
Approved for Medicaid in February, 2021. Started paying nursing home in February, 2021. They sent a refund. I question why. Business manager said “county didn’t push the button.” Every month, nothing. Business manager said Covid funds have been paying. I asked if Medicaid was renewed in December, she said everyone was approved because of the health emergency issued. I don’t want my mom denied due to accumulating SS.

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I'm not sure what you mean by covid "funds" -- the covid relief money is not considered income so does not threaten Medicaid. My MIL got the $1400 last year and she still qualifies for Medicaid. If your Mom's facility has a Resident Trust (for her to spend on internal services, like hair salon, nails, gift shop) then use some of the covid relief money to fund that for her.
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How much has accumulated in her account? Start withdrawing the money in cash. Set it aside though. Open another bank account that the nursing home doesn't know about and deposit it. Or get a safety deposit box and literally stash the cash.
Don't spend it. Just hold onto it. Don't mention it to the nursing home either. Then wait. If Medicaid catches it up then they will let you know how much they may be owed. If they don't, there's no need to remind them. You owe the nursing home nothing though because they're being paid for.
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Not the stimulus payment. For some reason, the government is paying, they told me. I’ve yet to be billed the entire year.
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I have never heard of this so I looked it up but didn't find much on it.

Seems Moms NH is using the funds to offset what Medicaid doesn't pay. I would think though, you should still be paying her SS. Medicaid does not pay what someone would privately. In 3 months my Mom owed Medicaid about 6k. I would call Moms Medicaid caseworker and find out what is going on. I would not take the accumulated SS and hide it, this is fraud. I think the NH may not realize how the money is to be used.

That stimulus check cannot be used for room and board. Its money that the resident can spend anyway they want. They can gift it if they want. The NH does not controll how it is used.

Please come back and tell us what u find out.
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No, I would not remove the money from her account. This is not her fault, it is whoever is not billing the home. The nursing home is being paid. I don’t know what they mean when they say the county has not “hit the button”. I go there daily. The business manager has called the caseworker. All they say is that everyone is approved for Medicaid (whether they qualified or not) during the public health emergency. They said when that is ended, they will sift through everyone who isn’t qualified. It will be a mess. No one can tell me why my mom hasn’t paid her nursing home. It is VERY frustrating.
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BurntCaregiver Mar 2022
whatever you do, do not give the nursing home access to any of your mother's banking information.
Also, when I renewed in December, I still haven’t heard back if she was approved, when I questioned that, same story, EVERYONE is approved during the Public Health Emergency. I also asked what they need for approval, as nothing was asked. The nursing facility said if they ask, they need one month worth of statements. They asked for nothing,
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I bet it is frustrating. For now hold onto the money. Document everything you have been told. Maybe send an email to the Administrator saying that you have been told that for now the government is picking up the tab so no SS payments need to be made. Hopefully he will respond that this is correct. Then print that off and put with Moms paperwork. There is your proof for Medicaid. I may want something from the caseworker too.

I had a General Manager who wanted me to do something I knew I shouldn't. I had him sign a note that he gave me permission to do it. Weeks later he came to my desk and asked why I had done what I did. I pulled out the signed note. He grinned and said "you got me". Always cover ur tail.
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Gennya27 Mar 2022
Thank you! That is a good idea. I have kept the copy of the refunded payment, also. They are so short staffed that it takes them awhile to get back to me. I will hire an attorney if my mom is denied renewal. Thank you all for the responses, it is very frustrating working with ANY government agency.
My MIL is on Medicaid in memory care, BIL says she needs to spend down again, money has accumulated… I don’t understand how that happens….
he purchased furniture for her use and ultimately later inheritance…
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