that her husband visited her nightly for months after he died, and then one day, he said he wouldn't see her again until she passed away, because she was ok now, and would be all right without him until then. She didn't mention seeing him again.

I've had people ask if Mom or I have seen Dad since he passed. We haven't.
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the only thing eerie thats ever happened to me was about a month after my mom died and i returned home , i took my renters dad to another town to recover his pickup truck with a lowboy trailer . while winching his truck up onto the trailer i got overheated and laid my old army pile cap on the trailer tongue . a couple months later i was upstairs in my own house talking to the renter and my hat was lying on " my " dining room table . it didnt take long to figure it out . the hat had fallen off the trailer tongue , someone picked it up and donated it to a free charity store in yet another town . the renter had picked it up for me because she knew it was the kind of hat i usually wore .
this is not only a true story but it couldve gotten even crazier than bouncing back to my own dining room table . if i hadnt visited the renter and her dad for a few more days she would have probably came to the basement and crammed my hat right back ONTO MY HEAD ..
i still really dont attribute it to anything supernatural but it sure was some hellish bunch of coincidence . the hat is so ragged and paint stained that 99 out of 99.00001 people would have even considered it salvageable . it should have been tossed in the nearest dumpster .
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I do have some interesting (and true) tales of ghostly encounters that I experienced personally if anyone would like to read them - private message me. Nothing scary, just interesting experiences that were later confirmed by others and also by news accounts of the death of the person. I worked with a ghost for a few years, believe it or not.
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It seems like many believe that those who have passed can still make their presence known. I find it rather comforting to know that my mom is still hanging around. I appreciate those who took time to share their experiences.
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Har har har, Cap - nope. No dogs. Just a little boy who wanted attention - and still does. The building still stands and he's still there. It's a museum now, and they incorporated his presence into it, by confirming his existence and posting copies of the news articles about his death.
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Marcia and Rainmom, I tend to believe in ghosts and restless spirits. They may be real or just coincidental. I saw a ghost at one time over 25 years ago, it was a white mist that lasted about 5 seconds. The subdivision I lived in was once property of an old historic manor house. And the ghost was looking out the window over to the manor house.

Now my Mom's parent's 200+ year old farm house in Connecticut is haunted by a previous owner who had passed away in the house. My family was use to the ghost being around, but I never got to see it. The ghost was very polite and mischievous. She was usually just moving small things around.

Rainmom, that was spooky about the dog dishes. I remember my Mom's family saying when my grandmother had passed away in the hospital, that her dog at home started to wail, and it started right at the minute she passed.

This one was really weird, had nothing to do with the passing of anyone... I have a very old Mercedes that was built for European delivery [meaning it wasn't designed for U.S. use]... one night the radio stopped and eventually I could get only one station, and what I heard sounded like a Hitler speech. Talk about a cold chill. Reminded me of the Jodi Foster movie "Contact".
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Tacy - My mom has always been into all that. As a result I grew up knowing how to read palms and tarot cards - pretty rusty on the palms these days. I also had foretelling dreams and horrible, horribly nightmare - started when I was a pre-teen and I believe to be responsible for my life long insomnia. I mean who wants to go to sleep when THAT is what you'll see? Anyhow - I've always felt that communication with the "other side" was somewhere I didn't ever what to go - so I'm with you on your advice not to try and communicate back!
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When we first moved in this house, I was happy but worried about the expenses, and so not totally "happy" about it. We used to have things happening for about a month until I settled in a decided I loved the house. Doors would be found unlocked, once a candle was burning when I got up, but only a small pool of wax as if it had just been lit.. every bulb I replaced blew out. It was wierd, but I am one of those who sensed things before they happened.. and I also don;t sleep well.
Maybe she is trying to let Dad know she is still around? At least she is helpful!
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susan i hope it wasnt the ghost of a dog telling you to murder people . the discrancy is usually traced back to the human .
then its rubber truck time tee tee , hoho . hee hee ..
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